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© 2012 AFPLady Gaga warned to tone down Philippine show
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© 2012 AFP
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I think Lady Gaga should ratchet it up for the hardline Islamists.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Apparently, the protesters are not familiar to the Makati fun district of Manila, chock full of lewdness and debauchery.
First the Korean Christian fundamentalists, then Islamist extremists, and now the holy Catholics. What next? She should add Russia, China and India to her list if she hasn't done so already. That'll be fun!
Go girl!
she's an industry Frankenstein fraud, nothing artistic involved, just typical sex and death tactics used in 1970s era subliminal advertising for cigarettes and the like.
shut her down!
she obscene!
"refrain from nudity, lewd conduct and blasphemy"? That ought to knock her two hour show down to about 12 minutes.
I find nothing as obscene as the use of that word. Live a little.
Lady Gero's comment:
"Sorry! Can't cut those things out of the show. There wouldn't be anything left!"
I sure hope she does this when in Australia !! stick it to all the hardline religious nutcases !!
she's rather dull actually - nothing that hasn't been done being in other guises...
How come some of her songs sound exactly like Madonnas? Same melody just different words.
Unless she goes to MIndanao, she has nothing to fear in the Philippines. Unlike a certain other religion, Catholic fundamentalists only protest; they don´t enforce the religious demands with death threats.
That is decidedly not true. There are plenty of crazy "jihad" Christians. Look at that Norwegian terrorist, exhibit A.
Man, these articles are so embarrassing for.. the world in the 21st century. You think we're growing up, only to find that we're still in the middle ages in some places.
For CHRISTS SAKE its only a concert!
When the religions of the world atone for all the death & depravity associated with them, THEN they can take a shpt at Gaga, until then they dont have ANYTHING to stand on the hypocrites!
And I dont even like Gaga, but the religious sanctimonious types need to take a LONG HARD LOOK IN THEIR OWN MIRRORS!
haha filipinos complain about nudity but have one every corner gogo sex bars !!! hypocrits
gogo bars on very corner? Have you actually been there? Maybe your are talking about America and Europe because they have strip clubs there on every corner. Is Lady Gaga the kind of woman the rest of the western people, would like to represent them? Think again. Don't look down on the Philippines because we shouldn't be embarrass because we are not the ones stripping at concerts for the world to see, Many western people are poor at understanding and respecting other cultures.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Omicron, have you been to Makati? Haven't you ever played "smiles"? Been there, done that!
Yes, I've been to Makati but definitely not the kind of place you go to. Have you been to America and Europe? No need to specify a place, because they are everywhere anyway, chock full of lewdness and debauchery.
Erik Lars
She was groomed for her part, just like Zuckerberg and Obama.
True story.
A strong, talented woman who worked herself up from the bottom, gives an amazing show and uses her money and fame to support good causes... sure! She can represent us any day. Do YOU want to be represented by intolerant religious bigots? jw.
Have YOU been to America or Europe? I'm guessing not. I'm from small town America and I know a lot of grannies who would be absolutely livid at your insinuation that we are "chock full" of strip clubs wherever you go.
Did the Koran, a manuscript dating back about 1500 years, identify Lady Gaga as a devil's messenger or was it the educated Islamic clerics in the 21st century?
Islam... so much fun.
Aliasis, I got the "chock full of lewdness and debauchery" from Herve Nmn L'Eisa. Check out his post,
"A strong, talented woman who worked herself up from the bottom, gives an amazing show and uses her money and fame to support good causes... sure!"
Well, it depends what kind of shows she is doing and I think it should respect other cultures too right?
" She can represent us any day. Do YOU want to be represented by intolerant religious bigots? jw."
Yes, because there arevmany people at the church who worked themselves up from the bottom just to serve the people and the communities in the country and use their money to support better causes.
It sounds like the fundamentalists in S. Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines want the Muppet Show instead of a Lady Gaga concert..
Why do these knuckleheads wait until tickets for the shows have already been sold? Had they made their threats beforehand she could've bypassed these places and played more shows in Japan or other places.
manila, home to prostitution and pedophelia complaining of lewdness? and what is so lewd about "...a mechanical horse, wearing a black bodysuit and an enormous black metal headpiece." manila should look into its own immediate back yard before claiming 'lewdness' to others..
Are you talking about your own country too? When people talk about prostitution and pedophilia, I don't think Manila is known for it. Better check your own backyard.
Toning it down in the Philippines just means leaving the ping pong balls at home. Lady Gaga should able to do her usual, derivative Madonna rip off show without a hitch.
As usual the extremists are trying to scare the world into submission. What about how many of these countries treat women as nothing more then a dog on a leash lol. Gaga is seen as a threat because of her influence and being a strong independent women. Something which is frowned upon in many Asian countries. You do what you are told and don't rock the boat, especially if you are a women. They are just using her as an excuse to mask their own internal problems. The Philippines are certainly not as Innocent as they like to claim either.
Women in the Philippines continue to suffer from state-perpetrated human rights violations. There are more than a thousand cases of extra-judicial killings that have been committed under the GMA regime. Over 170 of them were women. Women constitute almost 100 of 200+ cases of enforced disappearances, and 771 out of 1107 cases of illegal detention. Until this culture of impunity prevails, women will continue to suffer from violence. So don't tell me how innocent the Philippines are. We aren't living in the dark ages anymore. It's about time we stop acting like it. Don't use Gaga as a political screen to hide behind your own countries failures.
I heard she makes her entrance for the show through a huge vagina. I understand the "if you don't like it don't watch it" concept, but is this bullsh*t really needed?
"Islam... so much fun"
Catholicism... so much fun.
Such hypocrisy from Manila, one of the sin capitals of Asia.
Attempted censorship is not a unique phenomena occurring only to Lady GaGa- It has been happening since the beginning of civilization, to far greater talents.
If these hardline groups want to find the devil's messenger, just look in a mirror- its right there in front of you.
Having seen her in concert I can understand why a religious country might worry. That being said, she's just become so boring with the need to try and continually shock people. Gaga, settles down, have kids and become a SAHM if you want to shock people. Everything you do has been done before. Ask Madonna.
Because mechanical horses are signs of the devil!
Devil's messenger sounds like a good name for a rock group.
I'm not impressed with her LAME MUSIC but you can't just go to a country and PUSH your ideals into the faces of people. LADY GAGA knows she's not a kid anymore and she has to WAKE UP and respect different cultures.
She's out there to produce shock value and surprise the masses. But REALLY have you ever been to her concerts.
She promotes herself as being INTELLIGENT, WISE (because she can sing), INDEPENDENT, SUPPORTS GAY EQUAL RIGHTS, AGAINST BULLYING, & GOD FEARING but promotes DEVIL WORSHIP all in one album.
But dresses like a SKANK & Rocky Horror Show !!!!
calm down
50,000 people have bought tickets to THE Gaga show..they obviously know what she gives and they have obviously laid down their cash for that deal..which raises considerable doubt about anyone in the audience being offended..
Elbuda Mexicano
I heard Lady Gaga has 666 printed under her eyelids,she is satan himself, according to my hard core Evangelical Christian relatives back in the USA. LOL???
Thomas Anderson
Hahaha, I think that you've just revealed their false halo... They only really care about themselves and their own "morals", not others.