Actress Maki Horikita, 22, will play a villain for the first time in her upcoming movie, an adaptation of Keigo Higashino's popular novel "Byakuyako" (Into the White Night), which will co-star Kengo Kora, 23. "This year I'd like to try lots of new things," Horikita said.
One such new challenge, she said, is playing a villain for the first time in her career. "The idea that people are going to watch it and think, 'This girl's really scary' is a little unsettling," she said. " However, I hope as many people as possible will see the movie."
"Into the White Night," directed by Yoshihiro Fukagawa, will be released on Jan 29.
© Japan Today
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Maki is way too beautiful to play a villain. They should get one of those ugly Shibuya girls or freaky Harajuku idiots on the streets to play the part instead. I think they would match the role much better.
That will be a cute villain!
Give me a budget and free rein, and I could make a classic in less than a year. Deploying a staff culled from the streets of Shibuya and a shita-machi area, I would combine stylistic elements from Fellini, 80s shows like Dallas and Happy Days, and the classic Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS series. There are endless possibilities and angles to explore.
Maki will be a great villainess!
Who isn't happy when they get to play the villain?
It feels good to be bad!
She looks like a villain in the first place. She is one of the actresses I think has delusion of greatness when not so.
Wow, what did she ever do to you to deserve that comment? I agree with goddog, a bit cute for a villain.
she is better off playing the violin
She was very good in the stage play Joan of Arc that was on recently.
Woow, I like this photo. I'm really looking forward to watching her new movie. She's always cute and beautiful.
She is a natural beauty and a very talented actress. Probably best known for her role as a country girl in the film "Sunset on Third Street".
life over there must be very slow