Japan Today

Maki Horikita looking for boyfriend as she celebrates 20th birthday


Popular actress Maki Horikita this week was given a “20th Birthday Memorial and Appreciation Party” at a hotel in Tokyo. About 250 media people were invited to schmooze with Horikita who turned 20 on Oct 6. Horikita said she had a private birthday party at home with her parents.

Asked about boyfriends, she said, “I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, but I'd like to do my best to find one from now on. I'd like to be married within 10 years. I hope I'll still be attractive then.”

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Another one "without a boyfriend." She needn't worry though she's only 20, got plenty of years left.

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Well if she's giving herself 10 years the odds are pretty good she'll end up getting married. I also like to schmooze.

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Doesnt she want to be successful? Is the goal of all Japanese women just to get married?

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Popular actress Maki Horikita this week was given a “20th Birthday Memorial and Appreciation Party”

I dislike this use of "Memorial" in Japan. She's not dead yet.

Why not "Maki Horikita's 20th Birthday Party”? Wouldn't sound so highfalutin' I guess.

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Nobuta no produce!!!! She was great in that drama. I think she not need worry about boyfriends or being married. Just be young and have fun!

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I'm available baby! If you don't mind the generation gap.

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About 250 media people were invited to schmooze with Horikita

Apparently these events are very big on the local Tokyo Yiddish-speakers' social calendars.

I was going to go, but I thought "Feh! I'd rather take schvitz!"

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“I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment, but I’d like to do my best to find one from now on. I’d like to be married within 10 years. I hope I’ll still be attractive then.”

This sums up the mentality of many young Japanese women. They dont think about a job or career. They dont think about financial or emotional independence. They tend to define themselves by the men they are with. So sad. There are many many beautiful women in Japan...on the outside.

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Is the goal of all Japanese women just to get married?

It is the be-all and end-all of their existence. It is their love, it is their passion, it is his fault he didn't bag up in the heat of the moment.

I'd like to be married within 10 years

Clock's tickin baby. You have 3650 days, give or take a few, but don't take those few lightly, it is of the utmost importance you get married before 30.

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As of her birthday, she has more accurately 3,652 and 1/2 days (factoring in leap years) someone should put up a Maki Horikita countdown clock somewhere to motivate her. "Only 30 days left!? Oh no, I'm a loser!" Is JT trying to pimp her out?

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I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment, but I’d like to do my best to find one from now on. I’d like to be married within 10 years. I hope I’ll still be attractive then.

I know the average women in Japan has difficulties getting married over a certain age, but is this really the same for freaking model/celebrities?

I hope I’ll still be attractive then.

Frankly, you'll probably look like you're 22.

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I am chinese I like Maki Horikita verymuch Go Go !

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if she didn't get married and have kids and all were like her then Japan would have no people. Be realistic people. You all came from somewhere so reflect how old your folks were when you ungratefuls popped out.

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Uhm...she got asked about boyfriends, so she answered the question by saying she would like to find one and would also like to get married in the next ten years. What is wrong with that?

If she had been asked about her dreams for the futureand she had answered that way...maybe you might all have a point, but at the moment, you all seem like a bunch of whingers.

Maki, uhm I am single.

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Leave her alone she is just a kid.

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'If I am still attractive', we really have come to that as a statement, how we look; what about the diamonds on the inside?

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"I'd like to be married within 10 years. I hope I'll still be attractive by then."

I betcha she will be.

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Talk about low self-esteem.


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I dislike this use of "Memorial" in Japan. She's not dead yet.

I think they are trying to sound "correct". That is so important to the Japanese that they end up misusing the English language. "Anniversary" is actually correct as one only has one birthday.

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Appreciation Party

I think I deserve one of those.

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the whole "i've never had a boyfriend" bit causes most journalists to roll their eyes and snicker. i guess what she really meant was that she's tired of the casting couch and the production company's monopolization of her social life. however, as in 1940s/1950s america, such is "the price of fame" in japan.

Moderator: Malicious gossip is not appropriate for this forum.

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"I'd like to be married within 10 years. I hope I'll still be attractive by then."

I betcha she will be.

I betcha she wont think she is. Spidey is correct.

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I'm sure the Japan Family Planning Institute is in close contact with her talent agency to exploit opportunities like this to get their message across. To what degree they reflects her personal view will be revealed in the cat and mouse game with the Japanese paparazzi in the coming year.

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I like her acting, it's a pity she seems to have such a low opinion of herself. Is it necessary for women in the 21st century to define who they are through marriage and the way they look? Surely she should be proud of her acting skills, which put her above the endless stream of cute young Japanese actresses?

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Umm onewrldoneppl, actually she never said that she never had a boyfriend.

Can`t you read she said “I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment,...thats a bit different.

At the moment means now.

I wish people would just not ask those dumbass questions and leave her to grow up on her own.

Maki just do your best, don`t worry about the paparazzi who only have a camera to hide behind, You on the other hand have money and a career!

Don`t let them hound you into something, like they did with Princess Diana into that french tunnel.


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malicious? JT is nothing if not a forum for the malicious. perhaps you're new here.

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I think she's right to worry about a boyfriend and Marriage. Being a celebrity is no guarantee that you can marry anytime you want.

Look at Miyuki Kanbe. She just recently died of heart failure at the age of 24. No husband or kids. I'm sure the family would be happier if there was a little Miyuki left to help take her place.

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Maki just do your best, dont worry about the paparazzi who only have a camera to hide behind, You on the other hand have money and a career! Dont let them hound you into something, like they did with Princess Diana into that french tunnel.

this is by far the funniest thing I have read on JT all year

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She's not that attractive now. I'd say she'll look better 10 years from now and might actually have something interesting to say.

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peoples!!! she didn't say that she NEVER had a boyfriend. she said that she doesn't have one RIGHT NOW!!! and she said she hopes she'll still be attractive in 10 years, which means that she thinks she's attractive right now. thus, she does have a high self-esteem. get with the program!!!

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I think they are trying to sound "correct". That is so important to the Japanese that they end up misusing the English language. "Anniversary" is actually correct as one only has one birthday.

Happy birthday anniversary to you,

Happy birthday anniversary to you,

Happy birthday anniversary dear blvtzpk,

Happy birthday anniversary to you!

Nah...Doesn't sound quite right...

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You know, I think a lot of posters here get ticked off because the celebrity-du-jour always answers the Boyfriend question with a "I'd like to be married by (age)" I think they should say "I'd like to be married when I meet someone who truly loves and respects me." The married-by-date answer makes it sound that whoever is the boyfriend when she hits the magic age will be the fortunate/unfortunate one who gets to/has to marry her. And that all the boyfriends before were just toys. Or tools. Or playthings. Hmmm. Me! Me!

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"I’d like to be married within 10 years. I hope I’ll still be attractive then.” - she means, she'll stay be attractive for her fans as even married one.

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She gave answer on Kat Toon Show last year,she doesn't want to married but she wants to have a baby, so she already changed her mind.

She 's independet girl.

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She has a special "gravure" spread in Weekly Playboy as well to celebrate her 20th.

Many men may also be celebrating.

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