Japan Today

Manners more attractive than boobs, says Mika Kano


Celebrity Mika Kano this week released her first essay book “Oppai ni Tsumatte Irumono" (Something beyond boobs), giving women tips on how to be more attractive. Kano says manners make a woman a more attractive person than physical features.

“I hope this book will be a sort of hint for women how to conduct themselves in public so that they will be at their attractive best."

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They remind me of that American woman who paid all kinds of money for plastic surgery to permanently look like Barbie. Anyone remember her name? I mean, boobs are nice, but the last time I checkd, you couldn't hold a conversation with them, let alone an intelligent one.


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Boobs please ..... Go read http://properfacebooketiquette.blogspot.com A better picture?

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"Kano says manners make a woman a more attractive person than physical features."

If that's what she really thinks, why has she & her 'sister' been lining the pockets of plastic surgeons for years?

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It's the Japanese Cindy McCain!

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Imagine if the Kano sisters were on the titanic together maybe that ship could have been saved, enough flotation there.


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Yeah the other way around!

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Wow! Boobs with boobs! How did manners get into this in the first place?

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Mika won a Miss Japan (or similar) competition when she was younger. She isnt an unattractive woman.. just had too much work. But Kyoko is beginning to look scary. There is a 3rd 'sister' who they have nothing to do with now - she was suspected of stealing from Kyoko... Have you ever seen them on downtown deluxe? The clothes they wear are soooo expensive ( one of the shows corners is to show guests personal clothing ). They couldnt possibly afford all that on just a few book sales and DHC commercials... not to mention the foriegn bodyguards...

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in the event of a water landing flotation devices will be provided by the Kano sisters.

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I guess that's why all those men's magazines with the full-color spreads on manners sell so well.

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Oh by the way did kyoko start boxing again

LOL, Cuddles. I think she took up uglystick-ball.

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I believe magpie is correct.

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The one on the right looks like a man and the left just looks awsome!

DBC....you do mean the other way around as in the one on your left....

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"The one on the right looks like a man"

Gee, DBC, I'd hate to hear what you'd say about... never mind.

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Oh by the way did kyoko start boxing again


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On second thoughts will you lay off the Kano sisters....literally Hahaha

anyway having these two around is what helping Ugly chicks get layed.

And without the boob jobs they would be..............WHO?


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They are some of the nicest manneries I've seen in a long time.

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I think they let the air out of them at night so they can sleep!

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The one on the right looks like a man and the left just looks awsome!

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"I LIKE Japan for not having YET turned over to the "plastic side"".

Are you serious LionRatty? Do you watch much Japanese tv?

You should compare some women like Seiko Matsuda, BoA, Kimura Yoshino in their younger years and now, they just look so very, very different. Getting eye work and/or teeth work done, extremely common in Japan.

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Wottock ( 11:55 PM ) - Har!

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I like Superlib's comment: "I think what they were saying is that having big boobs alone sometimes doesn't cut it, you need big boobs plus manners. That will set you apart from the other large chested women."

He, he...

I am happy that fake boobs are not so "in" in Japan (yet?). Every time I see posters of "Spark!" or "That's!" or "Trash!" or whatever it is magazine covers in the trains I look at the usually NATURAL boobs and think GOOD! It's good to have men lusting after NATURAL boobs, not the kind most bikini-clad (or not clad) models wear in those mags in my country! I often wonder how inadequate men would feel if they were bombarded constantly from a young age with pictures of men with surgically enhanced penises 4 times the average size...??

I LIKE Japan for not having YET turned over to the "plastic side" : )

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Presto 345

Oh, forgot to mention that most Japanese women have excellent proportions - at a certain age, of course

I actually think that quite a lot of Japanese women have wonderful proportions nowadays. Whether you like them tall, small, thin, full figured, Japan nowadays has a lot to offer. And that is in a natural way, and without the surgeon's assistance.

On this topic of what did Kyoko look like before all the surgery, no idea. In general though, those who pursue the perfection of beauty via the surgeon's assistance are in pursuit of the impossible. Perfection is a non-existing concept, as it is the slight imperfection which I tend to find characterizes the true beauty. I mean growing up Michelle Pfeiffer was someone I thought was seriously hot and she is apparantly "far from perfect" in terms of facial balance etc (though by my efinition that is perfectly fine for me).

Look at Michael Jackson, along with the Kano sioster, a classic case where the surgeon's work takes them closer to looking like something far from perfect as they choose to look something closer to what they think is perfection.

In a nutshell, beauty is within the eye of the beholder. That may be the message the book aims to pass on but I think he authors may not be the right messenger to deliver such a message.

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wow! Moose...

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The impression I get is that it is just another chance for them to make money, trying to get as many fingers into as many pies as possible. They've done books, book signings, sponsoring, dressing up to the nines and then appearing on some tacky variety karaoke show, cartoons even. Let's not get into the money they probably made from all the interviews about the time some of their jewellry was stolen either.

After years of playing the "let's play beautiful" gig, they want to turn themselves into well-mannered and respected icons of Japanese society? There are so many of these lame books out. If people don't have it in them already to have good manners, a book like this from people like ain't gonna help.

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Let me get this straight, she writes an essay on manners being more attractive than boobs. However, she has had a boob job to look more attractive. I don't get it. For the love of money, the book will sell.

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Airbags coming your way

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This will help women to be at their 'attractive best' Pity if they are born Fugly!!!!! Osan too true! Realist- Also so true! Bamboohat- not a chance, unless you have money, then women will love you 4ever!!!!

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Womem with big boobs can get away with bad manners cause most guys are too busy watching the boobs to notice the lack of manners.

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I think what they were saying is that having big boobs alone sometimes doesn't cut it, you need big boobs plus manners. That will set you apart from the other large chested women.

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The Kano sisters strike again! Does anyone find these two refugees from a discarded episode of "Nip and Tuck" remotely attractive? I squirm everytime I see them on TV. What on earth do the Japanese people find fascinating about these two ugly women? Japanese men probably go insane over their false boobs - loads of botox or whatever they used, there. Not mkuch between the ears, though.

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Does that work as well for guys two? I mean, I'm poor and ugly, and pretty stupid, I'll be the first to admit, but if I develop sufficiently patrician manners, will these two beautifully mannered boobalicious hunny bunnies submit to a pro bono three way?

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hahaha she was probably alright to start out with, it's only since she discovered the surgeon's knife that she deserves the "fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down/ face was on fire and put out with a shovel/has a face like a bulldog licking piss off a broken bottle" type remarks what i mean to say is game on, she's a dozy bint and deserves a slagging from men and women alike

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People keep telling me that there is something wrong with Kyoko's face, but I've never looked up that far. I'm probably too well mannered. I would though, and so would any man reading this (unless George Michael's online).

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Kyoko started off as a bloke though didn't she?

In fact, Patrick, she started off dead bloke.

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Mukatsuku, lol.

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himasan - That's harsh, man!

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I`ll take boobs over manners any day of the week thankyou. The woman on the left was severly beaten with the ugly stick, paper bag job!

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Lips ( 8:39 ) - Har!

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I agree: manners are far more attractive than breasts...especially fake ones like the four presented in the photo above....

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Well, I'm quite partial to a nice pair of boobs and all the other accompanying female body parts.

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Manners more attractive than boobs, says Mika Kano

I prefer a rude lady with big ole knockers to a polite lady with a couple of bee stings, then again I'm a man

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Oh sorry! did they say something, I was too busy looking at their boobs


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There is nothing remotely attractive about Mika Kano's manners or physical appearance. I will never understand why some women try to emulate the Kano sisters. Who wants to look like an old call-girl has-been with too much plastic surgery? Most Japanese women of their generation have aged better than them, in a much more natural way.

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Patrick - Oh, come on, that's going too far. Or is it?!

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They should concentrate their surgeries on their face, not on their boobs. And I don't see what good manners they have. I find them vulgar.

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If 'boobs' (dreadful word) aren't so important why did they buy those plastic ones? They also seem unable to resist the urge to show them off. Their manners must be appalling. Those two give me the creeps.

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Jesus, what the heck is happening to Kyoko's face? It's getting worse all the time. It's melting!

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Maybe the Kano sisters can write a sequel called "Thanks for the Mammeries."

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I am sure the book will cause a few titters.

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Whoa! One of them looks like a alien! You can see this is cosmetic surgery gone wild. She doesn't even look human... No matter how big her boobies are, that FACE is what you have to look at 99% of the time.

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They are only popular because of their boobs, that is how they became famous.

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I think the book could be targetted at the perverts who impolitely stare that fraction too long

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Talking of manners and breasts, women complain that "Men look at their breasts and never listen to them..." Sony have now come out with a breast implant combined with an mp3 player. So men will finally be able to listen to them...

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To be honest, I'd rather see some boobies than get a polite "thank you". Still, A "thank you for looking at my boobies" would be even better.

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Good manners cost nothing. Good mammaries, on the other hand...

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Kano says manners make a woman a more attractive person than physical features.

Guess that means there are no attractive women in Japan anymore. Just arrogant bratty ones. Oh, and these two (er, four?) plastic wonders.

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Well then, I guess in Mika's world being a high-class call girl (escort girl or call it whatever you like) it must be very important to have good manners rather than nice boobs. When you have made a large amount of money from 'escorting' politicians and captains of industry, then it is very easy to come out with this sort of nonsense. And by the way, the next time you see a very expensive Mercedes parked outside the front of Shinjuku Isetan in their private chauffeur parking spot because the owner is being taken around with a private assistant, then you know it is just Mika showing some good manners...

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Oh, forgot to mention that most Japanese women have excellent proportions - at a certain age, of course - and personally I think the Kano babes are kind of top heavy. In other words, they now are endowed with an overdose of female features. They know it and that's why the book.

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I think this book is going to be a breast seller.

Brilliant. The best comment so far. I laughed out loud attracting attention from other people in the house: what's up? Oh, nothing, just about perks some people are getting.

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You do know that they're not sisters right?

My assumption is that the spiritual msgs are delivered by sisters :)

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wrong... just wrong...

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I think this book is going to be a breast seller.

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" Kano says manners make a woman a more attractive person than physical features. "

That´s pretty funny coming from a Kano sisters, I must say.

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Spoken like true jealous chicks who had to gets theirs enhanced because their reals ones were too small.

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Anybody got any pictures of them before they had their manners enlarged?

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I wouldn't buy a book from either of'em. won't watch it on TV either when (shameless) Fuji TV adapts it into a 5-part mini-series. yappari DHC, da ne?!

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Amazing, the effect female breasts have on men...

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But as I have all ways said, every year there are newer and younger women who come on the scene, and these women get older. Once they realize that they are no longer "it" no matter how much plastic surgery they do they will never be young again.

I think that is part of the message behind the book. Physical looks are only good for grabbing initial attention and opening the dooor. Looks don't last for most women, but what does is the quality of the individual: manners, behavior, soul, etc. Men have less and less tolerance for bitchy, rotten, adolescent behavior the older a woman gets (and I have zero tolerance for it regardless how young or attractive a woman is), but a woman who is "good" is appreciated at any age and regardless of looks. Those women age gracefully and its something nice to watch happen.

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what do you do when you have biguns, no brains and no talent? hey, write a book. and id hate to carrying around those things in about 10 years. i guess they won`t droop, though.

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This is like Bill Gates writing a book called "Honesty is More Important than Being Rich."

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I'm sure she means to have nice manners to very rich guys who would lavish her with many fine and opulent items, not the everyday guys who they probably would have nothing to do with.

This book is probably an empty air head read. Don't get me wrong, I all ways say strike while the irons are hot, and I guess she got all she could from her "boobies." But as I have all ways said, every year there are newer and younger women who come on the scene, and these women get older. Once they realize that they are no longer "it" no matter how much plastic surgery they do they will never be young again. So as the world passes them by, they begin to realize that they actually have nothing but emptiness inside. It happens for men too.

My suggestion, just be nice rather you are rich or poor, pretty or ugly. You will feel better in the long run.

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Very funny, bad girl's writing a book about "manners", something that they never used, their brain are in the boobs after all...

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You do know that they're not sisters right?

They're the Ramones of cosmetic surgery disasters.

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USNinJapan2: You do know that they're not sisters right?

Right, they're quads.

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You do know that they're not sisters right?

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tone of the book, sorry. The book is a tome, after all!

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Pretty poor translation of the title given the tome of the book, don't you think?

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spiritual comments from physically and fiscally rich sisters !

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"So what's with the massive boob-job then?"

Silicone, plastic surgery and international prostitution!

I bow to your erudition, chibaman and irabujapanu!

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'Something beyond boobs`- Silicone, plastic surgery and international prostitution! i still dont get it why these girls are so popular in japan? is due to J-women's complex for small boobs?

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Kano says manners make a woman a more attractive person than physical features.

So what's with the massive boob-job then? No manners at all? Not much else to offer? Think you would have gotten you where you are today if you didn't modify your appearance? Her comment might be valid in some cases but it's empty and ironic coming from her. She knows where she can thank for the proceeds from this book and her other successes in life.

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