AKB48 resumed performances at the AKB48 Theater in Tokyo's Akihabara area on Monday night, a week after two members were attacked at a fan handshake event in Iwate Prefecture.
The group's management had closed the theater and canceled all meet-and-greet events after group members Rina Kawaei, 19, and Anna Iriyama, 18, were injured in the attack.
Prior to the performance, fans had to pass through metal detectors. As a further safety precaution, the front row of seats was left vacant, TV Asahi reported.
Monday night's performance in the theater atop the AKB48 Cafe & Shop Akihabara, located in front of JR Akihabara station, began at 6:30 p.m. and finished just before 9 p.m. Fans were seen lined up in front of the store hours before the theater doors opened.
A poster advertising candidates in an upcoming election in which new members for the group will be chosen was put up in front of the store, prompting a non-stop flow of fans into the shop all day.
One fan in his 30s spoke with reporters enthusiastically about his excitement regarding the reopening of the theater, "As a truly big fan, I am so happy. I really hope they will continue to perform long into the future," he said. "The safety of the band members is the most important thing. I think the fans will unite and keep an eye out in the future to help prevent any further attacks."
© Japan Today
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Coming out all Miss Paranoia, what about the creepy crawly concealing sharp ceramic hand tool factor.
Ceramic knives next.
Or sharpened bamboo knives. Psychotic people don't need metal knives to hurt or kill someone, they just need a plan.
I don't know how it has worked in the past, but they need actual security staff (not just people wearing jackets that say 'staff' or 'security' on them) on the ground and near the people they should be trying to protect. As others point out, metal objects are not the only concern.
I am fascinated by the whole genre, next visit top priority is to queue up for my first AKB48 bona-fide official hand shandy. I can also assess possible non metallic object exposure risk, the mind boggles to what nestles in the realms of 'Colonel Palm and his five desperate cohorts'.
Gotta protect the A$$ets!!!
Selchuk Driss
Business always comes first.
I cannot think of a AKB48 - UK comparison, frankly even on a central European level. The Eurovision song contest throws up wonderful audio conundrums of nature, sometimes in a pack.
Jury's out on whether I would queue up and shake hands with the financial consequences of buying copious amounts of AKB48 singles for the pleasure.
Yay. Vigilante squads demanding to examine the bags of everyone in line.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. "Security Staff" is anyone hired to secure a facility. That would include "people wearing jackets that say 'staff' or 'security' on them".
Plastic knives can give some pretty serious injuries too! It's just money over sanity! These kinds of groups attract all kinds of weirdos and they have to expect some psycho attacking them. I still like the Pope Mobile idea.
Sad audience...
Medal detectors aren't going to make anything better. When I was in high school, we weren't allowed to bring cell phones to school. I was still able to get through the metal detector. We all know how Japanese police and security are lazy on the job.
I'm truly happy to hear the girls are back doing what they do best! I am sure things will get back to normal for them. Let us all remember that the person who attacked Rina and Anna wasn't even a fan of AKB, he just wanted to commit random murder. The fans love the girls and would rather see them alive than dead I'm sure. I think the front row vacant seats is a little too much though, given how hard it is to get one of the precious few tickets to their theatre events. But maybe this is just for a brief time period to let things cool down. Good luck to all the girls in the Senbatsu!
Sorry. What I meant is that the security should actually have been trained in security and not just have jackets that have the words on them.
They needed proper security in the first place. Many of these girls are still minors. The adults have the greater responsibility to protect their minor workers.
Of course he was a fan. If he wanted to commit 'random murder', why not attack other people waiting in line. If the truth got out that he was a fan, people would turn against Akimoto's whole "idol you can meet" system. That's why this nonsense about him not being a fan is being spread in the medium. Makes akb48 fans feel relieved too.
"idols you can meet" .......Is Tomoyuki Yamada obsessed?
At a recent AKB48 concert, 21-year-old factory worker Tomoyuki Yamada showed up in a elaborately embroidered black gown bearing tribute to favourite band member Tomomi Kasai. "With AKB48, you have each member making her own efforts, and as a whole you can see that everyone in the group is trying her best. That's what I like about them," he says. Mr. Yamada says he bought 210 copies of a recent single—at 1,600 yen apiece, that's a total of 336,000 yen, more than $4,300—to give 210 votes for Ms. Kasai in the most recent election. She finished 16th.
Actually, they would not even have to be burly or men. They should just be trained in the art of security, especially crowd security.
We have both Anime Expo (largest Anime convention in USA) in Los Angeles July 4th weekend then Comic Con (largest Comic Book convention in the world) in San Diego last week of July - I just hope we don't have any copy cat slashers this year. Amazingly very light security at both events. Last year they started checking backpacks coming in the front doors at Anime Expo but if you parked in the underground parking below the L.A. Convention Center (which is where they hold Anime Expo) and came up the stairs there was NO backpack checking (pretty half ass if you ask me). Comic Con only checks your backpack if you check it in for them to hold while you're inside the convention (but you can walk right into the convention center with it on your back with no security check - go figure! We just have to cross our fingers that nothing happens this year!