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© 2024 AFP#MeToo 'made a big difference', says Sigourney Weaver
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© 2024 AFP
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Sigourney Weaver appears not a day over 40.
Justin Shepherd
Johnny depps case had a bigger impact and this bodus movement labeling all men had predator's.
‘Bodus’ movement? I’d that like a Bill and Ted quote from the 90s? Hey, Ted. It’s like, totally bodus, dude!
Bob Fosse
So, the number of single men is also skyrocketing. Not quite the revenge fantasy you imagined.
what Weaver doesn't realize is the "Me Too" movement was borne out of, and mostly existed in, the twisted environment of Hollywood where she resides and works. She has little idea of realities outside her bubble.
It is the very people who proselytize and pontificate to the masses who are the worst offenders.
The '#MeToo' movement might have been relatively successful, but as a young, 24 year old female, I still do not trust men, especially the ones with beards.
It’s another way for the elite to divide us as a society. They done it by making people hate others just by which political party they support. They create no stop problems between different ethnic groups instead of uniting them. This is to divide men and women. It’s great bread and circuses for people to be so involved in rather than see how this world is being messed up by our elected leaders.
So a clean shaven woman may be more your speed I think.
Now I wonder who the real Alien is?
Actually, it is.
Because it's women who are more afraid of being alone than men.
Bob Fosse
And that’s a revenge fantasy for you? How sad.
You can call it "revenge fantasy" or whatever made-up word you want but the number of women screaming and whining on social media about how men don't want them anymore has increased exponentially.
As I said, women are more scared of being alone than men.
You can thank the MeToo which-hunt.
Sven Asai
You celebrate on fact own disappearance only. Those hypes like MeToo movement and related abortion movement and all such push our civilization and all reached achievements over the edge and sacrifice everything to the archaic global south for nothing. The concepts are of course not bad in theory, don't understand me wrong, but consequences are ignored and the result in the end is terrible, and of course like an even worse boomerang mostly against women again, when considering how they are still and already treated in the areas that will expand and take over.
Does it work?
Good if it made a good difference.
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My guestimate is that the MeToo movement sprang from the rise of the sexist raping Donald Trump and his hijacking the WH. That alone and several allegations on some notorious people (incl. him) have piled up and the volcano erupted.
Donald Trump is guilty of rape and defamation. Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, R Kelly, more have track records spanning light-years and the karma has finally caught up with them. It's high time to show rapists and perverts of all kinds everywhere that they can't do these disgusting crimes and expect to get away with it.