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'Moonlight' director to film slavery drama for Amazon


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Should be good ! Can't wait to see it !

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Another one? Not making light of this travesty but there's more cultures that faced horrendous mistreatment that would benefit everyone once highlighted!!

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

I agree, but no one is stepping to the plate and taking the initiative to take on the task. Sad actually. This is not saying I don't like that part of history that was so inhumane and tragic for millions of Blacks, but it would be great to see a historical movie of what other races have gone through in the US and there is a lot to talk about.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I agree, but no one is stepping to the plate and taking the initiative to take on the task. Sad actually. This is not saying I don't like that part of history that was so inhumane and tragic for millions of Blacks, but it would >be great to see a historical movie of what other races have gone through in the US and there is a lot to talk >about.

What happened to African peoples in the slave trade is virtually incomparable to any other event in history, HOWEVER, I am also tired of the same old story being told over and over. Why don't these directors go past slavery and make movies about African History prior to slavery? Oh, because Americans, even black people, aren't interested in African history because the lack of perceived connection--and positive things rarely sell well in Hollywood.

I would definitely like to see something on the Native Americans, or other Native groups affected by the European 'discovery' of the 'new world.'

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Sounds very interesting, will definitely watch!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Yeah, I know it's an inconvenient truth. If only the blacks could just shut up, get over it, pull themselves up by their boot straps. Yadayada.

Oh, boy....here we go....

Last I remember, the US was a melting pot, we don't only consist of Black people and White people, but for some reason you point that out, you are a racist???

The thing is, this is what's been said since day one. While other races have had the sympathy of the world, psychological and financial support, the blacks have survived in the absence of any help, support, or sympathy.

So what's your point?

What a beautiful, preservering race. There's nothing you can do; you'll never get rid of them or squash the truth. Yeah, let's switch focus and concentrate on anything else-- just not the blacks. American history, the founding of the country, and slavery are inextricably connected. I know it hurts your consciousness.

Doesn't hurt my consciousness at all. I just think it would be good to see the struggles of other Americans throughout our history, but I knowing saying that is just racist. ROFL

Why don't these directors go past slavery and make movies about African History prior to slavery? Oh, because Americans, even black people, aren't interested in African history because the lack of perceived connection--and positive things rarely sell well in Hollywood.


I would definitely like to see something on the Native Americans, or other Native groups affected by the European 'discovery' of the 'new world.'

I agree 100%!

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Fred WallaceMAR. 30, 2017 - 08:17AM JST Another one? Not making light of this travesty but there's more cultures that faced horrendous mistreatment that would benefit everyone once highlighted!!

If you aren't interested in the subject matter, don't go see it. No one is holding a gun to your head and making you watch movies you don't want to see, so why do you have to gripe about movies other people do want to see getting made?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

If you aren't interested in the subject matter, don't go see it. No one is holding a gun to your head and making you watch movies you don't want to see, so why do you have to gripe about movies other people do want to see getting made?

What's wrong with the left and hearing other peoples opinions? You guys claim to be so tolerant, but from the majority of comments, you are guys aren't even close to that. What's wrong with Fred making that comment? He's right. We have a lot of movies about slavery, even Snoop Dog went on a rant when he heard about the remake of "Roots" he wasn't thrilled about it. What's wrong with making movies about the plight, struggle and decimation of the Native Americans, what about the discrimination the Irish, Italians or Japanese and Mexicans that came to this country? I remember when "Once were warriors" came out, it was really interesting to see how other minority (majority technically) groups deal with racism in other countries, making comments about it doesn't make a person a racist. Get off the race card.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

What's wrong with the left and hearing other peoples opinions?

Says the guy who freaks out whenever someone from Hollywood gives an opinion about Trump.

What's wrong with making movies about the plight, struggle and decimation of the Native Americans, what about the discrimination the Irish, Italians or Japanese and Mexicans that came to this country?

Nothing wrong with making movies about that. Same as there is nothing wrong with making another movie about slavery. I wouldn't watch any of them myself.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

What we need is more movies like Driving Miss Daisy, or The Butler. You know-- blacks in servitude.

Dude, what is up with you and race? No one is putting down Black movies, No one is saying that or making light of the Black experience in the US.

Ok, it's just like a war movie, how many of them are out there. Some people hate war movies, but they still make them and they still have an audience. My wife would never watch a war movie her choice, I would never watch a musical, my choice. It doesn't mean it's a bad thing, you don't like it, don't watch it. Just because someone makes a comment, another one does not mean the person has to be a racist, that genre may not be there cup of tea. I'm sure there are genres that you don't like.

That always draws huge crowds and oscar nominations. Or, movies where blacks are criminals, thugs, gangbangers, and rapists of white women.

Hidden Figures, The Equalizer, all of Tyler Perry movies, Glory, The Five Heartbeats, Drumline, the great Debaters, there are a ton of great Black movies out there. Who cares about the Oscar nominations? The English Patient won best picture as did the Piano and I'm still trying to understand how that happened. Trust your own instincts, if you like a movie, that's your opinion and your feelings you should go by and it made you feel and impacted you, don't worry about what Hollywood thinks, it's all subjective.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

If you aren't interested in the subject matter,

Freedom of speech. Heard of it?

No one is putting down Black movies

Waste of time Bass. Any opinion contrary to the status quo sounds like an argument in most people's minds. No choice but to wait for evolution to take place!!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Freedom of speech. Heard of it?

Sure, but seeing as it literally has nothing to do with what has been said in this thread, it's confusing why the right to be free of prosecution from one's comments would have any relevance to someone giving an opinion on a website, and/or someone else giving a countering opinion.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

you have made numerous comments on Blacks

Yes, but nothing EVER derogatory, just the facts.

The story line is a Black one but Amazon is a white company and the production will be another white company with a Black director and writer. The main roles will go to Black actors. No one will be forced to watch it.

Hey! It's not about me, I'm fine with movies, I was commenting that when Fred made the comment that other races in the US also experienced hardship and after that it seems that everyone came unglued as if what he said was a racist comment. He might think there have been more than enough movies out there dealing with the subject of Black injustice, saying that is by no means racist, just an opinionated observation. This is the kind of PC madness that P***** people off, you have to walk on eggshells for fear of being called a racist because you point something out. Just astonishing!

Not all peoples of all countries know these stories, making movies is international not just for Americans.

It's ok, don't have problem with that.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

For example, you divide those "facts" along racial lines, like the number of murders by Blacks for instance instead of the number of murders by men, or American men.

So pointing that out makes me a racist? Seriously? Don't even go there. I grew up in Los Angeles and everyone knows or at least you should know where you can and can't go and most of the areas that are stricken with the highest crime rates are in the Black and Latin communities. pointing that out os not racist, that's a fact. I don't know why the left is so afraid to talk about this, they want the Black and Latino vote, but they don't care what happens in these communities. Shameful!I

It's not about PC, its my observation of your flip-flop opinions, thats just the facts too.

I don't flip or flop, you just don't want to deal with the facts and if anyone points that out, they are racists.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

It's true, the US is a melting pot, but for some reason you keep failing to paint me as some racist, but I really admire your tenacity. By the way, I am color blind.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

literally has nothing to do with what has been said in this thread,

Nice try stranger.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Then please explain how the right to be free from prosecution regarding one's comments has any relevance to the comment you were referring to.

Ok strangerland, before I'm misunderstood, I only implied that anyone is free to express opinions about anything without anyone else saying just because opinions differ then there's no need to express

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I only implied that anyone is free to express opinions about anything

Well, no, you specifically referred to Freedom of Speech, which is the freedom from being prosecuted for something one has said. that's quite different from what you say you were implying.

But let's move beyond that, since you seem to have just not realized what freedom of speech is when you made that comment. You were criticizing a poster for having criticized another's comment. But since you were criticizing that poster's comment, you yourself are guilty of doing that which you were criticizing.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Bass, seeing as you are the master conflater, your opinions in that direction are safely ignored by everyone and anyone.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I don't ignore bass4funk. Don't always agree with him, but I don't remember him ever saying something outrageous like, for example; "Homeless people should be forced out of view...."

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

But since you were criticizing that poster's comment, you yourself are guilty of doing that which you were criticizing.

LOL thanks for making my point. It's almost impossible to disagree without someone finding something to complain about.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hey, it's worth remembering that this movie is being based on a novel that takes an original, imaginative and magical realist approach to exploring the topic. It's not a "re-tread" at all.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It's true, the US is a melting pot

Really? Looks more like an internecine tribal society these days.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Oh, because Americans, even black people, aren't interested in African history because the lack of perceived connection--and positive things rarely sell well in Hollywood.

There were certainly advanced kingdoms before the Transatlantic slave trade, especially I think in the West, Ghana, Mali etc - Egypt was only the first of many great African civilizations (about which there have been numerous movies).Can you imagine the criticism of an American taking on work that should be done by Africans or African-Europeans and making it harder for African writers and directors to find work in Hollywood?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Fred WallaceMAR. 30, 2017 - 01:55PM JST Freedom of speech. Heard of it?

Yes, I have. Have you? You are the one calling on a person not to express themselves:

Not making light of this travesty but there's more cultures that faced horrendous mistreatment that would benefit everyone once highlighted!!

Your right to tell someone not to make a movie you're not interested in is no different from my right to tell you your opinion is not constructive.

bass4funkMAR. 30, 2017 - 11:35AM JST What's wrong with the left and hearing other peoples opinions?

It is dishonest for you to try and twist the facts to portray me as representing "the left".

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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