Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is know for many things, but subtlety certainly is not one of them. The singer/model/crazy-in-a-cute-way-girl has released so many bizarre videos by now that we suspect the Oxford English Dictionary will eventually include a picture of her grinning face under the entry for “quirky.”
So we were naturally excited when we saw that she released a new video titled “Crazy Party Night: Pumpkins Strike Back.” The music was exactly as peppy and cute as you might expect, and the video was…well, it was definitely a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu video.
“Crazy Party Night” probably isn’t the absolute weirdest thing we’ve ever seen. In fact, there almost seems to be thread of rationality running through everything, as Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, dressed as a reporter, investigates a house party attended by the kind of cute monsters you’d expect to find at somewhere like the Kawaii Monster Cafe in Harajuku. The music is just as catchy and infectious as you’d expect from a Capsule producer, though we can’t help being reminded of a certain claymation Christmas musical.
In addition to reporter Kyary and dancing red-dress Kyary, the monsters running around the house are as colorful as a candy store.
We’re not entirely sure why Kyary Pamyu Pamyu decided to release a Halloween song in August, though, to be fair, Obon is this month, so dancing ghosts make sense in Japan.
The single for “Crazy Party Night” will be available on September 2 and will feature four songs total, including “No No No,” “Oshiete Dance Floor,” and “Kimama” in addition to “Crazy Party Night.” The CD will also feature two variant covers as well as instrumentals for all the songs.
Sources: YouTube (kyarypamyupamyuTV), MusicMan.Net, Amazon Japan
Read more stories from RocketNews24. -- Kyary Pamyu Pamyu goes to Tokyo DisneySea dressed like a total creeper -- Kyary Pamyu Pamyu plays dress-up in new Nintendo 3DS ad -- Grammy winner Sam Smith comes to Japan, meets Kyary Pamyu Pamyu in clash of mundane, crazy names
© Japan Today
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Kawaiiiii! Never mind that most of what she sings is mindless, auto-tuned drivel.
...If only she wrote a song with a story or meaning, she might be much more accepted worldwide. Her sound is interesting enough for some niche, but still not my cup of tea.
I mean she might get a one hit wonder like Gangam Style did, but I get the impression she's hoping for more than that.
What a wacked out video. The beat isn't catchy. A cute halloween? Catching an Oingo Boingo concert on Oct. 31st (way back) . . . now that was a Crazy Party Night.
Ruby Kiyohara
Trying too hard...most Japanese entertainers do. WHAT happened to talent?
Not my music, but I have respect for her. She takes her brand and develops it well. The video is well done too - it's entirely in her style. Good on her.
I have to agree with other posters, and the majority of people in general, that if this young woman only had some substance to her music instead of pushing and trying incredibly hard to simply be marked as 'the weirdest possible' then she would have more credibility as an artist. As it is, in the last month alone she has thrown away what little reputation she had in terms of design in favour of trying to emulate others (Gaga, Perry) but pushing the 'bizarre' angle.
She'll be remembered for being weird, that's all, and may gain an international reputation as a punctuation mark on how strange Japanese culture can be. She certainly won't be winning any awards for vocals, lyrics, or anything that resembles actual musical ability.
It's still there, just not coming out of Japan. If (well known) akb48 sets the standard, well then that just illustrates my point.
Jason Campbell
I do adore Nakata Yasutaka. Kind of prefer his other Two Groups though.
Well, talent has disappeared overseas too. Hip-hop is at an all time low where rappers are either singing, using auto tune or have ghostwriters.
DaDude: "Hip-hop is at an all time low where rappers are either singing, using auto tune or have ghostwriters."
Agreed, although ghostwriting for music isn't all that terrible, since it's pretty well known when artists do it and they still perform the music themselves. Now using auto-tune or lip-synching, that's another story.
C Harald Hansen
I saw one of her videos once, I thought someone had secretly slipped me some lsd.
15 seconds into that video I developed diabetes. What a pile of cack.
Come on guys, you're probably not her target demographics, are you?
First time to see Kyary in action. And most definitely the last. HOW are Japanese not mortified by this??! And she wants to represent Japan globally??! And releasing a Halloween single (albeit an utterly crap one) in August??!
Stick to what you do best Japan - Oktoberfest in April (August, May, February...)
Maybe it is just me but if I want Halloween music I will listen to the soundtrack Nightmare before Christmas, especially the song This is Halloween.
i literally wouldn't be reading japan today if it wasn't for kyary....a random encounter with two of her videos back in '12 and '13 led me to her fantastic songwriter yasutaka nakata, which led me to capsule and then to perfume and their amazing technology...... all of which got me interested in japan's politics, culture, sociology, business, etc etc
I actually like the song, but it does looks like a J style Pewee's Funhouse.
"Come on guys, you're probably not her target demographics, are you?"
Thank Zeus for that! All because I have an education, I am multilingual, I own a business, have a family, and pay my taxes. Obviously NOT her targeted audience.
I'm sorry there's just too much obsession with cute in J-pop. I'm sure there are a lot of good J-pop, yet the media is downright obsessed with too much style and less substance.
Not if you listen to the underground music.
And? Is there something wrong with writing to a target audience that isn't one you're part of?
This is mainly for kids, right? Or is she being sold as Japan's latest Madonna?
Mainstream music is every country is at much the same level, and the cool kids will always complain about it.
I would prefer more full, womanly female voices myself but have no time to list to pop.
They always play classic Enka down the local sento, not 'Pamka'.
Also Madonna was/is for kids/teenagers, or do you think her music is "serious business"?
I'm impressed with the diversity of the instrumentation. I'm pretty sure I hear snares and actual horns mixed in with the usual technopop.
The video is, if nothing else, an interesting look at how Japan views some of the typical Western Halloween tropes. There's a little nod to the Thriller dance, for example. It's a bit lackluster in terms of crispness but seems right in line with the visual style that AKB and Vocaloid have made popular lately among fans on the Internet. There's a Chucky reference, too, and probably several others I missed as I was only half watching.
Kyary's star power comes from her aesthetic and it's preserved well here. She's certainly not high-concept and this isn't a classic, but there's no need to get down on her about it. It's pop music, after all! Very few songs have a shelf life, and if nothing else, she's moving singles, and she and her team are keeping people employed doing things they love.