Japan Today

NHK casting for foreigners for drama


NHK is looking for the following ethnic groups to audition for a Saturday drama to be shot between February and April 2009.

The roles are: Linda - (Female) Chief of the U.N. refugee agency (acting ability required) of African-American, Middle-Eastern or Asian ethnicity (non white). A large physique is preferable.

-- A girl - Aged between 10-13 of Middle Eastern ethnicity.

-- A girl and a boy (good singing ability & experience required) of Middle Eastern ethnicity.

The 5-episode drama will be shown May 30-July 4, 2009 each Saturday at 9 p.m. The story is based on the famous novel "Kaze Ni Maiagaru Blue Sheet" written by Mori Eto.

NHK said filming will take place between February and April. Payment is 45,000 yen per episode, which includes 1 day X rehearsal (half day) + 2 days for final production (whole day).

Applications close on Wednesday, Nov 26. To apply, visit http://www.dagmusic.com/English/whats_new/whats_new.html

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Why does the character of Linda have to have a large physique?

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Sadly I don't fulfil any of those criteria!

My dream to act in a dorama remains unfulfilled.

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Payment is 45,000 yen per episode, not worth taking risk for a foreigner who is not paying NHK subscription fee.

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See wot 'appens when you people don't pay your license fees, NHK can't afford to pay decent wages to its actors.

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Why does the character of Linda have to have a large physique?

Maybe one episode has her getting stuck in a door way.

Or one scene involves her getting liposuction.


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Women of of African-American, Middle-Eastern or Asian ethnicity (non white) - let's eating heartily for the NHK role!

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If African-American is OK, why not African-African? Or West Indian?

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(acting ability required)

The foreign worker being discriminated against once again....

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Any roles for a Caucasian African? Those poor South Africans can't get any good roles on TV. Last time was in a Mel Gibson movie that made them all look bad bad bad.

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To play Linda I'll have to:

1 get a sex change

2 eat at least 7 pounds of pancakes a day

3 get some platic surgery

Kind of feasible.

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45000 yen for three days work? What the hell? How much do the Japanese actors get?

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Those poor South Africans can't get any good roles on TV

Charlize Theron's spoiled it for the rest of us.

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i don't fit!! so sad for me..almost but with large physique? i just can't sorry..lol!

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only 45,000 yen??? that's not enough money to buy a damn plane ticket from here to japan!!!

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I want a role in a DORAMA starred by DORAEMON..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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The reason they didnt want a an African-african or west indian is because you guys are normal size. it seems to me most of our african-american women are ..."large physique"

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any chance they need a deaf, dumb, blind kid who plays a mean pinball?

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A large physique is preferable.

The U.N. refugee official probably has a few scenes requiring someone intimidating. Perhaps a Middle-Eastern guy gets hit with a rolling pin or frying pan in one scene.

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 I'm not sure how is the deal in this case, but when I used to do this type a job, a tarento agency was recruiting the actors and getting an approximate 70% cut from the deal. obviously, what we were paid was the rest of 30%. hopefully things changed lately

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Maybe 'large physique' just means, she should be tall, with large skeleton frame? Maybe over 1.70m tall?

... Yet yes, from the request it does seem like they want someone stereotypically fat.

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Perhaps "African-American" (presumably an African national who emigrated to the United States) is now officially the new "black."

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"Why does the character of Linda have to have a large physique?"

Linda must be a Western Woman.

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Y45,000/episode....... this makes the whole freeter thing look real damned good.

NHK how about spilling the beans on how much J-people are getting paid, better be the same or I will stop paying you........oh wait stopped paying you many years ago.

But hey you better not discriminate by paying gaijin less, yeah right

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It would be nice if they couldn't find any poor sod to play the part and their whole production went tits up!! Tight fisted w*nkers........

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They are definitely underpaying. This getting into the news was an unintentional slip, lets hope it has repercussions.

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That requirement for 'acting ability' makes me wonder why NHK didn't go to one of the many talent agencies rather than advertise online. Plus, as someone pointed out, this doesn't seem to be a requirement for natives of this island nation, especially when it comes to TV dramas.

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Selecting African American may be better suited to the character. Communiation skills & physical apperance is better too. It is rare for Japanese TV to audition the other ethnics.

The pay is not very great however someone who is serious about the acting career can not whinge. It is a stepping stone. I do not mind about acting for free if I am allowed. However I am not fit for their selection criteria. Some actors got multi millions for TV series. Once they acted for free.

Thousands of miles of trip started from one step. Some models posted for free. When they are getting popular, they can demand the pay what they wish to get. Some even become movie actors & actresses. Acting needs experience & development. Some are very talented they become sensation overnight. Mostly are not! They needed to start from scratch.

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NHK? No thanks! I dont pay the fees and never watch NHK garbage. The fact that they are only offering 45,000 yen shows that they are treating gaijin as a joke. Racists.

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I haven't paid my NHK for 8 years. My TV is strictly for Nintendo purposes.

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Actually they're not being racists -- the article specifically mentioned "ethnicity." Presumably, you could be racially white and ethnically middle eastern and still apply for the role.

Or is this just another instance of somebody throwing around the word "ethnicity" because they're afraid to use the "race" word?

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agree with cow76. 10 years in Japan have never paid NHK because I NEVER watch TV, its basically a monitor for movies and games

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I used to hate NHK but now I see all of my friends working there so it is "fun" to see them "acting" and when we get together and have beers etc..we just laugh! Dude! those wacky voices are awesome! If you are a gaijin, should not leave this country without being on tv, etc..at least once. Long live NHK!

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Talk about low payment and no residuals for the actors?

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At three days per episode, it works out at 15,000 yen per day. You can make more than that working as an extra with no speaking parts. Since singing and acting are required, the pay is very poor.

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El Bud - ahha Yah my aspiring dream for YEARS now but dont have a clue on how to apply ... altho ive often thought about sending an audition "tape" and see what happens ^-^v viva la difference!!!!!!!

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good money for just appearing without any words

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But, payment is like 45, 000 yen per ep. So i doubt that everyone acting is gonna get only one or two episodes. So it might actually be worth it.

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