NHK announced Thursday that it will broadcast Britain's forthcoming royal wedding live on its satellite BS1 station.
The marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton and the royal wedding parade featuring the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment is to be broadcast live on April 29 from 5:30 p.m. until 9:50 p.m.
The wedding will also be streamed live on the royal YouTube channel.
© Japan Today
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Would rather see the money spent on broadcasting psumo.
NHK has found some pabulum to get the people's minds off of the current situation in Japan. But I do hope the couple fairs well.
4 HOURS!?!?
It is amazing how many people around tbe World will tune in to this historical event. The Pomp and pageantry of Britain is something to behold. As an Australian, who one day will have Prince William as our King, it never ceases to impress me of the bonding force of the British Royals for the offspring countries of Britain like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and even to a large extent, the USA. The US would still be part of the British Commonwealth if they were not so historically mean about paying taxes. The Emperor in Japan is a source for strongly uniting the Japanese people just the same. It is a system that has stood the test of time. It will be an exciting event to watch even for republicans who will be watching in droves, the hypocrites. I urge the Japanese people to tune in for a great emotional spectacle like the rest of the world. Good on NHK!
My girlfriend will be thrilled. I won't be able to move her away from the TV or even talk to her while this telecast is on. OK, I admit it. I'll probably be watching it, too.
meh. Hey NHK, how about showing some NBA Playoffs instead of some wedding?
If shown their photos, I wouldn't even know their names. And four hours?!?! Agree with mrdog and shogun. Hell, I'd rather watch reruns of Gilligans island.
I wish I had BS1!
I still think Royals shouldn't live off the back of tax payers. That goes for the Imperial family too. Somehow they should produce revenue. Who pays for this royal wedding? To each his own, but four hours of a wedding on TV sounds just boring.
Well, you have a choice, nobody is forcing you to watch it.
Agree with Harry Gatto, there are other channels and activities for us that don't care about the wedding, sumo, etc.
They should make it Pay-per-View.
Why do we tax payers have to foot the bills of these lazy people? All because their ancestors were victorious in some old time wars? In these modern world, we should all be equals. No royals nor commoners. Don't tell me they make enough money themselves. They got that from their ancestors whole stole from us the commoners.
Porter, in the last report I read it was estimated that the Royal Family generated around 500 million pounds sterling for the UK economy in 2009. It is also predicted that the Royal Wedding will bring a 620 million pounds sterling boost to the economy.
Good luck to them both I say. There'll be celebrating at Chateau Coughalot with a slab of roast beef and a fridge full of booze for the loyal toast.
Gawd bless 'em.
I'd rather be sick on myself than watch that garbage.
People go on about the royals generating money for the UK economy - to be honest, I would rather the country didn't support this bunch of philistines and had less money. William and Harry are all right, but are you all really proud that people like Prince Charles and Philip represent the country?!
The advantages of entitlement by accident of birth. Appeals to former colonies who lacked the USA's independent spirit and are still in love with the class system. ("Carry your ego, your majesty? I know my place") To think our taxes are going to waste on this witless nonsense while hospitals are being closed down......
Leemo, see my post above. You are entitled to your opinion but the fact is the Royal Family earn a lot of money for the UK exchequer and are a net benefit for the country.
Bogart, here's another way of putting it. This Royal Wedding is set to cost the UK economy £5 billion, if you include the lost business as a result of the bank holiday. Still think the £620 million they are apparently bringing in is really significant?
Debatable numbers. Overall however I have no doubt that the Monarchy is a net earner for the UK in purely monetary terms apart from being a great asset for Britains global image.
Well, debate away. Hey, Prince Andrew is a great asset for Britain's global image isn't he? Promoting UK business to sex offenders, known criminals, etc. Lovely advert for the country.
It will give the people a short break from the nightmare that is happening now in Fukushima but the media needs to step up coverage of what is happening there on a day to day basis. The coverage is terrible and the people have a right to know.
To people above who say they'd rather 'be sick' etc etc than watch it, why do you even bother with such banal comments? Nobody is forcing you to watch it. Last time I checked there are several terrestrial TV channels here, about 10 (maybe more) BS Channels and more channels that I can to mention on Cable or Skyperfec. Does it really matter to you if NHK choose to show this? @shogun36: Plenty of NBA playoffs on Perfect Choice and JSports and the League pass online is very good value. @manfromamerica: I hope you feel that the next Presidential inaugaration should be PPV too. @BoringLikeBarry: What does this have to do with Prince Andrew?
I take it as a great compliment from NHK and their viewers. It embarrasses me that the BBC doesn't give anything like equivalent coverage for other countries' royal occasions.
Hoo-rah, pip pip , good show old boy wot
whilst i consider myself a strict republican, i must confess to having a bit of an obsession with young katey. although, not sure about this jackie kennedy looks she's sporting nowadays...
One can only hope for a rolling blackout on the 29th... I am an Aussie, and am totally ashamed of the 'royal wedding froth' the press over there seem to be embroiled in now. Ridiculous in this day and age!
The amount of beer I've got in my fridge, I'm not ruling that out as a possibility. Nonetheless, I repeat. Good luck to them both, and a happy St. George's Day tomorrow to all Englishmen. Ladies too, if I may make so bold.
well, tha tabout sums i tup, saborichan, doosn'tit?
Do they descend from anyone we know, by the way? William, such a common name these days...
The media has decided for us peons that certain topics or individuals be given heavy coverage whether they deserve it or not. The British royal family, the Pope, maybe a couple of others, like Paris Hilton, who are constantly serving up reminders that they are undeservedly rich and revel in thumbing their noses at everyone else. There is no real logic to to this media coverage, and no intelligent means of dealing with it except to reflexively reach for your remote control's OFF button.
What you guys missed is the influence that this wedding is and will cause worldwide, it's a mix of history, politics, economics. Something that UK needs urgently. What best way of showing the world how powerful UK was once, and still dreams it is, but by a majestic wedding?
what this guy "will" miss is this "majestic" wedding. I wonder if HNK will be going door to door, ding-dongin' for payment during this four plus-hour pomp?
As you wish, brotokyo. I will watch it.
Good luck to you both i hope you have many wonderful years together and that all your dreams come true. phone jammer