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On the eve of Oscars honor, James Bond producers reflect on legacy and future of 007


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Cubby, not "Cuddy"!!

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1glennToday  07:41 pm JST

> Haven't watched a Bond film in over 40 years. No intention to start now.

Well after watching all the Bonds, I didn't think there would be a better Bond than Connory but Daniel Craig was worth every penny. He took Bond to another level. Is it Connery or Craig? IM gonna go for Connery for being smooth and masculine, and Craig for being more damaged and masculine, but both were cool.

I really hope the woke group don't get into this. Bond is Bond.

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But the spotlight on them has intensified as the world awaits official word on Bond No.8. People are always playing the guessing game with the role, whether it was the long-running fan campaign for Idris Elba or any number of promising young actors who pop on the scene. 

Yes, people are always playing the guessing game when it comes to the “next Bond.”

Most of us have no idea who will be No.8; we have a hard enough time as it is guessing No.7, never mind the one after. Obviously Lindsey Bahr has no idea there’s only been six until now……..

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People will like what they will like. Watched the first few Bond films that came out, then got bored.

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They already had a Fleabag Bond film. The future is looking grim.

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Haven't watched a Bond film in over 40 years. No intention to start now.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It will be a man. He’ll likely be in his 30s. Whiteness is not a given.

In which case, it will not be a James Bond film.

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1glennToday  07:41 pm JST

Haven't watched a Bond film in over 40 years. No intention to start now.

And I've seen every one numerous times.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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