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© 2017 AFPPetition to dump Damon from 'Oceans 8' gathers pace
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Kurt vonMeding
I am so confused. What exactly did Matt do to elicit all of this abuse? Is Misandronistic a word?
What the hell is going on in Hollywood?? Sounds more and more like a witch hunt.
Liberal actors being hung by their own petard.
This is. He made a comment about keeping a clear head, and now they are attacking him. That extreme left is just as toxic as the toxicity they are always screaming about.
Kobe White Bar Owner
world gone mad/extreme left.
The left eating their own, as they do.
Toasted Heretic
Matt Damon is not one of my "own", unless one believes the "left" is a mono-thought clique.
They're not? Well, I just learned something new today.
Toasted Heretic
No, you didn't. You've been told this a dozen times before.
For instance, in the UK - many traditional left wingers voted in favor of Brexit.
They are known as "Lexiteers".
Many are also vehemently anti-Clinton and were in favor of Trump.
Not everything is black and white. If it was, I'd be saying that all Republicans are racists and wish for the days of slavery to return.
Which would be ridiculous.
The issue is that Damon is well known for running his mouth off about things he shouldn’t really be commenting on - like minorities in the industry- like he did a few years ago.
He said he knew nothing about Harvey then later admitted to knowing Paltrow was harassed by him. He knew as she told his best friend, Ben Affleck. Let’s not forget that silence enables. Let’s not forget that both Ben and his brother have bad track records and Matt hangs out with them. Both have been accused of sexual assault by more than one woman each. Let’s not forget that Damon thought it was appropriate to dump his girlfriend (Driver) on air on Oprah. Can’t say I know any women are fond of him because he oozes of a guy who thinks he’s above it all
All women know someone like Damon. The “I’m such a nice guy” when they are anything but. Had Damon kept his mouth shut, nothing would’ve happened to him but as usually, he spoke and women are fed up with guys like him. I hope his part gets cut. I think Clooney is much note with it in this and will realize women will take a stand if Damon is in it.
This is getting a bit much, as I have said in other threads, any abuser should be called out, charged, arrested etc as the EVIDENCE dictates! PERIOD.
That said, there does now appear to be a witch hunt in full swing....
People need to realize Hollywood has ALWAYS been a CESSPOOL!! The only people that deserve protection would be children & perhaps young adults, ADULTS getting involved in Hollywood should have known(& MANY DO!!!) what kind of crap they might get into!!
The is one aspect in all this that is unsurprisingly TOTALLY ABSENT, ant that is what have MEN/BOYS gone through in making it in Hollywood, does anyone seriously believe that men/boys don't ALSO have to deal with the same POISONED environment that women have to deal with???
But as usual men are simply supposed to suck it up, be a man, don't complain.
People IF you think only women have issues with Hollywood........ ah forget it carry on!
“But as usual men are simply supposed to suck it up, be a man, don't complain.”
Laughable considering what is coming out with regards to men and Hollywood. Let’s not forget young boys have also been victims of these men. More like “But as usual women and children are simply supposed to suck it up, be a a victim, don't complain.” Anyone who dares to suggest that men are the majority of victims in this is exactly the type of guy I said Damon is. Thinks they’re nice but aren’t and women have had enough.
For those who voted me down, a little too close to home? Can’t handle that perhaps YOU are part of the problem?
Not all men, nor all of Hollywood. Please don't paint everyone with the brush of those who are bad. You do no favors to anyone with that, and it just hurts your cause, as you are painting those of us who are on your side in regards to decrying the things that many women have had to go through with the same brush of those who have done those acts to aforementioned women. That just alienates those who would be on your side.
I'm pretty sure most of us would agree.
WHAT on earth makes you think I would defend a man abusing other men/boys!!
And who said men were the majority of victims??? I sure as hell didn't, I merely pointed out witch hunt isn't the best approach to say the least & that ALL victims & ALL abusers need to be helped & called out respectively, is that really too much to ask??
Your typical female shaming & diversion as SLand said is just making some that would side with women on these issues to either not or just stand clear of the whole situation.
“Your typical female...”
Thanks for proving my point nicely.
“Not all men...” - oh dear. Funny, don’t think I said “all men”.
You guys might want to read up a bit more on the “not all me” type issues before trying to suggest your an ally/good guy. You both are similar to Damon in thinking you’re not part of the issue. Perhaps look at the posts made by men, call them out instead of staying silent or playing the old “not all men”/“typical woman” card when’s woman dares to speak up and is trying to explain why Damon is being called out to those who don’t get it.
Seriously guys, many women are so fed up with the likes of you this is why Damon is being called out. This is why women hate the “not all men” line. Allies don’t use it. They use “yes, all women” and I’ll try and support. Examine your comments on here to female speakers who dare not agree with men. Look at the abuse they get and look at how the mods allow it. Look at the constant sexism on the site. No, not all men but enough of you are silent that you aren’t allies and certainly don’t get it. Just like Damon.
Toasted Heretic
I only wish I could upvote this comment more than the alloted one time.
Well said, tmarie.
I hope 2018 will see more female commentary on all topics here and less rampant misogyny from a vocal few.
You said:
When you use a term without a qualifier, it applies to all in the category. Consider:
Black people are thieves.
Jews are cheap
Women are gold diggers.
The above comments are all true for some of the group, but not for all of the group, which is why people are rightfully angered by comments such as these. Same as when you claim the current problems are because of ‘men’. No, the current problem is because of some men. Not all of us.
And you are the type of person that hurts your cause with comments like this. When you group your allies in wirh your enemies, you end up making enemies of your allies. Like you’ve done wirh your posts in this thread. Instead of discussing the issue at hand we’re having to defend attaches from you. Whether you like it or not, you are part of a problem and definitely not helping your cause.
And those of us who haven’t done anything wrong are sick of being painted with the brush of rapists and abusers, which is why you are being called out.
Thus is why men hate the ‘men are to blame’ line .
What? I’ve only ever pointed out how in your rage you yourself are doing wrong. It’s not because you don’t agree with me, it’s because you paint me with the same brush as those I despise.
No, you hate the “not all men” line. You don’t speak for ‘women’ as I don’t speak for ‘men’.
In my opinion, your approach to this is part of the problem. That’s my opinion, not the opinion of ‘men’.
Readers, no more bickering please.