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Progress toward parity for women on movie screens has stalled, report finds


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For those championing 'Barbie' as a some sort of victory for progressive liberalism, the final outcome of the film simply proves the opposite and demonstrates just how obsolete post-modern feminism has become.

Barbie herself rejects it in the very end, choosing to go into the real world to stay and try to take on the greatest job a woman possibly could, to become a mother.

Moral of the story: as has been demonstrated throughout the aeons of human history, men and women work far more effectively when combined as a union, rather than pitted against each other as opposing "teams", as the Establishment Left often attempts to do.

4 ( +16 / -12 )

So, 54% DID include a "Latino speaking character" which is actually over-representation. Take away their jobs and give the roles to somebody from Mongolia?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Yea Barbie great leap forward remember they didn't hesitate to use the mushroom cloud image simply for more publicity LOL talk about calculate for profit utilizing feminism etc

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Please!!!!! just please, stop with the Barbie stories.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

PS.........did any one else notice to 2 big X's on the building in front of her. I wonder if that was a paid for advert for some one i will not mention.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

“For those championing 'Barbie' as a some sort of victory for progressive liberalism, the final outcome of the film simply proves the opposite and demonstrates just how obsolete post-modern feminism has become.

Barbie herself rejects it in the very end, choosing to go into the real world to stay and try to take on the greatest job a woman possibly could, to become a mother.

Moral of the story: as has been demonstrated throughout the aeons of human history, men and women work far more effectively when combined as a union, rather than pitted against each other as opposing "teams", as the Establishment Left often attempts to do”

So you spent your money to watch this film? Your analysis is very in line with generic rightwing North American podcasts.

Has anyone heard ‘go woke, go broke’ recently? It seems like we’ve lost a drunk uncle.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

“Please!!!!! just please, stop with the Barbie stories”

Nobody is forcing you to read them.

The attention is arguably warranted. This movie is enormous. Even those triggered by it are paying good money to watch it. That’s a successful film and formula.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Progress toward parity for women on movie screens has stalled, report finds


and then they use a Barbie as an example, which by the way probably has more news stories written about this low substance jr high school mentality movie than Hunter Biden’s crimes.

It very much proves that any progress towards women on the screen is decided by dolts rather than real life 2023 stories like Ordinary Angels or Reality(female director).

Invalid CSRF

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Your analysis is very in line with generic rightwing North American podcasts. 

Has anyone heard ‘go woke, go broke’ recently? It seems like we’ve lost a drunk uncle.

Instead of shrieking about "podcasts" (?) and imaginary political spectrums, how about calmly and rationally telling us what it is you specifically disagree with about my assessment?

I understand being rational might be an unfamiliar concept, but you should really give it a go - people might take you a bit more seriously.

1 ( +8 / -7 )


Relax mate.

I just asked you if you paid to watch the Barbie film. No need to get like that.

You have seen it, haven’t you? It’s just that we’ve had rightwing North American podcast watchers regurgitating criticism of it. I’m not putting you in that category but your criticism of it is similar.

Also, I asked what happened to ‘go woke, go broke’.

It’s just that I don’t hear it these days. It was a really popular law of business/slogan.

Can anyone give us an update?

I understand being rational might be an unfamiliar concept, but you should really give it a go - people might take you a bit more seriously

A bit hysterical.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

how about calmly and rationally telling us what it is you specifically disagree with about my assessment?

Your assessment takes a religious approach not reflected in the movies script or tone.

take on the greatest job a woman possibly could, to become a mother.

Your assessment also emphasises your misplaced conviction the movies' core tenet proves modern feminism is obsolete.

The movie is about self-identity and the impossible pressures placed upon humans to be perfect. Barbie chooses to be human, to have feelings, flaws, imperfections.

Don't worry that your assessment is so wildly wrong and loaded with your mistaken worldview. It proves you are human, and not Just Ken.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Jay Today 07:07 am JST

For those championing 'Barbie' as a some sort of victory for progressive liberalism, the final outcome of the film simply proves the opposite and demonstrates just how obsolete post-modern feminism has become.

Barbie herself rejects it in the very end, choosing to go into the real world to stay and try to take on the greatest job a woman possibly could, to become a mother.

Moral of the story: as has been demonstrated throughout the aeons of human history, men and women work far more effectively when combined as a union, rather than pitted against each other as opposing "teams", as the Establishment Left often attempts to do.

I felt this was quite well-written.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

I felt this was quite well-written.

I'm sure Warner Bros are elated you were happy to contribute to the box office success of this movie.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

I'm sure Warner Bros are elated you were happy to contribute to the box office success of this movie

Not only that.

They’ve actually got the types triggered by this kind of thing to actually part with their hard-earned cash to watch it.

Superb. You’ve got to admire that.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Ah..Barbie. lol. My first and last comment.

When you watch the movie, play this drinking game. Every time some character mentions the word "POWER", take a drink! You will...in fact, never mind. My game will kill you if you use alcohol! lol. POWER!!! (Seriously though, check it out...it's uncanny how OFTEN this tiny word gets used in this seemingly fluff-and-fun movie.)

Here's something to consider: what if audiences don't NEED or even WANT "parity" in their entertainment? What if "parity" in everything or keeping tabs on which boxes are checked by which groups in a cultural creation actually often makes for a worse, not better, product?

Is "equality" more important of a factor than "quality" now? Because, judging by the drek content getting churned out in Tinsletown these days, The Messaging is obviously far, far more important than The Movie!

5 ( +9 / -4 )

JimizoToday  02:12 pm JST

Also, I asked what happened to ‘go woke, go broke’.

It’s just that I don’t hear it these days. It was a really popular law of business/slogan.

Can anyone give us an update?

A bit hysterical.

So you think that 'woke' has only one definition or implies the same for all. It doesn't.

The reason Barbie is popular is because it has a feminist message, which itself is not 'woke' to a lot of people, and it had an original story.

For many 'woke' isn't about feminism. It's when they take an established IP and change it to match today's dumb gender politics. Barbie has always been about....Barbie and not Ken who is really just a marketing afterthought.

It's the same for when someone supports one's right to be transgender but doesn't support when biological transgender men want to compete against biological women in sports.

But of course the typical, ignorant knee jerk reaction is to label anyone against 'woke' and transgenders competing against women as anti-woman, anti-feminist, anti-LGBT because they simply only see black or white and have no real legitimate counterargument.

The success of Barbie isn't equivalent to the failure of She-Hulk, Mulan, Little Mermaid. Indy Jones 5, Rings of Power, Disney's Star Wars, Light Year, etc, etc, What's hysterical is that many like you can't see or understand the difference.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )


So Barbie isn’t woke? Quite a few rightwing North American podcast watchers think otherwise.


She-Hulk, Mulan, Little Mermaid. Indy Jones 5, Rings of Power, Disney's Star Wars, Light Year

So they are truly ‘woke’?

Who’s defining this?

So, do you see ‘go woke, go broke’? as alive and well?

What's hysterical is that many like you can't see or understand the difference

A bit hysterical.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

So you think that 'woke' has only one definition or implies the same for all. It doesn't.

No, you're right. It can mean anything to anyone as proven by people who use it without the slightest idea why.

Though anyone who does use the word is a screaming bellend.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

PaustovskyToday  05:36 pm JST

So you think that 'woke' has only one definition or implies the same for all. It doesn't.

No, you're right. It can mean anything to anyone as proven by people who use it without the slightest idea why.

Though anyone who does use the word is a screaming bellend.

You're clearly incapable of posting a logical counterargument and can only resort to childish insults. I obviously don't care how others use 'woke'. I only care what it means to me and you're just triggered cause it offends you because all you can do is group and label those who disagree with you.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Hito Bito

Re: parity. That’s right, exactly.

Also, if people really want to have parity in movies, just cast more women as murderous villains in action movies. How about that?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

JimizoToday  05:34 pm JST


So Barbie isn’t woke? Quite a few rightwing North American podcast watchers think otherwise.


She-Hulk, Mulan, Little Mermaid. Indy Jones 5, Rings of Power, Disney's Star Wars, Light Year

So they are truly ‘woke’?

Who’s defining this?

So, do you see ‘go woke, go broke’? as alive and well?

What's hysterical is that many like you can't see or understand the difference

A bit hysterical.

Why don't you ask them why? Why are you asking me? Why should I care how they feel or why they feel that way. Those films are 'woke' based on what I think it means to me and I just defined what it means to me. You can't read? You're just a divisive person, not surprisingly, and want to label and group people into these little boxes rather say what's wrong with my meaning of 'woke'. You clearly can't see the difference but are offended nonetheless for the very reasons I stated.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

She-Hulk, Mulan, Little Mermaid. Indy Jones 5, Rings of Power, Disney's Star Wars, Light Year, etc, etc, 

From our exchanges I understand it is very important for you to have an opinion on children's movies. This one is woke, that one isn't etc.

When you go to the cinema with your parents, perhaps it's best to discuss it with them.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

PaustovskyToday  06:16 pm JST

She-Hulk, Mulan, Little Mermaid. Indy Jones 5, Rings of Power, Disney's Star Wars, Light Year, etc, etc, 

From our exchanges I understand it is very important for you to have an opinion on children's movies. This one is woke, that one isn't etc.

When you go to the cinema with your parents, perhaps it's best to discuss it with them.

None of those films are rated-G. I know it's oh so hard to wrap your little head around what PG-13 means. But what's more telling is that you're incapable of producing a single counterargument to what I wrote even though you pathetically consider yourself the far left "social warrior' nobody needs or wants. Way to miss that PK Megan!!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

...and I an sure we are all waiting breathlessly for Disney 's next entry, "Snow Brown and the Seven Diverse Refugees from a Medieval Faire".

3 ( +6 / -3 )

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