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© KYODOJohnny's president apologizes for alleged sexual abuse by late founder
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Wouldn't have any idea, like I said, don't like it, dont listen to it! Seems to me, that you are the opposite and know a heck of a lot.
There will be no payouts, just this apology and then back to normal.
This is the reason why if you are an entertainer you should have control over your own career and not get paid a salary by an agency that does not thing but collect money! You should be able to hire your own manager and not be paid like a regular office person what good is the fame without the fortune.
The most logical choice would be NHK, as they rely less on Johnnys acts than the commercial networks. Also, they have the most clout of any network, as a quasi-governmental organization .
Johnny was a beast and a national disgrace but he’s still held in high esteem, it’s ludicrous and it sets me immensely. It’s like people praising Jimmy Savile after all the wicked things he did
Yes Amuse and perfume, Ayaka “A-chan” Nishiwaki, Ayano “Nocchi” Omoto and Yuka “Kashiyuka” Kashino.....
A-chan, Nocchi and Kashiyuka say they gained a greater appreciation for each other’s company after spending months in isolation, and Nakata shared a measured perspective on life with them for the vision behind “Plasma.”....Japan Times
It doesn't appear natural in any form, purely a means to show case, to market merchandise or parade as human clothes hangers to sell products.
It is a sterile unnatural existence to earn a living
Which "wide show" is going to take the hit to take down Johnny's?
Sounds like whichever broadcast compay does it will be in the weeds on musical acts and/or guests for a long time. And of course there is the inevitable liable suit.... Plus the station hosting the show would no doubt have all kinds of questions thrown at them about what it knew and why it failed to raise any alarms...
This of course COULD cause everyone to clam up for "some" amount of time. But in the end, the truth (almost always) outs.
I think that sooner or later, SOMEBODY is going to blow the whistle. Why not be the program, channel, producer blowing the whistle rather than be the one being blown on?
Just a thought....
She said that she was unaware.......... Talk about a straight-faced liar.
With all the girl & boys recruited into the 'entertainment' industry, much of the same is probably happening inside agencies like Amuse, Sunnyside-Up, etc.
What is obvious Johnny & Associates Inc still has a strangle hold over the idol/tarento/broadcast industry in general.
There is a wholly perverse, insidious, no incestuous business relationship to who and what controls broadcast media on J TV.
Giving the next hidden Johnny Kitagawa the means to exploit in plain view on a whole number of levels.
We could only be viewing the tip of the iceberg as the crew of the titanic rearranges the deck chairs.
As Johnny & Associates Inc continue to disingenuously feign ignorance, the sordid exploitation of minors and there families continues.
Imagine if Michael Jackson lived until 2019, out of jail, still in Neverland. Then now, we hear he was diddling kids. Would you be surprised? After all that talk, all the weird stuff he was doing, and all those rumors. Would you say "I can't believe it!"?
No, this is no different. Give the poor kids proper compensation. I hope the other ones who were abused come forward. I'll never look down on them for what happened. If anything, I'll consider them stronger than anyone else. All the money Johnny ever made off each of those poor souls, they should receive double.
IF, and this is a big "if", one of the members of one of the big, BIG acts - SMAP or ARASHI were to come forward and talk about how Johnny made them do X, Y, or Z to become famous, then the dam would break and that would be that for this human trafficking ring disguised as a "talent agency."
I am not sure if dear Julie's "Hostage Video" confession will be enough to stem the tide in their absense, but anything further and she gets washed away like a sand castle built at low tide.
Japan Violet
The parents must have known they were dropping their sons into a predator's den.
The Japanese entertainment industry should be ashamed for letting Kitagawa get away with his crimes
Likewise the US with Eptsein, the Uk with Savile.
To say it's only a Japanese problem ignores all of these other case's.
You do the crime - then pay the time!
Its wrong...very wrong but...Its tough to say this but that kind of thing has been part of Japanese culture for centuries. Do some research and you will find that some of the top samurai and shoguns took advantage of their young up and coming was almost standard. It even infected the ranks of some of the Buddhist monastaries.
Predator – BBC Documentary on Johnny Kitagawa by Mobeen Azhar & Megumi Inman
Johnny & Associates Inc must be held criminally financially accountable.
So an independent investigation, fully supported by police prosecutors.
no less.
Detailing future guidelines that leads to prevention.
What they could do is void any non-disclosure agreements they made with past victims of sexual abuse by this man or any others in their 'stable' and allow the victims to speak out about what happened. That would clear the air and give these people who have been gagged closure. It would also serve as a warning to current and future perps that they cannot hide and cannot get away with what they are doing.
On a separate note, saw Johnny Depp next on the page to this article. I thought they meant Johnny Depp was an abuser at first! But then again, he is definitely a bit 'odd' too.
There are no big payouts in Japan. The Japanese government is in bed with big business, and Japanese judges do whatever prosecutors tell them to do. They even have offices on the same floor in the courthouse to make colluding easier.
moving on, sure. First. consequences
BBC紀錄片《獵食者:日本流行音樂的秘密醜聞》- BBC News 中文
Make your own conclusions..
finally rich
basically the same here but it was actually japanese music that got me here, problem is, once you get in Japan you never see Gackt, Dir En Grey, Larc en Ciel, Luna Sea, Glay etc. on TV, its always the very same 2 or 3 groups, nonstop, over and over every single day, even on weekdays.
Where is Utada Hikaru, Ayumi Hamasaki? If you see them once a year on tv you can consider yourself lucky.
In my almost 2 decades in Japan Ive never seen BoA on the telly and she was a huge pop icon here.
So, she's committed to helping the victims but cannot confirm there are any. Way to wriggle out of any real responsibility. There have been allegations since the 1990s and she had plenty of time to confirm them and probably knew about them. Have to blame the industry as a whole, too, because people in the know just looked the other way or even assisted.
Hate to be one of those posters like...'But in America...'
Thw difference is Pearlman did not manipulate a huge part of the American media like Kitagawa did in Japan with his deep ties to advertisers ànd broadcastera in the crony capitalist Japan Inc. combine.
Not a shrew of remorse, more a ruthless master class in PR limitation exercise.
One overriding aspect is poisonous corrupt idol/talent industry, plus its toxic unprincipled business model.
Primary legislation that could written into current employment law is needed to split agency from idol/talent management so preventing blatant conflicts of interest, exploitation and in Johnny Kitagawa class allegedly appalling sexual abuse of minors.
Alfie Noakes
A weasel-worded non-apology in the classic Japanese politician style. Insult upon insult, a total disgrace, with the blame shared by everyone in the Japanese media who knew exactly what was happening but looked the other way because of the money they were making. It's also pretty obvious that Johnny told his niece where all the bodies are buried before he died.
Shame this half-baked apology happened after the death of this perverted, sick and despicable man - the Jimmy Savile of Japan. Probably even worse.
They - through their PR teams - will probably all continue to deny anything ever happened. They probably think admitting to what may have happened to them will damage their careers.
It can not be confirmed with the perpetrator. I am glad it is over now. Move on please.
Geez. Not apologies to the victims - only to those who asserted they are victims.
Can get any more callous and shallow than that?
And not aware is simply a lie. It's been news for 20+ years - including court cases - so anyone involved in the industry would know, including slimy jonny's niece.
Anyone that has lived in Japan for 5 or more years starts to notice that the Domestic Dirty Laundry is well hidden... and to prove the point this story was not broadcast in Japan itself but on the BBC in the U.K. Look... I love this country... and I am no Japan Basher. Every single country in the World without exception has its issues. I will tell everyone I meet many, many more great things about Japan than negative. But, this is a negative, the press in Japan is weak and afraid to step on toes. Japan needs better domestic investigative reporting. And her is the crazy part, it is, that all said, sometimes it is best not to know all the bad stuff, it keeps society and life for kids just a bit more on the magical side. Case in point, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.
Who should make it illegal? While I dont like J-Pop or any of the "idol" groups, male or female, millions of fans do. I just choose not to watch them nor support them.
If laws were based upon "boy bands, little girl bands and lame entertainment with songs that make little or no sense? " I guess we have to start "outlawing" all sorts of things and everyone ends up looking like and sounding like carbon copies of everyone else.
Sounds kinda like a half-fast apology, at best.
What's really needed is an official investigation, interviewing all of the past "juniors" and any of the employees who reported directly to Johnny, including any household staff; examination of emails for any mention of the allegations or illicit activity; and, interviews with TV network talent coordinators to see if any pressure or threats were applied to keep the scandal from their news programs or lose access to top acts.
But, that'll never happen. And, even if it did, and past or present execs and employees were found guilty, they'd just get suspended sentences, anyway.
Marr Bourdein
And this is news now? Giving that they produce boy bands, little girl bands and lame entertainment with songs that make little or no sense? They should make it illegal to be in business. There's more to uncover there....
If I were a much more optimist person I would say this signals a change in the industry, at least to the same degree the "me too" movement did in the US, but it is much more likely that the most that will happen is a change of names and that abuse will continue only with other agencies in charge.
Between Dentsu and Johnny's they controlled the commercial and entertainment industry in Japan. There will be no payouts, just this apology and then back to normal. I'd love to hear from some of the biggest stars that Johnny's produced, like Kimura Takuya, or Sakurai Sho, or any of the other famous "talents" that still grace our TVs!
This is probably one of the filthiest businesses any where in the world, young teens dreaming to become a star someday are being targeted by the so called TALENT and MODELING businesses when in reality they are a cover for the Porn Industry.
The only good thing that can be done now for the abhorrence that is 'Johnnys' is for it to be forced to no longer exist.
Payouts to victims should bankrupt the company so it can no longer function. Anyone proven to have known about what was going on should be prosecuted.
It should not be allowed to just make a public apology and settle behind the scenes with shady non-disclosure agreements.
Big payouts coming!
If you can't confirm something, no need to apologize for anything, but YOU knew, and did nothing, because it kept the money flowing in. You apologize now, because he is dead.