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Renowned French actor says Depardieu's sex assault case underlines a need for change


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Why the delays? Rape is a serious offense and people who do it must be held accountable.

arlier this year, French actor Judith Godrèche called on France’s film industry to “face the truth” on sexual violence and physical abuse during the Cesar Awards ceremony, France’s version of the Oscars. “We can decide that men accused of rape no longer rule the (French) cinema,” Godrèche said.

It's in everything, in every institution, and males and females rape and get raped.

Jonathan PrinOct. 30  04:28 pm JST

> Obscene comments does not mean you sexually assaults women.

They just want to take advantage of their situation.

Look at Harvey Weinstein, R Kelly, Bill Cosby, TrashTrumpChump, Roman Polaski, the ICE agents running trumpSter's concentration camps, the concentration camps in Yugoslavia during the 90s.

99.99% of all rape allegations are REAL.

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I am French and I can tell you no one knows those top or renowned French actresses.

Obscene comments does not mean you sexually assaults women.

They just want to take advantage of their situation.

Depardieu was a thug when young, but turned out to be one of the greatest actor.

He is a raw man.

So far no proof and how ludicrous for a woman to say she has been raped but then decided it was ok to get with her raper again alone...

One obviously can't have the cake and eat it.

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