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© 2019 AFPRihanna blasts Trump in new Vogue interview
By Angela Weiss NEW YORK©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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"Put an Arab man with that same weapon in that same Walmart and there is no way that Trump would sit there and address it publicly as a mental health problem,"
Sure he would. Even more so in that case being as how the Arab man would most likely also be Muslim..
I think his erratic behavior and hair-trigger temper are more evidence of mental illness than what she sites. Racism and greed typically do not fall make one a candidate for the "loony bin," although maybe that should change.
She is a singer from the Bahamas?
Nah, she is soooooooooooooooooo wrong.
Fully agreed.
finally rich
such a relief to have an entertainer to offer us some insightful opinions on real world politics
Another Hollywood loser who gives an opinion on someone No one cares about to hear. I guess they need to in some way keep their irrelevant lives in the public eye.
bass4funkToday 04:02 pm JST
Another Hollywood loser who gives an opinion on someone No one cares about to hear. I guess they need to in some way keep their irrelevant lives in the public eye.
Now that is funny. Whatchyou eating bass4funk?
A loser ???? The world's wealthiest musician at $600+million.
A loser??? The most # 1 hits in history.
A loser??? 75+million followers on instagram alone.
I guess that makes her irrelevant - ha, ha
Her opinions do count whether you like them or not.
Millions listen.
Sounds like one of those situations where “point a finger at someone and two point back at you.”
Who gives a toss what she thinks
Dom Palmer
And even more than Trump's followers, hers are a bunch of brainless sheep. She could drive a gas-guzzling SUV over a nest of endangered owls while eating roasted dog meat and her followers would praise her for being edgy.
"The most mentally ill human being in America right now seems to be the president."
She is so ill-informed.
Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and the majority of the Dem presidential candidates are obviously way more out of it mentally than Trump.
So what, but she’s not the President. She can’t even vote in the US, so what she says is irrelevant like that idiot John Legend and his other half.
Hey, she can say whatever she wants, I’m just saying No one cares, there are more people in the country that could give a crap what she says. So it really makes her irrelevant, if you like her, good.
Millions also dismiss her lame comments.
Guns are but tools used by mentally defective deranged mind set using in their mind the best tool available. Deny the gun and some other tool, perhaps even a worse tool, will be chosen. Solve the aberrant mind problem.
So does she.
As does the President, she doesn’t run the US and we thankfully don’t vote for her or care about her corny opinion.
She should run for office, but until then, she’s a joke.
Thanks for the reply bass4.
I never said anything about liking or not liking her.
I was just referring to your comment calling her a loser.
And I gave examples of her incredible success, so just wondered where the "loser" tag fitted in???
And re no one cares??? Eh!!! Refer to the above post.
Anyone can make comment about anothers comments based on a persons (Rihanna) views, but slagging off in an attempt to belittle believing it then disqualifies the message is classic strawman stuff of schoolboys/girls.
Saying you strongly disagree with the article and her thoughts and giving legit reasons will garner more respect.
All these people supporting "freedom of speech"?
If you think so, ok. I think differently.
That as well.
Good for her and her fans.
Good for her. Trump is a coward and hypocrite, and now allowing Turkey the opportunity to massacre the Kurds who fought alongside American forces in the Middle East.
People that are nothing more than entertainment are just that.
her clothing line must be losing money, it's the only time the so called beautiful people are in the news is when they have something to sell. like her comments and relate and buy some clothes.
Breaking news... A celebrity doesn't like Trump.
That never happens.
Toasted Heretic
Not sure what that has to do with anything. We all have opinions on Trump as his actions or inactions have impact on the rest of the planet.
There is little doubt that the man is mentally unfit to hold the office of President. The slurred speech, the complusive lying, the gaslighting, contradictions and possible reliance on drugs.
Those of us who have witnessed the tragic onslaught of dementia will recognise disturbing patterns in his behaviour.
Nope, not jealous at all. Just don’t like her and her music, not so hard to understand, but she might be a nice person.
Are there any musicians, singers, actors etc. you like who don’t like Trump? Judging them partisan political views is childish.
I remember you said The Rolling Stones weren’t a ‘real band’ after Jagger had a go at trump.
The musicians I like are smart, they do what they’re supposed to do, music. They don’t get into politics.
Yup, that’s right and felt like that way before that as well.
You praised Ted Nugent in the past.
Yes. As a Hunter, not as a musician.
No, I remember it well. You praised him for supporting Trump while on stage before the election.
I can go back and dig it out if you want.
It flies directly in the face of your new principle that you think musicians should keep their politics to themselves. It also stinks of hypocrisy and partisanship.
Trump is a coward and hypocrite, and now allowing Turkey the opportunity to massacre the Kurds
I guarantee you the families of the troops leaving Syria disagree.
Yeah, but I appreciate him more for his stance on guns and hunting.
Well, no. If the man likes the President good for him, but when he backs hunting and our second amendment, I’m all in.
So you don’t criticise entertainers if they support Trump but attack those who oppose Trump and say they should stay out of politics.
Partisanship and hypocrisy. Smh.
Meanwhile, a protester at a Trump rally walking by a person with a MAGA hat on being interviewed, spit in his face live on camera and kept walking. The emotional cesspool of the left is bubbling over. I hope they catch this person and charge them with assault. The behavior does not surprise me at all reading some of the posters on here. Sick and disgusting, no different from Rihanna.
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Not at all.
Good for them.