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Rocker Rod Stewart, son resolve Florida hotel assault case


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I imagine Mr. Dixon will have himself a merry, not-so-little Christmas this year.

Grow up Rod, FFS.

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MickeliciousToday  10:31 am JST

I imagine Mr. Dixon will have himself a merry, not-so-little Christmas this year.

Grow up Rod, FFS.

Knaughty Knasty Knight. Some people never grow up.

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love me some Rod Stewart, but brawling with your son? Seriously? I’m just glad I wasn’t the one being punched, there’s no way. I would have allowed that. Now had the altercation occurred among the normal civilian population both men would be sitting in a jail cell. Being a celeb sure does help.

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-Some guys have all the luck.

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bass4funkDec. 18  05:42 pm JST

love me some Rod Stewart, but brawling with your son? Seriously? I’m just glad I wasn’t the one being punched, there’s no way. I would have allowed that. Now had the altercation occurred among the normal civilian population both men would be sitting in a jail cell. Being a celeb sure does help.

Some guys get all the breaks. Maybe the security guard asked for an autograph CD (Rod has a new one out now) in return for dropping charges.

Jes sayin'.

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Rod has always had issues, what with him being a Londoner pretending to be a Scotsman. Then again, he's sold over 200 million records, he can do whatever he wants it seem.

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snowymountainhellDec. 18  08:53 pm JST

**- “**The plea agreement, dated & signed Mon, means Stewart & son, won't have to appear in court and formal adjudication of the charge was withheld. There will be no trial. Neither will do any jail time or be required to pay fines and won't be placed on probation.” -

Absolutely paid chunk change.

I'm using my poetic license.


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Dixon should have thanked Sir Rod for the honour of being punched in the rib cage.

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And what of the singer’s son, Sean (age 41): Apparently, mum Alana never “spared the Rod” and thus, *“spoiled the child” *?

**- “**The plea agreement, dated & signed Mon, means Stewart & son, won't have to appear in court and formal adjudication of the charge was withheld. There will be no trial. Neither will do any jail time or be required to pay fines and won't be placed on probation.” -

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That Scottish burr for effect can be difficult @zichi 6:46pm (plus, a plethora of metaphors ‘to boot’!)

but I think I follow: Rod singing ‘the Japanese way’ as ‘paying off the complainant’ to resolve the matter / make criminal proceedings disappear in Japanese ‘Justice’ System style.

- “Ye kin tak' th' rod oot o' scootlund, bit ye cannae tak' scootlund oot o' th' rod.” -

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By George,” I think I’m getting it! @zichi 8:58pm: Rod ‘spread[ing] the dosh’ is paying out a substantial ‘chunk of change’, but not necessarily ‘butter[ing] up the victim with ‘insincere compliments’.

Therefore, since the complainant “agreed to the outcome of the case”, we can imagine, and agree, that sum was no “*chump change”, … right*?
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