Actress Ryoko Hirosue, 33, is not having an affair with actor Takeru Sato, 24, her management office said.
Magazine Josei Seven first reported the rumored affair with photos that showed Hirosue arriving at Sato’s apartment at night on Feb 21, and leaving early the next morning. The two starred in NHK's "taiga" drama “Ryoma-den” in 2010.
Nikkan Sports reported Thursday that Hirosue’s office denied there was anything between the two, calling the magazine's story "groundless.” Sato's office denied there was any relationship, saying "Hirosue is Sato's 'senpai' and someone he respects ever since they co-starred in the drama."
Hirosue married candle artist Candle June, 40, in October 2010 and had a baby in March 2011. It was her second marriage.
According to Josei Seven, her husband was away from Tokyo for reconstruction support activities in Tohoku.
© Japan Today
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Hmm, I am not familiar with either of these names or the significance of this headline. Not familiar with the Josei Seven magazine, either. Yawn.
Nenad Jovanović
So why comment ?
So why comment ? I watched Takeru Sato as Rurouni Kenshin, one of the best movies , and new two movies are in making, also he will again in lead role , and for Ryoko Hirosue ,she was in Luc Besson movie Wasabi , and also in other drams and movies over the years in Japan .
Dennis Bauer
They were just "rehearsing" lines. ;)
a candle "artist" named Candle?! you just can't make this stuff up.
I pray it's not true!!!!!
...because of the dramatic and great impact this digression will have an all of mankind?
Better yet, Candle Wick.
Ryoko was married to her first husband and requested to live in separate places after having a baby which eventually led to divorce. Same thing goes with her 2nd husband. She lives separately, she has all the free time in the World to do what or who she wants.
Nice actress. Didn't realize she's already in her 30s with children.
Anyway, what she does is her own business. I dislike gossip and look down on those who spread it.
Let's hope this doesn't cause her marriage to Candle June to melt down!!
she probably just did it out of spite for that annoying thing he wears in his ear
What?! A Japanese wife having a child then cutting off intimate relations with her husband and having an affair (not necessarily in that order)?! No!! Say it isn't so!
(Rolls eyes. Sarcasm off...)
Honestly, I don't have enough time today to recount the number of couples I know personally in Japan that have or are currently going through precisely this. I don't have enough time to relate the pain it has caused to close friends of mine who are at a complete loss for what to do in the face of this B.S.
While it certainly makes for titilating reading in the entertainment section, the sad truth is that this kind of garbage goes on with alarming regularity throughout Japan. It's a fairly well-known commiseratory "joke" among men in Japan that the wife suddenly cuts off intimate relations with her husband the moment a baby enters the picture -- at least until the wife decides to have the next child -- but the truth is this practice of unilaterally cutting the husband out of a marriage (while demanding the paychecks keep coming) is so widespread and accepted that it's practically codified among married women throughout Japan. As if it were only natural. Guess what? It's not.
It creates strife where there need be none, it fractures families, and it of course raises the spectre of infidelity on both sides of the equation. How can this possibly be good for society, this frivolous disregard for marriage?
Did Ryoko Hirosue cheat on her husband? You can bet a year's wages she did. And if her husband has any concern for the welfare of his child, he should divorce her immediately and take the child with him, far away from this insincere, selfish, painfully self-indulgent, piss-poor excuse for a wife.
Thanks for letting us all know about the stuff you don't know about. In the time it took you to write the comment, an internet search would have told you that both individuals are very famous actors and the magazine is one of the biggest selling in the country - about half a million copies a week I think.
hito zuma. Very nice! She went knocking on some young blood's door and stayed the night.
Gee I wonder what could they be doing other than "acting" all night. Don't tell me, they must be "rehearsing" scene 1 scene 2 of Anthony and Cleopatra "Well, if you were but an inch of fortune better than I, where would you choose it?"
I'm also not having an affair with her, in case anyone was wondering.
But you read the story anyway.
Ryoko was married to her first husband and requested to live in separate places after having a baby which eventually led to divorce. Same thing goes with her 2nd husband. She lives separately, she has all the free time in the World to do what or who she wants.
So why get married or stay married?? The good old shotgun marriage... When will Japan learn?
Cortes Elijah
She looks like the type. God that makes me sick. Divorce him first you USER.
Is this Sato person really a guy? When I googled him (Didn't know who either of them were tbh as I don't live in Japan but have family members who do) the first picture I saw I thought was a girl. O.O
I hope that isn't true that this was an affair though, however its obviously likely that this was one.
"RotenFEB. 28, 2014 - 08:14AM JST Hmm, I am not familiar with either of these names or the significance of this headline. Not familiar with the Josei Seven magazine, either. Yawn. "
What are you doing commenting about it then on a Japan site then...ever watched Japanese TV? It's not hard to spot them. If you were commenting on a non Japan site and then that would be a different matter, but even outside Japan people watch Japanese tv and these have been in some of the most famous and watched Japanese dramas.
Bogi - Thanks for letting us all know about the stuff you don't know about. In the time it took you to write the comment, an internet search would have told you that both individuals are very famous actors and the magazine is one of the biggest selling in the country - about half a million copies a week I think.
Me - I'm not interested in even taking the time to do an Internet search, thank you. Change the names and you have a hundred other Japanese actors and yet another handful of Japanese magazines. The comments here are helpful, though, in explaining why these particular characters are in the vogue today.
888naff - What are you doing commenting about it then on a Japan site then...ever watched Japanese TV? It's not hard to spot them. If you were commenting on a non Japan site and then that would be a different matter, but even outside Japan people watch Japanese tv and these have been in some of the most famous and watched Japanese dramas.
Me - Sure, I've watched Japanese TV. Do you really think this is a "Japanese" site? How many comments here are from native Japanese people? Most of the comments are by gaijin living in Japan, it seems, who are happy to complain about idiosyncratic Japanese issues that impinge on their lives. You caught me though, I live in insular Kansas, and haven't been in Japan since last December; I haven't lived in Japan since, oh, let's count back, 2007. I'll admit, I am not up to date on current Japanese actors or heart-throbs. I was first living in Japan when Yamaguchi Momoe was a teen-age singer.
Nenad Jovanović - So why comment ?
Me - A great question. How often do you get to a JT article that has no comments yet? It is like a clean slate, and you get to start a discussion. So, asking what the significance of an article with no comments yet seems a legitimate question. I appreciate your answer. It and Educator60's answer helped fill in the gaps in my current cultural curiosity.
I don't know how I'll possibly cope with these earth-shattering revelations. A Japanese woman cutting off intimacy after a child is born? No. I won't hear it. It's impossible.
and who cares .
I saw these news in "aramatheydidn´t" over the weekend.. A couple of months ago I was in fangirl mode for Sato-san... but now, it doesn't bother me much if it´s true or not, ever since there were rumors of him and Ishihara Satomi, he seems to me quite a player, but i feel kinda difficult to believe this "rumor", I haven´t seen Hirosue-san´s work And I cannot remember her in Ryomaden, but she seems she´s not the type for Sato, more like a fling and nothing more, from that perspective you could say they are not having an affair, just "Touch and go"
The post above me illustrates my point perfectly about attitudes in this country regarding marriage and infidelity.
Who. am I to criticise anyway, the girl can do as she pleases. Loved her in Departures