Japan Today

Saki Fukuda looking for a man who is soft on outside and strong on inside


Actress Saki Fukuda, 19, celebrated the opening of popular fashion brand Zara's newest Shibuya Koen-doori store on Tuesday, fielding questions from the press about her "ideal man."

The starlet said she would most like to have come to the party with "a guy who looks like a 'herbivore' but is really strong inside." She said she hasn't found one just yet, but will keep looking.

Also making an appearance at the commemorative event was actress Maki Tamaru, 31, model Yona, 24, and other members of the Oscar Promotion Beauty Corps.

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Saki Fukuda, center, with the Oscar Promotion Beauty Corps

Who is the one in the "center" when there are 6 people in the shot ????

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How about a guy who's tough on the internet but soft in real life?

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My question as well

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She's the one in the red hat and red tights. Maybe the original picture had more than six people but got cropped?

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um...yeah...six people...ain't no middle there. But the girl on the right has nice legs. Show more. By herbivore, does she mean like a sheep or goat that eats grass and stuff like that? Not many veggie restaurants here to search for a herbivore guy.

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Why does J-women insist in using grandpa-style hats?! hahahaaha It makes them look silly. LOL

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How about someone who's soft all around?

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sounds like she needs someone who is equally soft in the head

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Darn...I am hard on the outside....most girls like that

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'Soft on outside'--I'm sure there's a good joke there! Personally, I prefer the reverse; I like a guy who is hard & strong on the outside, sweet & gentle on the inside.

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“a guy who looks like a ‘herbivore’ but is really strong inside.” She said she hasn’t found one just yet, but will keep looking.

So, all the 'herbivorous men' here are weak at heart, since she hasn't found any with strong insides.

How do you look like an herbivore anyways? Metro? Emo? No muscle tone? Wear a shirt with a big "X" over the word "meat"?

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Yeah, i was wondering what was meant by 'herbivore' too and apparently is it a new term for young guys who are less interested in money and take an interest in fashion and personal appearance. More sensitive less aggressive types who believe in friendship with women without sex and aren't really eager to find a girlfriend...Besides the money part, sounds like most of the gay guys I know!! Good luck Saki!

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Oh, Saki why can't you accept me as who I am? Why all these demands?

As an aside, they fogot to mention Saki's age in the article. That must be an oversight...

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isn't her age the "19" after her name? yeah the herbivorous man - supposedly most young japanese men - soft, weak and easily pushed over on the inside, feminine - man bag carrying, makeup wearing, hair clips in hair etc on the outside. of course this term is up there with carnivorous women...

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They just added her age. Thanks JT!!!

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I can't tell at all by the picture. Is she any good looking?

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I can't tell at all by the picture. Is she any good looking?

Not particularly, but she is very genki!

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she wants a cross between herbivore man and chuck norris.

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how about a guy who's hard in real life

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herbivore men are men who generally have no self-confidence or self-respect and who have generally given up on impressing women. Pathetic really. But this is natural selection at work because these guys will never have any children.

I think she is looking for someone who has self-confidence, but who are gentle in relationships. Not a bad wish.

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Sort of like biting into a daifuku with a rock in the middle...

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So basically, skinny and effeminate but with a bit of backbone?

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Personally, I prefer the reverse; I like a guy who is hard & strong on the outside, sweet & gentle on the inside. dolphingirl: me too, i prefer gentle and sweet inside

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if she's looking for a strong man, she needs to head to narita airport and jump the first flight out

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i prefer gentle and sweet inside

gentle and sweet guys get butchered by women in a relationship. Basically she wants a pushover with an erection that will not quit.

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A herbivore is a guy who eats plants, flowers, etc...? Why is that attractive? Or is this refering to a Japanese man who is similar to fungi consuming algae? I feel confused by Saki-chan's ideal man.

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Maybe she's looking for the Green Hornet.

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bobbafett: why? not necessary... regarding topic: i think she doesnt know what she wants, this is a key problem

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LIke all women she only wants a man with a big bank account.

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WMD: dont generalise please:)

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Take me Take me....

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bobbafett: Gentle and sweet does not necessarily equal a 'pushover'. You can be gentle & kind and still have a strong sense of yourself, your opinions and boundaries. Anyone who doesn't have a strong sense of who they are could be, as you say 'butchered' in a relationship.

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she wants some cute ikemen boy that drags her around by the hair

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these comments are hilarious. normally strong on outside soft on inside is better. hard on inside means that after she gets married, when he really has to show who he is, he will be insensitive to her needs.

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"a guy who looks like a herbivore"

Mr. James?

Who is the dynamite woman second from the left? Damn, this photo is way too small...

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Her requirement is like a man looking soft or acts as gentle is not back-boneless actually. But the term herbivore means the man lacks strong stand in tough situation. These fellows are less interested about women and lacks sexual desire. This type of men are readily available in Japan. She should easily find her match.

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XD! Not to generalize concerning Serge's comment, but I think it's funny how on most posts men here seem to like skinny and curveless girls but this time the "dynamite" woman is the heaviest one in the photo (she's not fat, just NORMAL on a healthy weight and does not look like some kid) that actually has curves.

Back to topic, soft on the outside and strong inside sounds like a jam cookie. Personally I prefer men with a healthy dose of self-esteem that do not hide their personality. Soft men are the type that expect you to be their mother and haul them around for the simplest things like, get him to a doctor when he is sick (and chid him when he fusses over medicines), fight off his mother, choose his clothes for him and be the backbone of the relationship because he's too soft to be reliable. Yeeks. Then he only shows some backbone when? After you die or get SO sick that it's impossible for you to command the ship and he discovers HE is going to drown. As soon as you are back to health, the backbone shrinks and disappears.

So NO, thank you.

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Um people she said LOOKED! She didn't say she wanted a herbivore, she wants a guy who looked like a herbivore In other words she wants a strong good looking man! A herbivore, while hot, is not very strong or self confidant it seems(I don't know much about this type of guy, I'm just basing this on what people are saying on here.)

Personally I can't blame her, I want a strong, confidant, good looking man too! And please don't say they're not in Japan, just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean they're not there.

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nah, all that she wants is a guy who can afford her a louis vuitton bag every 4 months..most of these "talento" are rotten. money money money!!

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hahahahahaha mould breaking insight into the female mind

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Miyaratmosphere, truer words never spoken.

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Call me old, call me traditional, old fashion whatever... For some unknown reason I prefer flowers, a simple hand-written note, perhaps a deep passionate kiss... I'm just not seduced by brand-crap, jewels or useless things that I won't carry with me to the grave. I rather have someone who can share a lifetime with me and support each other emotionally and mentally. Together. I'm not very into physical attraction, appearances can be decietful, I wouldn't trade the kindness and humility of a man's heart for anything in this world. and yes, I'm still 28 :(

Some women here should get their heads out of their butts and forget about Louis Vuitton and Chanel. There are plenty of good dencent guys out there waiting.

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For some unknown reason I prefer flowers, a simple hand-written note, perhaps a deep passionate kiss...

well, you expect too much from men. Most probably they want to use you for one night stand. This girl Saki has realized that and does not have high expectatins from men because she knows that all men want is sex with a woman they want to dump after the first encounter and meet her substitute for the second one.

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Most probably they want to use you for one night stand.

Such cruel words! Two or three nights are ok too...(jk)

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the same goes for you.

I was joking, that' what the (jk) is for ... such a serious conversation!

I have wife and babies!

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Guess she will be migrating soon!!!

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its alright here, just pouring out a little bit of honesty and someone couldn't resist and spoiled it with the "one night stand" thingy which i find bizarre.

Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure there are decent men that have this in common.

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and yeah, I'm too old for one night stands...hahahaha "old and broken"

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she knows that all men want is sex with a woman they want to dump after the first encounter and meet her substitute for the second one.

ouch, had a rough love life eh? don't worry toots, things will get better. buy yourself some make up

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Makeup can't fix a negative attitude, or the fact that she focuses on men to the point of obsession.

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A little bit country and a little bit rock and roll?

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Soft on outside and strong on the inside? Sounds like she wants a sumo wrestler...

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No wonder us decent men cant find much..or maybe we need to stop trying to date EGO heads like her.

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How about hard on the outside and soft later on?

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No wonder us decent men cant find much..

lol this was hilarious

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So no one knows who the beauty second from the left is?

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Sarge, no idea. Somewhere in some future photo, maybe they will provide a name.

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"Soft on the outside, strong on the inside?". Forget it. Go for honest.

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