Model Miyuki, 25, has been chosen as Sapporo Beer’s Image Girl for 2009. Miyuki made her debut at an event held this week at the Yebisu Beer Musuem. Miyuki is 169 cm tall, and has measurements of 83-59-86.
“We always drink Yebisu at home in Gifu,” she said. “I like beer and I’m studying to get my qualification as a beer adviser.”
Miyuki also expressed her aspiration to become an actress. “I hope to become an actress with individual flair like Hiromi Nagasaku or Eri Fukatsu.”
© Japan Today
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JT should open a "drunk" section for all "hit and run" involving "drunk and driving" and other alcohol related news.
I think I have studied enough years to become a "beer adviser". Maybe Sapporo will hire me!
Where does one study to become a beer adviser and do they give you course credits for real world experience because I have a few continuing professional education hours left to fill.
I'm drinking beer right now! Do I qualify as an adviser?
A beer advisor? Doesn't that just mean an alcoholic?
No bikini? Pffff
Rats, I was hoping they'd pick someone like Miwa Asao.
What kind of "image" girl doesn't wear a bikini???? Man, this place is really going downhill...
great advertisement for beer goggles
Why not "beer ambassador"? She has all the qualifications for that position....only one name.
"get my qualification as a beer adviser"
I imagine quite a few JT posters are well qualified.
"We always drink Yebisu"
That is excellent beer.
At least put her in a mini skirt and revealing top.Some froth around her mouth would look good too.
"At least put her in a mini skirt and a revealing top."
That's for the lesser beers which need such gimmicks to get people to drink them. The excellent Yebisu has no such need.
Best beerist?
Sarge, did I actually just hear you say you liked a Japanese product? Who knew?
Beer advisor? I'm checking the internet right now to find out more, my new career!
By the way Soldave, as many people enjoy drinking beer, she will be titled, "Best Beer Imagist", instead!! Much more fitting and appropriate as we can combine the two into one meaningful "Best" award.
she's not sexy enough. beer and sex should be marketed together. beer drinkers don't want "cute". that's for the bottled-water, tree huggin'-types.
"beer drinkers don't want "cute".
I don't mean to be rude onewrldoneppl, but methinks you have never seen a Japanese poster for beer.
What beer image girl and not "suds ambassador" or "Best Lagerist", what an out rage. I'm switching to Kirin for sure, they still have the bikini chics.