Japan Today

Singer Gackt claims he was victim of discrimination in Paris hotel

By Evie Lund, RocketNews24

Singer, musician and occasional actor/author/jack of all trades Gackt has had a long and successful career on the Japanese music scene, and also enjoys considerable popularity abroad. During an overseas trip recently, he encountered an unsettling example of what he claims to be blatant racial discrimination in a Parisian hotel. But just what happened?

According to an account written in his own words on his regular “blogazine”, Gackt spent one night in Paris recently while en route to Italy. The airport hotel operates a morning buffet, to which a hungry Gackt arrived early to partake of, without any members of his staff or entourage with him. Upon entering the completely empty dining room, Gackt claims that upon selecting a comfy seat at a table near the entrance with a prime view of the outdoor Parisian scenery, he was instead directed to a seat further back in the dining hall.

“I much preferred my original choice of seat, which offered a very nice view of the outside,” explains Gackt. However, not wanting to cause a fuss, the singer obeyed the maître d’s instructions and took the seat he was assigned to, despite the fact that the entire dining room was empty.

Shrugging the incident off, Gackt set about tucking into a hearty breakfast, but then, he noticed something else that struck him as unusual. A Caucasian guest entered the dining room and took the seat which Gackt originally wanted, to no comment from the maitre’d. Then, another fellow customer of Asian descent entered the restaurant and was immediately sent to the back near where Gackt was seated. A couple who Gackt reports as being of Chinese ethnicity then entered the room and were also sent over to his section. In fact, Gackt reports that all the visibly Asian customers who entered were sent to the back, while whites were seated near the front close to the windows.

Gackt writes: “Ahahahahaha! What completely blatant racial discrimination! It’s so obvious, isn’t it? I was so shocked at being subjected to such an obvious display of discrimination that I could only laugh.”

But that’s not all he did! On a mission now, Gackt left the restaurant and returned two minutes later. This time, he confidently strolled toward a table by the windows. Again, the maitre d’ attempted to usher him over to the back of the room, but this time, Gackt was ready.

“Why do I have to go over there?” he asked politely. “Please explain the reasoning to me.” Oh, did we mention that Gackt apparently speaks French?

We assume that the maitre d’ left the superstar alone at that point, as Gackt’s story ends here, but he does close by saying: “There is no point in getting angry when incidents of this nature occur. But it is also pointless to feel annoyed without saying something about it. It’s better to laugh it off and firmly refuse to stand for the nonsense.” Wise words, indeed.

Gackt’s fans were quick to weigh in, pointing out that perhaps Chinese customers with their unfortunate reputation for inappropriate behaviour abroad might have prompted the hotel staff to attempt to seat unruly Chinese (or, for simplicity, simply any Asians) away from Western guests.

Source: Livedoor News

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Yeah, it sounds pretty racist for sure. Many places around the world want Chinese money sans Chinese people.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Gackt’s fans were quick to weigh in, pointing out that perhaps Chinese customers with their unfortunate reputation for inappropriate behaviour abroad might have prompted the hotel staff to attempt to seat unruly Chinese

The irony of racially discriminatory comments being used to explain away racially discriminatory behavior is not lost on me.

44 ( +49 / -5 )

You mistake was going ANYWHERE in France in the FIRST place.

-5 ( +17 / -22 )

Oh heavens being lumped in with Chinese or OTHER Asians. How will he get over this?

2 ( +22 / -20 )

I agree that Chinese are perhaps the worst kind of tourist some businesses want around.

20 ( +32 / -12 )

Good on you Gackt! You acted like an educated person. Typical of a good breed of Japanese. And for the record..french loves JAPAN..so obviously you just have been mistaken for some other nationality who sadly are judged but are responsible with their own actions. But mind you, not all.

-7 ( +13 / -20 )

Because of course Japan wouldn't ever do such a thing!

Oh wait...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

There are noisy, badly-behaved tourist from every country. Usually, they travel in groups, not alone.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Unfortunately discrimination and xenophobic ideas are deeply embedded in Europe. France is no exception where a serious and strident xenophobia exist among a large portion of the population towards its attitude against immigrants, minorities and foreigners. Even though France has take significant steps to eradicate racism and xenophobia they need to do more and conform to the minimum standards of international human rights and join other Europeans states to solve the problem.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Bwahahahaa Racism and discrimination met with more racism from Gackt's fan base.

Yeah this is funny!!! Good article to read until the very end. What a twist!!!

5 ( +14 / -9 )

"There is no point in getting angry when incidents of this nature occur. But it is also pointless to feel annoyed without saying something about it. It's better to laugh it off and firmly refuse to stand for the nonsense." Wise words, indeed.


11 ( +13 / -2 )

Yeah, I'd have to agree with him. The whole thing sounds pretty discriminatory to me. Something very similar happened to me here in Japan and my response was more or less the same as his. However, it didn't make me think about Japanese attitudes. What it did was make me think about complaints I might have shrugged off from people of color back home in the US. Things I thought I understood and sympathized with it turned out I knew only in an academic, or abstract sense. These things are their daily reality. So far from telling people to "get over it" or try to rationalize behaviors-- "Perhaps you misjudged the situation and what REALLY happened was--" like a complete idiot, I now offer my empathic ear and put more effort into treating people the way I want to be treated and speaking up when I see this stuff going down. The last paragraph did make me laugh, though. The mindset of some people in the world!

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Some notes:

1) Considering that this sort of stuff can go on in Japan without anyone being held accountable, I'd say it was a case of 'shoe on the other foot'.

2) I wonder whether he'd have kicked up a fuss, had he been allowed to stay at the first table he went too, but the Chinese visitors were told to move elsewhere.

3) No, the blue contact lenses don't make you an honourable white.

4 ( +20 / -16 )

Good thing this kind of thing never happens in Japan!

Oh wait...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I actually take this with a huge grain of salt. Not because I don't think the incident could happen in Paris, it can.

What makes me doubt it is the source. Gackt has for years, just about this time of year, popped up in the news with some sort of scandal or manufactured news item that causes him to get headlines for a few days, ironically just before he makes some sort of concert/CD/appearance announcement.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

Sounds like exactly the same thing that happens to foreigners in Japan all rhe time, no foreigners allowed in this club, these apartments, these banks, these companies etc... perhaps Gackt should look at the way Japan discriminates foreigners right here before crying too much about places like France. Having said that... who knows what the real story was.

0 ( +24 / -24 )

perhaps Gackt should look at the way Japan discriminates foreigners right here before crying too much about places like France.

Apparently you didn't read the whole article:

“There is no point in getting angry when incidents of this nature occur. But it is also pointless to feel annoyed without saying something about it. It’s better to laugh it off and firmly refuse to stand for the nonsense.”

Hardly crying about it. In fact, he's just bringing it up - same as you are bringing up issues that we as foreigners face in Japan. Would you describe your comments as 'crying about Japan'?

And finally, it's ridiculous to think that the treatment of foreigners by some groups in Japan justifies the discrimination against Japanese people in other countries.

14 ( +20 / -6 )

Oh poor dude. On a visit to France! Well, until now, I have never complained publicly about the obvious slights and discrimination I have experienced as a foreign national and a woman living long-term in Japan. Seems to me the best way to deal with it is to move on, frequent places who treat you well, smile and be a good representative of your country. Shame on them. Don't let 'em get to you! Stand up like a stalk of celery and be of good cheer!

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Well, if the maître d had just thrown the vaunted "flying X" known to many a foreign resident of Japan in Gackt's face, this whinge could easily have been avoided..

Also, the rest of the world very surprised to hear that Gackt "enjoys considerable popularity abroad."

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Just seconding what Strangerland wrote. Also to point out there are plenty of people and businesses in Japan that don't discriminate as well and those that do don't justify discrimination happening in other countries. If it's wrong here, it's wrong everywhere.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

He's just annoyed because noone outside Japan even knows who he is.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Very one sided report. Unless this gentleman speaks French or had someone to translate it for him, he was just asserting his own bias on to the unknown personality of another person.

BTW, restaurants sometimes have reservations for certain tables.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Gackt is not exactly a reliable source of info. And yes he is crying about something that most likely was a VIP area for regular customers.

-13 ( +9 / -22 )

Gackt is not exactly a reliable source of info

Why not?

he is crying about something that most likely was a VIP area for regular customers.

I think you are correct based on the absolutely nothing whatsoever to support that assertion.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

strangerland you are displaying diuble standards, gackt is grandstanding making an unsupported claim about a doubtful event, no restaurant name, no ability to hear the restaurants side of tge story, nor can we cerify if it acrually took place. However he gets to make all tgese unsustabtiated cliams via media? you on the otger hand feel this is ok, but that it is not ok to point out that discrimination by japanese and many dicumented cases, is not a valid concern and should not be brought up. This is in itselt ridiculous!

-14 ( +6 / -20 )

The reason that Gackt is not a reliable source is because you have no other means of verifying the truth. Restaurants and hotels have VIP areas, non-smoking, smoking, reservations areas. That is common around the world.
-9 ( +4 / -13 )

strangerland you are displaying diuble standards, gackt is grandstanding making an unsupported claim about a doubtful event, no restaurant name, no ability to hear the restaurants side of tge story, nor can we cerify if it acrually took place.

You start off this statement by claiming I am displaying diuble [sic] standards, then follow it up with nothing whatsoever to show that I have one standard for one situation, and another for another situation.

However he gets to make all tgese unsustabtiated cliams via media?

Um, speaking of double standards, and unsubstantiated claims

Sounds like exactly the same thing that happens to foreigners in Japan all rhe time, no foreigners allowed in this club, these apartments, these banks, these companies etc...

You are doing the exact same thing you criticized Gackt for. There is your double standard.

you on the otger hand feel this is ok, but that it is not ok to point out that discrimination by japanese and many dicumented cases, is not a valid concern and should not be brought up.

No, that's not what I said at all. Since you don't seem to actually be reading my posts, I'll repeat what I said:

it's ridiculous to think that the treatment of foreigners by some groups in Japan justifies the discrimination against Japanese people in other countries.

I didn't say that discrimination by Japanese is not a valid concern, I pointed out that the existence of said discrimination does not justify discrimination against Japanese in other countries. Or as Shmidlap said "If it's wrong here, it's wrong everywhere."

The reason that Gackt is not a reliable source is because you have no other means of verifying the truth.

That doesn't make Gackt an unreliable source. It simply means that it's an unverified account.

Restaurants and hotels have VIP areas, non-smoking, smoking, reservations areas. That is common around the world.

And there is absolutely nothing in this article to suggest that this was the case.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

*The reason that Gackt is not a reliable source is because you have no other means of verifying the truth.

That doesn't make Gackt an unreliable source. It simply means that it's an unverified account.*

Your using an Argument from Authority Logical Fallacy. One source without any way to get the other side is an unreliable source. Can you name an "unverified account" that is considered a reliable source?

Restaurants and hotels have VIP areas, non-smoking, smoking, reservations areas. That is common around the world. And there is absolutely nothing in this article to suggest that this was the case.

Going to go with Occam Razor on this one.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Logical fallacy killer you hit the nail right on the head. we have no restaurant name, no witnesses, no verifiable means to evaluate claim accuracy. Especially in Europe and even here in Japan restaurants keep areas for regular VIPs and daily customers. Perhaps strangerland lives in a box. Produce resraurant name and lets hear from the restaurant what really happened, this story is dubious.

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

One source without any way to get the other side is an unreliable source.

No, it's an unverified source. That doesn't make it unreliable.

Can you name an "unverified account" that is considered a reliable source?

If the current pope made a statement that was unverifiable, I'd still consider him to be a reliable source, because I don't see him lying to prove a point. I consider him a reliable source, even if he were to report something unverifiable.

Logical fallacy killer you hit the nail right on the head. we have no restaurant name, no witnesses, no verifiable means to evaluate claim accuracy.

And yet, you make the exact same types of claims without any names, witnesses, or means of verification:

Sounds like exactly the same thing that happens to foreigners in Japan all rhe time, no foreigners allowed in this club, these apartments, these banks, these companies etc...

Double standard.

Especially in Europe and even here in Japan restaurants keep areas for regular VIPs and daily customers.

They do, but there is nothing in this article to indicate that such is the case. So you are purely speculating with nothing to back up your speculation.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

The Pope? hahaha... we´re done here.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Exactly, because I proved my point.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Seeing that Japan is a country that tolerates establishments with "No foreigners allowed" or "Japanese only" signs, I would of hoped for a little bit of self-reflection from Gackt's Japanese fans. To empathize with how some foreigners might feel in Japan when they experience these types of things. To only complain about discrimination when it happens to one of their own citizens without seeing the broader picture is very callous to say the least. But to make things worst, they commented about that "Chinese tourist" thing, which is discriminatory in and of itself.

What the hotel staff did was wrong. Hopefully Gackt saw the bigger picture, even when some of his fans don't. I hope that he still thinks it's inexcusable for the staff to force the Chinese customers away from that dining area even when/if he himself wasn't just because he's a Japanese person that can speak French.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

I once took a flight with Lufthansa from Frankfurt to Manchester. They had a seating plan in plain view on the check-in desk. Everyone with a Japanese-sounding name was grouped together at the back of the plane, outlined in red marker pen, with "Japaner" written across the top. I didn't ask, but I still wonder why....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Restaurants and hotels have VIP areas, non-smoking, smoking, reservations areas

If that was the case here then presumably when he asked why, it would have been explained that this was a reserved/smoking/no-smoking (though I'm pretty sure all restaurant tables in France are no-smoking) table. Even I would understand the French for reserved table.

5 ( +6 / -1 )


Unless this gentleman speaks French or had someone to translate it for him

He speaks French.. and that's why he actually asked the maitre why he can't sit by the window.

restaurants sometimes have reservations for certain tables

In that case, the maitre should have told him that the seat was reserved (obviously, he didn't).

5 ( +8 / -3 )

He has multiple photos up on his blog, his section packed (eventually) with Asians, while the other section was still half empty. The staff directed any Asians that came in to the back section.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Produce resraurant name and lets hear from the restaurant what really happened, this story is dubious.

I think he didn't mention the hotel/restaurant's name in order not to attack them. he was just making statements about what happened to him and what he did/thought, I believe this was just for awareness purposes only, not to personally attack the restaurant.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

1) Considering that this sort of stuff can go on in Japan without anyone being held accountable, I'd say it was a case of 'shoe on the other foot'.

Unless you know of Gackt doing something similarly racist, there is no reason he should be held accountable.

2) I wonder whether he'd have kicked up a fuss, had he been allowed to stay at the first table he went too, but the Chinese visitors were told to move elsewhere.

You can wonder about lots of things. However, since there is no evidence of Gackt being racist against anyone, there is not much point to your supposition about him.

3) No, the blue contact lenses don't make you an honourable white.

Who said it did? What does 'honorable white' even mean? You probably did not mean it that way, but it certainly sounds like a racist comment.

I think it is great that Gackt spoke up.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

perhaps Chinese customers with their unfortunate reputation for inappropriate behaviour

A racist comment from "Gackt's fans". People in glass houses...

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Funny, I just recently read a closely similar account by another Asian tourist - Korean this time - in France. He described how the staff at a restaurant treated him with rudeness and impatience, while being all smiles and kowtowing to the French/caucasian customers. Except this was a sushi restaurant, and the staff were Japanese.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

People need to stop qualifying the behavior of the restaurant (if the story happened as reported - and I have seen no evidence not to believe it) as being anything but discriminatory. A Japanese person was removed from one (prime) area of a restaurant and moved to the back. Then every other Asain was herded to the back of the restaurant while caucasian customers were allowed to sit where they liked. Qualifying this discriminatory behaviour with any sort of excuse "This happened to me in ___ country!" "Perhaps he was confused for a rude Chinese customer" or whatnot is just as wrong as the original event in question.

Discrimination is discrimination, period. Whether the excuse is "Chinese tourists are noisy", "Greeks are lazy workers" or "Gaikokujin don't know bathing rules" are all used attempt justification for discriminatory behavior. And it needs to stop here. Call the behavior for what it is and stop its propagation straight out.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Slow guy, please provide is the link.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I suppose I've been living in Japan too long, but I literally can't comprehend why anyone would see an Asian-looking customer as in any way less desirable or attractive than a Caucasian.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I literally can't comprehend why anyone would see an Asian-looking customer as in any way less desirable or attractive than a Caucasian.

If your job relied on tips you would!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )


Good point.

I was thinking in terms of "window dressing", though. Who would be put off going into a restaurant because a cool-looking Japanese dude is sat in a window seat?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Good on Gackt for going in again and asking why. Unbelievable the irony that posters (on his blog at least) said things like, "Oh, well, she must have thought you were Chinese!" Unbelievable!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

If your job relied on tips you would!

If my job required me to be a racist, I would change jobs.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Actually there are a lot of people who can't distinguish Japanese and Chinese and just lump them together. I have heard Japanese people tell me that when they went shopping or to a restaurant abroad, staff would ask if they were Japanese or Chinese. When they say Japanese, the staff breathes a sigh of relief and says, "Good, I like Japanese." These were stories coming from people who went to Hawaii, France, England and Italy from what I remembered.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Lols at all and sundry getting their knickers in a twist over this ^_^

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The very same thing happend to me with my Eurasian son and a Japanese family we were travelling with at a 4 star Hotel in Touques, Calvados some years ago. We went into the still empty dining room for breakfast. Nobody came to serve us. A couple of minutes later, a French family came in and were immediately served... It made me so ashamed of France... As soon as I got back to my job at the French Embassy in Tokyo, I wrote to the "Michelin Guide" to complain and they said they'd send an inspector..

5 ( +5 / -0 )

This morning before work there were three comments...refresh and woop!

Fact 1: an airport hotel...with a view of Paris. OK Fact 2: Hotels at airports cater to travellers, not v.i.p.'s, so please, no reservation section i think Fact 3: He is a super rich REAL artist who took the trouble to learn foreign languages...spends weeks on end in places like Hawaii (from T.V. interview), and surely is culturally sensitive and highly educated. Fact 4: He doesn't need publicity from such an unpleasant experience Fact 5: Injustice, when begotten from first hand encounters, makes people stand up in arms,so to speak Fact 6: Humans tend toward ignorance Fact 7: People formulate personal views based on negative experiences of others and choose to judge Fact 8: the 21st century still contains war, poverty, inequalities, resentments, and good ol' pride and prejudice Fact 9: few of you are still reading my list of facts Fact10: people don't truly want to admit to any bad things going on around them Fact11: I'm really pushing it now...rowdiness and uncouth behavior leads to blanket labeling. unfortunate Fact12: a dozen facts can be too much to handle No fact 13 brave-hearted Ghackt !!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

If the story is true Gackt should have the courage of his convictions, name the hotel and take it up with their management. Racial segregation as obvious as that described is easily discovered.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Yup, that's racist.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

yep if this establishment was indeed rascist, name it and shame it...

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

If the story is true Gackt should have the courage of his convictions, name the hotel and take it up with their management.

Not at all. It's fine to bring it up as a topic of conversation, without naming and shaming.

I have seceral such emails. I wonder of Gackt would be interested in oublishing these on his blog.

Why would he? It has nothing to do with what happened to him, and it's not related to him in any manner either.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Could he possibly been asked to sit where he did because of his appearance? Seems odd if that is not the reason.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Table near entrance ,,, The seat in which wheel chair using person can enjoy meal with an escirt.

If he had tall people with him, he could got place than places for short Orinental people. low table with L shaoed sofachairs. where you don;t have to ask for toddlers' booster chair/

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Novenchama: "France is no exception where a serious and strident xenophobia exist among a large portion of the population towards its attitude against immigrants, minorities and foreigners."

Ummmm... that's not at all limited to Europe. You could substitute 'France' with 'Japan' and you'd still be 'bang on', save that in France it's not government sponsored, and attitudes like, "Oh, you must have been mistaken for Chinese! haha... Next time tell them you're Japanese and it's fine!", make it much worse. The SUPPORT for Gackt expressed by his fans is worse than the racism he experienced, and is Gackt challenging that? I do agree with him saying that getting upset and making a fuss likely won't accomplish anything, but still.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

In the 90's it was the hordes of tacky dressed Japanese tourists with oversized camereas infesting world cities but now it's the loud and rude Chinese tourists... good grief.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

this restaurant worker himself is not a French? panicked to hear singer's French that does not sound like any launguage?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

These French Hotels might as well put up sections.... Asian, Caucasian, Black, wait.... that won't work... where would they put the Japanese?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I think Gackt is more annoyed at the fact that while hes a somebody in Japan hes really a nobody overseas.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

“There is no point in getting angry when incidents of this nature occur. But it is also pointless to feel annoyed without saying something about it. It’s better to laugh it off and firmly refuse to stand for the nonsense.”

Well he does show a good attitude about the situation and he handled it the right way in the end. Since he is a celebrity he could have gone off the deep end or gotten someone fired (ie. Oprah Winfrey). It is the kind of slight that every traveler runs into from time to time if they travel to enough different places. Such things even happen in reverse in Japan. It's not right but it's not the end of the world for a man of his level of privilege.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Actually there are a lot of people who can't distinguish Japanese and Chinese and just lump them together.

Is that surprising? I can't differentiate between Germans and Austrians, English and Irish, Australians and New Zealanders, Czech and Hungarians.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I've had the pleasure of spending the night out dinner/drinks etc on a couple of occasions with Gackt when I still lived full time in Tokyo, a my college roommate is a business parner of his.

I didn't really know who he was before we met, but when we had a whole section of a restaurant/ club for our small party of 8-10, I knew he was wealthy.

What I discovered was that he was engaging, cultured, thoughtful, very intelligent, humble and spoke flawless English.

I was even more impressed after learning who he was and would give him the benefit of the doubt on his story. There were many good points made in the comments above, but questioning his authenticity, based on my experience with him, is wrong.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@DaDudeAPR. 03, 2015 - 04:22PM JST Actually there are a lot of people who can't distinguish Japanese and Chinese and just lump them together.

I have heard Japanese people tell me that when they went shopping or to a restaurant abroad, staff would ask if they were Japanese or Chinese. When they say Japanese, the staff breathes a sigh of relief and says, "Good, I like Japanese." These were stories coming from people who went to Hawaii, France, England and Italy from what I remembered


I'd bet They are not talking any place in USA. Not Hawaii. In Hawaii people are familiar with Japanese accent and Chinese accent. Also Hawaiian peole know the history of Pearl Harbor and Mitsubishi Zero, Kamikaze Pilot while mainland people are not familiar.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Racial segregation as obvious as that described is easily discovered.

It could just be snobbishness. We dressed nicely for dinner one night in Austria at the hotel restaurant and were seated near the front, tourists who came in in jeans, sneakers, shorts etc were seated off to the side. A friend had it happen in Belgium. They seem to still have dress codes here and there in Europe.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Does Gackt look Japanese? I asked this question today to 39 of my Japanese friends, they all said no he does not, he looks like a foreigner. I doubt the reataurant staff discriminated against him in any other way than dress code or seating policy, even here in kapan you just cant choose your seat, the staff direct you and there are always tables and areas half empty where they place consistent customers only. Does he speak fluent French? my sources tell me apart from English in fact he does not.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I doubt the reataurant staff discriminated against him in any other way than dress code or seating policy

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. There isn't any way to know.

even here in kapan you just cant choose your seat

I don't know about Kapan (never heard of it), but in Japan, I regularly tell the staff I want to sit somewhere other than where they try to sit me.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It was in France, If he is tall, he would be ushered to tall table. The tall table where his chin will be on the edge of the table. The courtesy is not discrimination,

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

It was in France, If he is tall, he would be ushered to tall table. The tall table where his chin will be on the edge of the table. The courtesy is not discrimination,

What a stupid comment.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@stranger: stupid maybe. But not as stupid as your all past comments everywhere.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

I do not like this guy Gakt, he seems very ARROGANT, his whole face, hair style, colored contact lenses etc...ALL FAKE, kind of up there with that ding bat LORA! but if he was mistaken for a loud, rude CHINESE tourist, maybe he should consider giving some concerts in CHINA and helping his brothers there learn to behave a bit more quiet so that Europeans will not feel a need to put loud, rude Chinese tourists in a separate area, which Tokyo Disneyland seems to need.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Gackt isn't famous in Europe - I've never heard if him. If his story is true he and the others were victims of racism. Shame about his racist fans, I hope he chastises them for their comments.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I do not like this guy Gakt, he seems very ARROGANT, his whole face, hair style, colored contact lenses etc...ALL FAKE, kind of up there with that ding bat LORA!

You obviously haven't seen him recently. He's a very normal looking Japanese guy these days.

I like him, he's well spoken, and quite intelligent.

And finally, ProudJapanese has it right - do you really have to capitalize every second word?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I doubt that Gakt is really famous in Europe... And i also doubt that he can speaks french... I don't know if there was a discrimination or not, as we need to hear both side of the story. Discriminations can happen in France but inside a hotel it s normally more rare...

After i check on wikipedia (irony) if Gakt is a reliable source and i found this sentence :

"After that near-death experience, he claims to have paranormal ability to see and speak with deceased people, as well as family members"

So the only questions you should all ask is : "why spirit didn t help him to find a suitable place where to seat"

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

i also doubt that he can speaks french

Based on?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Based on an easy research on internet you write in google : is Gackt can speak french ?

The first link who appear is a video on dailymotion, the title of this video is :


And at least in 2009 i can say as a french native, that he knows few words of french only... Then there is another video in 2013 where he repeats the same words of 2009 video :

Hello miss Would you want to sleep with me tonight ? can i come to restaurant with you tonight

And to be honest his french is barely understandable (and all french native commented the same way the video) and the 2 famous sentences are famous :

Bonjour Madamoiselle ? Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir ?

So i have japanese friends who can speak french, in my eyes if Gakt in 2014 didn't spend his year to study more his level of french must be really less than N5 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.

But up to you if you consider that knowing few sentences of a language with an awful prononciation can be consider as speaking a language...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

up to you if you consider that knowing few sentences of a language with an awful prononciation can be consider as speaking a language...

Where did I claim he can speak French?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I doubt that Gakt is really famous in Europe... And i also doubt that he can speaks french...

Is that at all relevant? Someone who is famous and/or speaks French is entitled to better treatment than someone who is a non-French-speaking nobody? It's OK for the non-French-speaking nobody to be sent to the back of the bus?

I'd better cross France off my list of holiday destinations.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I have to agree with Cleo. What does his celebrity status (or lack of one) in Europe have to do with anything? The French skills, though, are relevant. He may have misunderstood the situation. But if all Asians were seated in one section, that does seem a bit suspicious.

So far as talking to dead people and whatnot, I'd give the guy a pass. He's an entertainer. Ridiculous claims and outrageous statements are typical in that field, and just ways to draw more attention to your brand. That said, it must make it difficult for him when he wants to be taken seriously.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

But if all Asians were seated in one section, that does seem a bit suspicious.

Is it ? You can see that in Japan all the time and everywhere, don't you ? Note that none of the other "visibly Asian" people seemed to complain of discrimination. Probably Gackt is the only one that didn't know he was traveling on a JTB package tour, staying in the KAL transit hotel or whatever the deal.

The French skills, though, are relevant.

You mean English skills. It's supposed to happen in an international hotel of CDG airport. I don't buy his story that he couldn't understand the waiter's explanation. At worse, he could have asked to one of his compatriot seated at the Dejima tables to translate into Japanese.

What does his celebrity status (or lack of one) in Europe have to do with anything?

Many Japanese tarento are totally unable to put on their shoes without the help of their staff. They probably find having breakfast in Europe as challenging as doing the Paris-Dakar.

I'd better cross France off my list of holiday destinations.

OMG, France is so afraid of losing the market of the people that get their informations from Fox News and Gackt Blog...

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Note that none of the other "visibly Asian" people seemed to complain of discrimination.

1) How do you know? Do you have links to their blogs?

2) Maybe they just didn't notice.

At worse, he could have asked to one of his compatriot seated at the Dejima tables to translate into Japanese.

It says he was alone, and nothing indicates any of the other people were Japanese.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

OMG, France is so afraid of losing the market of the people that get their informations from Fox News and Gackt Blog...

I'm sure they're not. But it would save me the irritation of being treated like a pariah on account of being not famous/not speaking French (except very, very haltingly, with an atrocious accent).

Fox News??

2 ( +3 / -1 )

For someone who tries so hard to look like a Caucasian transsexual it must have been mortifying to be lumped in with the Asian hoi polloi.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

In most parts of the world, people don't distinguish the ethnicities among certain races.

He should have taken a snapshot of the scene just for visual proof.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You can scream racism all you want, but Gack`ts "fan base" has a point. It is a pretty safe assumption that the waiter had experienced a noisy, unruly group of Chinese near the entrance before and wanted to avoid that. You can call that "racism" or just reacting to reality...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Gackt should try on a realistic gaijin mask then see how many Japanese sit next to him on the subway before all the alternative seats are full.

0 ( +3 / -2 )

It is a pretty safe assumption that the waiter had experienced a noisy, unruly group of Chinese near the entrance before and wanted to avoid that.

Assumptions are the basis of racism.

You can call that "racism" or just reacting to reality...

It's racism, whether you call it reacting to reality or not.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Its not racist. Parisians treat every one like s*&t.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"But it would save me the irritation of being treated like a pariah on account of being not famous..."

Such modesty. I'd say you're the most famous person on Japan Today!

So your French is probably better than you are making out!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

In my haste to speak of our own experience I forgot to mention that the Japanese family had already arrived at the hotel the day before and were told the hotel was full. They had an "Irish sounding" name so when I booked the rooms for them, the hotel staff must have thought they were Caucasian... They finally managed to prove their reservation and were given a room. They were seated at a dinner table when my son and I arrived but there was not enough place to be able to sit at the same table with them so we sat at a table just behind theirs. The waiter came over to take our order. A few minutes later, our order arrived but the Japanese family were still waiting to be served... I asked the waiter why, since they had arrived well before us, but he couldn't answer... Albeit begrudgingly, they were finally served... I am so ashamed of the way they were treated in France...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I thought resturants ask where you would like to be seated? and it was empty. Just because some chinese people or any race is rowdy don't mean every one is. racial discrimination still happens today, A (black) singer from another country was treated badly in a famous NYC resturant where famous people go all the time. They didn't know he was famous and when they found out, they said that would of never happened. So that means they treat people who aren't famous like crap.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

After i check on wikipedia (irony) if Gakt is a reliable source and i found this sentence : "After that near-death experience, he claims to have paranormal ability to see and speak with deceased people, as well as family members"

Yeah and you believe everything that wikipedia says.

Anyway, I'm no fan of Gackt, but I do believe his story, France is somewhat known for being discriminatory to people that don't speak French, but this anecdote is more "palpable". It it were Yoshiki I wouldn't have believe a word because he acts like a diva and I've noticed over the years that Gackt has toned that down a little.


Gackt is not exactly a reliable source of info. And yes he is crying about something that most likely was a VIP area for regular customers.

As far as I understand, it was an airport hotel, which operates a morning buffet, these kind if they have VIP areas are clearly delimited and easy to understand by anyone, (signs, the staff ask you for your room number to see if you are a VIP guest, etc) in this case none of that happened, since "A Caucasian guest entered the dining room and took the seat which Gackt originally wanted, to no comment from the maitre´d."

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Gackt should explain me how he can get a nice view of Paris from any airport around like Orly or CDG ...This is just impossible !

0 ( +0 / -0 )

We speak American English in USA. People who visit from Japan, their speech is called Broken English, Who are not new in USA, Japanese accented English speakers. So maybe he spoke in broken French?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

2 reasons I see why the hotel did this, both of which I feel are unjustified.

1) East Asians slurp food, including pasta and soup, whereas European customs differ 2) The hotel wants to seem authentic, catering for Parisiens. Good hotel restaurants cater not just for guests, but business and political meetings too

Both reasons are obviously racist, but Gackt can bore off

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Honestly this breaks my heart and makes me so angry because Gackt, during Malice Mizer paid alot of respect to France and the people of France. For the french to treat him like that? It is absolutely disgusting how racism is still a thing to this day!

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