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© 2016 AFP'Star Wars' hits $2 billion global sales mark
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And still, not one Oscar nomination for actors. I guess the Academy isn't only racist against blacks, but whites, robots, clones, aliens and wookies.
Or... none of the actors put in a performance worthy of being nominated. People seem to forget that little bit of a requirement before they break out the "racist" card. If there was an Academy Award for Best Opening Weekend Box Office take, "Star Wars - The Force Awakens" would have a lock on the Oscar. But box office has nothing to do with how well the actors perform. Personally, I liked the movie but I can't say that any of the actors put in an Oscar-worthy performance.
Had massive problems with this movie. Wouldn't consider myself a 'die-hard' fan, but there were clearly a number of things that just didn't sit well with me.
Rey lecturing Solo on the ins & outs of the Millennium Falcon without ever stepping foot inside it. Ditto for her total lack of piloting experience.
Rey having lightsaber abilities. Luke didn't even touch a weapon in A New Hope!
Rey seemingly knowing the ways of the force by resisting Ren's Jedi-like mind trick. Ridiculous scene.
Rey in general. Bad attitude. Too many 'in your face' neofeminist overtones throughout the movie. JJ Abrams' agenda was as clear as day.
The much-larger Death Star having zero defense - complete absence of turrets, frigates or TIE Figthers. Commander exclaims 'We've lost half our fleet'... which was only several ships to begin with!This is not an unrelated rant. Just a number of my observations.
Dan Lewis
Not a die hard fan either but...
She did pilot the thing around for awhile before picking up Han.
Did you watch A New Hope???
Have to agree. The only thing that can be said in defense of that is that: a) she's "force sensitive" and b) had heard stories about the Jedi (so may have heard about mind-tricks) but a bit of a stretch.
My rant is that people on planets far, far apart from each other could see the destructive beam shooting across the sky.
But anyway, $2 Billion ain't nothing to shake a stick at. The Force must be with them...
So who gets all that money?
??? What a strange claim! Not only was he trained in lightsaber use on the Millennium Falcon by Obi Wan Kenobi (using the blast helmet and a training droid) as they headed to Aldaraan, but he wielded a blaster against the Imperial Stormtroopers after Obi Wan was cut down by Darth Vader on the Star Destroyer. Then, of course, there was the Millennium Falcon's quad blaster he operated against the TIE fighters after they left the Star Destroyer. The X-Wing he piloted in the penultimate scene could be described as a weapon PLATFORM, I guess, but the weapon he used to destroy the Death Star (a photon cannon?) is still a weapon he "touched".
I think the point that was made in "The Force Awakens" is that, as good as Luke is, Rey is head and shoulders above him in the use of the Force - she instinctively knows how to do what Luke had to be trained to do.
Fadamor: I can't say that any of the actors put in an Oscar-worthy performance.
I dunno. That Stormtrooper death scene between Finn & his fallen comrade... ;P
DId you watch the movie or just jump on the site and comment ?
Black Sabbath
We don't call it a Space Opera for nothing.
She's probably chock-full of midi-chlorians.
How else to explain her picking up a light saber and whupping a guy who can stop blaster bolts with the Force?
Hasan Az-Zaki Rahim
Wow! Well done to "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" as they had spsoared to $2 million mark in globam ticket sales! They are still one of the best Live-Action Science Fiction film till now! Please keep it up!
I'm still mad at Disney... curse them and their hogging all the good franchises! They're not satisfied enough by owning Pixar, and Star Wars, and Marvel!?!? Their in house films aren't anything to scoff at with the success of Frozen and BH6. And yet they're probably going to target DreamWorks next.... Just wait and see...
2 billion on a remake of a new hope.
Probably not. Dreamworks' founders broke away from Disney and created Dreamworks because they didn't like the direction Disney was heading.
Oh, I still believe Disney will get them... by hook or crook... that's just how evil they are... wouldn't be surprised if the Dreamworks founder's have a little... accident. (Hear's Mickeys' voice cackling wickedly in the back ground.)