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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Taylor Swift could make it from Tokyo to Super Bowl. Parking her private jet could be tricky
By KEN RITTER LAS VEGAS©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Airheads killing the planet with their private jets. The worst and most freeloading type of travel possible.
Samit Basu
The plane can drop Taylor Swift off and then move to another airport nearby?
Seems that the rich and famous don’t believe in climate change…
Politik Kills
Oh no! Stop the presses! This is a really serious problem!! FFS!
Yeah, first world problems hardly begins to describe it.
I personally will be distraught if she doesn't make it to the final. May I suggest a parachute straight into her seat.
Redtail Swift
I'm sending a message to Greta Thunberg! Taylor Swift is killing the environment. She should fly commercial like everybody else. We deserve clean air, now and in the future.
Maybe hand her a parachute? All the while she can sing to her fandom and the odd football fan, 'You Need To Calm Downnnnnn . . . '
She's so hot! Don't you wish you were her!
This is part of the media hype campaign for upcoming Super Bowl 58...Opps, I mean Super Bowl Swift!
Bill Lewis
Oh, to be so filthy rich as to have to worry about where you can park your private jet.
Eighteen percent of voters would be more likely or significantly more likely to vote for a Swift-endorsed candidate, a poll shows.
Trump has apparently been throwing his toys out of the pram claiming he’s more popular than Taylor Swift.
Anyway, this private jet lark is very tacky.
She is gonna end in losing fans
Who cares!
Taylor Swift always says the hardest part of her job is keeping all the greedy cockroach parasites FAR AWAY!
Taylor Swift's fiancé also acts as her bodyguard and likes Donald Trump, so Taylor's being careful to not go partisan and destroy her marketability and relationship.
She always says, everyone wants tries to use you when you're famous, for Their Political or Financial Agenda or both! She calls them the Hollywood cockroach parasites!
Turns out many Trump supporters watch the Super Bowl!
Taylor Swift thus brings people together with her music!
Politically, he is
Bad thing?
Scary, how idiotic can you be? People are so lazy, how about taking the time and study the politician, good and bad points, why on earth would you take the advice on a political pundit from a celeb??? Smh….
Yeah, why? But I've heard some take advice from Fox News. Taking time to study and evaluate would be bad for any narcissistic grifter standing though.
I wonder what numbers Chachi had?
Didn’t the Republicans have a B-list Hollywood actor and TV reality show host as presidents? There was also the action movie star as governor of California.
They did try to pay Justin Bieber to perform for them in the past but he gave it a miss.
Is Ted Nugent still doing the rounds?
Taylor Swift has more followers than Trump. More than 200 million. He wishes he had.
All those emmsiions for a non-event. What a waste.
MAGA gang not happy with this news..
Trump could give her his slot.
Coulda been
Hold the presses! We have a news story about Taylor Swift. I am overcome with emotion.
I for one, hope she makes it, and she should very comfortably. Haneda-Vegas assuming she can secure a stop and go slot shouldn’t be more than ten and a half hours this tome of year, she will have plenty of time to have a spa day too! She, like me, doesn’t seem too fussed by all this emission nonsense.
Bread and circuses for those less enlightened, incredibly sad how this world has become
No problem Taylor. Just do a commercial plug for US Air Force recruiting and the Air Force will accommodate you by letting you park your jet at Nellis Air Force base. You can do a great version of “the Air Force Blues”.
Is anybody besides myself getting sick and tired of Taylor Swift as I am? All she does is sass off her exes in her crappy pop songs and she always has her big yap open, ready for bugs to fly in and form a nest in there; not to mention.......
OTOH, keep the presses going!
You know, this type of 'news' used to relegated to 'Entertainment Tonight' or 'PM Magazine'. That was during the 80s. And popular entertainment was a lot more fun,
Bob Fosse
You voted for a celeb to become President and want to do it again.
I know exactly what she's going through, or going to, I have terrible difficulty parking my 9 private jets, and that does count the Airbus. But then, we all have to suffer sometimes.