Japan Today

The end of an Eras tour approaches, marking a bittersweet moment for Taylor Swift fans


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She looks like she’s getting ideas on her attire from the late Liberace. Well, she or those in charge are very good at garnering attention to keep her in the spotlight.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

The tour was an impressive feat, but I would have preferred a more genuine production that didn't involved miming. I'd think she's talented enough to actually sing her songs live without having to rely on recordings.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


Maybe not

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

No debate re her status on the world music scene.

Like her or not doesn't change the fact that no current artist in the world comes close to her achievements.

And re her lip-synching, this comment from another site explains a little about the reality of doing 3.5 hour shows with dance to boot.

My late husband was a sound engineer at many Las Vegas concerts for numerous famous singers and bands for over 40 years. I was present at many of his sound checks and can definitely say that very few singers that do a lot of dancing and moving on stage sing live. They all use backing tracks and rehearse live interjections or any interaction with the audience, and its all so well rehearsed.

In fact if you research, you will find the majority of her performance is live singing over backing tracks.

This is known and doesn't deflect from the performance itself.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

out of sight out of mind.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Her fans put their money where their mouths are

She's an economic powerhouse - she puts billions into the local economy wherever in the world she performs

That's why she'll be around for a long while

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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