Japan Today

There's a ton of Hollywood stars on and off Broadway these days. Here's a game you can play


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Why not play some bingo?

Yeah, how about no?

Hollywood is a joke - completely out of touch with normal, everyday people. They’re so wrapped up in their woke bubble that they’re more focused on pushing forced diversity and hypocritically lecturing us about "climate change" than actually doing anything useful. Instead of entertaining us, they shove empty virtue-signaling down our throats, thinking they’re morally superior. Meanwhile, their ratings are tanking because real people are tired of being insulted and told how to think by pampered elites who live in gated mansions.

Hollywood’s desperate virtue-signaling isn’t fooling anyone; they’re irrelevant, and anyone with at least half a functioning brain has already tuned them out.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

I'm curious how this is in any way related to Japan, but anyway.....

I used to love Hollywood movies. Now, I have begun to feel like they're becoming a relic of days gone by. The experience of going to the cinema, of sitting for a couple of hours and being engrossed in the world being portrayed... I just don't have time for it all now. I miss the artistry of days gone by, when things felt like they were crafted with care and love. I'm sorry Hollywood, I've fallen out of love with you. And I loved you so much!

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

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