Terence Lee, 45, was treated to a boxing clinic free of charge this week after a collision on a pedestrian strip in Sagamihara City turned into a parking lot beating that left him with injuries to his face estimated to take a month to heal.
Reports have it that Lee got on his bicycle near JR Sagamihara station and was on his way home just after midnight on Wednesday, when he bumped into Satoru Inaba, 42, who was walking from the opposite direction after drinking at a pub nearby. Lee was knocked off his bicycle and is said to have told Inaba that they should move to the adjacent parking lot to “have a chat,” not out on the road where it may inconvenience other people passing-by.
It was here that Lee found himself on the receiving end of “more than several” punches, and a passer-by who witnessed the incident ran to a nearby police box. Inaba was arrested for assault, and Lee was taken to hospital, where it was learned he had a fractured eye socket that would take a month to heal.
Lee’s real name is Yoshiteru Kato, but he goes under the former name which he says was given to him while he was a mercenary in Central and South America. He formed the Terence Lee Personal Protection Service in 2000, and appeared as a “crisis-management consultant” on TV programs such as Sunday Japon in 2003. He apparently has black belts in karate and aikido, as well as training in judo and kendo.
Lee has told police that Inaba kicked him while he was on the ground after the collision. Inaba, a part-time department store employee with no martial arts experience, says Lee threw the first punch. He has admitted to punching Lee however, saying: “It’s true I hit him.” Police are continuing their investigation.
© Japan Today
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let this be a lesson to those who put all their faith in martial arts lessons
Telling a person to step outside is literally asking for it.
More power to part-time department store employees!
Don't think he'll be getting many calls for his protective services if some drunk guy on the street can whup his butt.
I took karate for only two years and could easily whip all the so-called black belts. The teacher refused to fight me so I quit.
I've been boxing for many years. At least we get used to giving and taking punishment. Karate is dangerous if it gives practioners an over inflated sense of self defence capability as here.
haha what a loser
...but ALSOK may hire him.
Just when you thought you read the article that would convince some to keep their bragging mouths shut! Guess not.
And did he really kick Lee after the accident? How did that accident happen? It seems one or both was already being belligerent before the accident and refusing to alter course. I always step aside for bicycles because its a lot harder for them to slow down and get back to full speed than me just walking.
Anyway Lee looks more like a flab man than a tough man. But at least he picks on those his own size.
He's a little short fat bloke.
You have to consider the part time department store employee probably had alot of anger and frustration built up inside from his dismal life here in Japan. He simply took the opportunity to release it on this moron. I'm sure he felt wonderful after giving the pu$$y-boy mercenary a well-deserved whipping!
This is a heartwarming story.
Pussy - oh boy, what an idiot...
Remind me to be a little more respectful to part-time department store employees.
@ gplee111 it sounds like they were already outside haha
Sounds like Lee called the other guy out. He wanted to be away from the public view so he could teach the guy a lesson, I'm sure.
In the end, they'll both get off with no charges. In Japan if people are involved in a fight they both usually threaten to press charges. The police advise to drop charges (less work for the police) as both fought and are equally guilty. Not really equal, but the police say that so they can "solve" another problem and get back to their kocha and crackers.
hahaha, i guess he wont be so cocky next time. I bet he thought the other guy would back down.
It doesn't matter how good you think you are....there is always someone better. And how is this assault???Wasn't it Lee who asked him to 'have a chat'?
He looks like a short little fat man too.
Black belts are great if you are fighting someone who is following the exact same rules. If not, they are a waste of time.
In UK a big guy and martial art trainer of the army gets beaten up by 5 women (resulting in brocken rips), here a black belt by a part-timer. A recent report on martial arts comes to the same conclusion: useless on the street, even dangerous when people get overconfident.
LOL! Okay, this story just made my morning. Thanks, Mr. "Lee."
So-called tough men are a big turn-off.
The passerby should have just let these guys finish their fight and settle it that way without getting the police involved.
not so tough, hey?
"mercenary in Central and South America" LOLS! He probably went to see Machu Picchu and came back with a BS story.
That's why I gave up aikido - no practical use in brawls. And karate is just for posing and waxing on and waxing off cars. Good on Inaba for standing up (looking down?) on this Terence "don't call me Bruce" Lee.
Bahahaha, yeah looks like Mr. Tough guy got his arse kicked. I agree that it sounds like he called the guy out and couldn't live up to his own ego. As a martial artist myself, I hate guys like this. Besides look at his photo, looks like he hasn't trained properly in years. All mouth and no action.
talking about japanese honor...this guy might commit suicide.
The tough guy looks a bit flabby in the picture. I suspect he has been resting on his fame, while the depato employee has been going to to the gym. A "black" belt is just a piece of cloth, it doesnt carry magical powers.
Whooped by a part-time department store employee.....
Terence Lee looks like many average people could kick his butt! I have ran into quite a few Japanese folks who have overexaggerated their experience overseas. The folks in Japan just take their word for it because they don't know any better. Then they milk for all its work.
He probably uses a fake name so when people do kick his butt it hopefully won't get back to the people he know.
Drunk people often do not feel pain. So even if being pummeled, nothing will stop them except for a KO or a bullet.
I guess he failed to open a can of whoop @$$
Motorcycle vs. pedestrian collision = usually motorcyclist at fault Cyclist invites pedestrian to dark alley for a chat but in reality a fight = cyclist's fault
Now if he did throw the first punch (which he had every intention of doing), that would also be his fault. Really, he'd be arguing the difference between it's 90% his fault to 100% his fault here. Especially getting cocky thinking he'd have the better of this stranger in a fight, then crying to the cops when he gets his ass whipped.
And also painting fences.
The darptment store employee gets his wholesale.
Good thing he always wears his dog tags!
For some reason... I feel like there's something wrong with this type of perspective on the situation. I mean, it doesn't matter how 'tough' you are or what your 'training' is. Anyone can have a bad day, be caught flat-footed, or otherwise. We're only human in the end.
If someone gets hurt we should be there to help them back up, not question their title, status or other trivial things.
If you see a bodybuilder getting beat up on the streets, what are you going to do? Will you just stand there and watch or will you try to help him/her? I know I'd go and help. What about you? Will you cast aside stature and status to help someone?
In terms of someone getting beat up even though they're trained in a martial style - most people don't like fighting. There are tons of people who go to war even though they hate killing. There are even more people who will abstain from fighting if they can help it. Taking some martial training doesn't mean you're a trained killer or anything along those lines - it just means you know how to defend yourself to some degree. Whether your implement this defense or not is still your choice.
Relating more to the matter at hand - it's not like we know the whole story regarding this case. Making statements claiming we do - if we don't - is something I cannot condone.
Please note I am not taking a stance on this, I'm merely playing the devil's advocate to flush out the opposing side.
Thanks for the laugh JT. Reading the reference to "a mercenary in Central and South America" reminded me of what an old friend of mine had to say about people like this. The friend in question was an old army buddy whose lack of political correctness ended his career in the army rather sooner than expected. Not being put off, however, my friend went into the protection business (in Columbia). That would have been in the mid-1980s, when his skill set (trained in everything from booby-trapping to assassination) was really popular in the region (he only worked for the good guys, however). Anyway, my friends tells some great stories about wasting about 90% of his time trying not to get people like Mr. Kato here killed, apparently there were lots of cowboys in Central America back in those days. Perhaps this chap was one of them, now selling himself on a resume that is somewhat overstated.
thinking he was tough trying to fight inaba and got his $hit wrecked
Wait a minute, they arrested Inaba-san on charges of assault just because Lee lost the fight?!!! That a bunch of @#$%^!! The article states that Lee instigated the fight to begin with and just because he lost and/or is a man in the public eye he gets sympathy from the J-Cops. In my book, they are both guilty of making a public nusaince and they should both be sentenced to serving the homeless with a hotmeal for X-MAS.
Reiner: "There are tons of people who go to war even though they hate killing."
But the select few who become mercenaries are special. I was feeling rather sorry for this fellow until I read that bit about him. Mercenaries get zero sympathy from me.
looks like Lee's been on the all-cookie diet for years
Just as I thought!! Black belts in Aikido and Karate don't necessarily give you the ability to defend yourself. I really think all you get is a bad attitude and inflated confidence.
With any luck, the assault charge will make it to court and Mr. Lee the merc will be laughed out of court.
The reason for the charge is that Lee has the money and power and connections and probably a lawyer's name on speed dial on his cell phone.
Hey Lee-san, Nelson Muntz of Springfield told me to tell you "HA HA."
If you are brown nosing for a black belt, no, that piece of cloth won't protect you. But if you take classes with a mind focused on defense rather than having a colored belt to parade, they may certainly help. The next step is to use your own brain and think for yourself about what you learned. If you think it can all be spoon fed to you, you lost before you started.
And stay away from kata. I excelled in kata. None of it helped me in a fight though. Kata is a pretty dance and somebody trying to kick your @$$ won't stand where the dance dictates. You got to learn to mix it up smoothly, and should learn no combos beyond flurries of a few punches and kicks and don't overdo those either.
I wish I had a video of this fight. I would love to critique it.
"injuries to his face estimated to take a month to heal"
I bet he looks just like Daisuke Naito after Koki Kameda beat him up.
By the way, isn't this technically a crime story? But actually, it's quite fitting in the entertainment section!
A Japanese man going by Chinese name for popularity = Loser
A black belt in Karate and Aikido gets beaten by a part-time department store employee = even Bigger Loser!
"And stay away from kata. I excelled in kata. None of it helped me in a fight though."
So, you lost, yeah. But at least you took it like a man, numbskull. I reckon that's what is most important.
Holy cow, I used to go to the same gym as this guy! Didn't know he was "famous". Pretty short, but thick for a J guy. ALWAYS wore the shades. Moved really stiffly, maybe from an injury? Certainly didn't appear to have any capacity for speed or flexibility.
I hope I don't find my best days behind me at 45...
I wish I were famous. The things I would do, and get away with...
I guess Erin would kick his butt as well.
Why "apparently"? that suggests the writer of the article thinks he's lying about his qualifications.
"Why "apparently"? that suggests the writer of the article thinks he's lying about his qualifications."
No, it suggests the writer could not confirm whether Mr. Lee is in fact a black belt.
Serious?? Those guys at the gym working out in their necklaces and other jewelery drive me nuts. As do the girls who wear make-up during their work-out. Excuse me, "work-out."
Terence looks like Mr. Malik. Heck, he should have been able to trick Inaba!
And he uses them on his pants....A lot of men also have black belts
Okay, the story is ironic and amusing but it should still be in the crime section. What if this department store guy had taken out his rage on some random, unknown stranger who didn't have a black belt? Wouldn't we then be shouting--What's wrong with people here? Don't they have any self-control!? Lock him up!
I would say I have a 50/50 win/loss ratio in real fights, few as those are. But I did not win any karate bouts that is for sure. But that is because karate is not wrestling and I did not stick with karate long. Despite that I got a couple firsts in kata. Shoulda been a dancer. Or stuck with wrestling.
But your comments sound like you are bitter about something? Was it something I said or is it just your poor showing in internet fights?
I am wondering why did people spent money and time for traditional martial art class? At the end, most of the black belts got broken ribs and black eyes. Western and Muay Thai boxing are more practical and useful than these arts.
In youtube, I read comments about Benny the Jet(US kick boxing champion in 1970s) could easily beat Bruce Lee in the fight. It is true that Bruce has never fought in the ring. However I saw he likes bitting his opponent body parts. He encouraged his students to poke the eyes. His philosophy was very animalistic and reflecting the real life combat. Bruce main interest was beating the opponents within in minutes. Not in the ring match with rigid rules and time limit.
There are difference between ring match and street fight. On the street, no rules, no aids and no referee, no justice and no rounds. Even Mike Tyson bite the George Forman ears before. George may be real winner in the ring. However Mike will become real winner in the street fight. He is flexible, animalistic and adaptable for the real world.
Lol. But sorry, he is not a man, he initiated this fight and then he is complaining. A shadow of a man…good for part-time worker
No this was a lose lose situation, kick the guys arse and he does hard time for a trained martial artist assaulting a citizen gets slammed by the cops. This way he stays out of jail. Smart move. Part time worker is a chump, he could have called Mr Lee anything under the sun to initiate a pop and then sue for damages.
We used to laugh when people would come to training wearing belts of whatever color. We would take their belts off and hog tie them with it...belts don't mean a thing...
This article doesn`t sound serious at all. Has this really happened?
I hope his face fracture will not make his handsome face less so.
You should not fight with part-timers (especially retail). -These people are under alot of holiday pressure and many are unhappy = they will just take those frustrations out on you 100% effort. Hard to fight/Easy to please -why fight them when you can just make them happy much easier.
It makes no sense fighting these people since they are not the enemy. You must choose your battles wiser.
the retail man is my new hero.
JT can you get a pic of this Inaba guy I am going to Tokyo this weekend & dont want to rub him the wrong way if our paths cross haha
And keystones you dont charge the guy that kicked butt you charge the guy that started it! And he was probably riding his bike where he shudnt be by the sounds of it, if so nail him for that as well!
JT more stories like this pls love it!!!!
I'd love to meet any one of these "Tough" guys...
Matter of fact I have 100,000 yen burning a hole in my pocket for any one of them that would like to take a swing at my always cold-sober, 30-mile running, 10 swimming wimpy little 160lbs 5'9" white guy frame.... They just put their heads down and walk away....
But no matter how many yakuza "tough-guy" thugs or drunk construction workers I approach at the dead night on isolated streets, with no- cameras around, I can't seem to get any of them to take the bait, I mean, take me up on my offer.... Komaru Nee.....!
"he ( Lee ) initiated this fight"
I dunno... Lee claims that Inaba kicked him while he was still on he ground after the collision...
2009 and guys still love fights. A friend of mine only watches sports in the hope that a fight breaks out.
Mindovermatter. So maybe you need to go to department stores to prove your toughness.
It just shows you that instead of the hassle of having to go to the hospital/police station over such a trivial matter, he could just have said "sumimasen" and get on with his life.
shud terrnace lee now be refered to as EX tough man terrance lee hahahahahahahahahahhahahaaaaahh
bit of a fanny this one
This is what frustrates me about martial artists who talk it up and non martial artists who put it down. And I've been doing it for a while.
Martial Arts being some "magic weapon" that makes you able to take down ten guys if pure fiction. Martial Arts can and have lost street fights to ordinary people. I for one have disdain for any "Martial Artist" who is referred to as a "tough guy".
Martial Arts (if you practice the more practical ones) can improve your chances in a fight, but there is NEVER any garantee. For someone like myself, not partically strong or big, it does make a difference. But I hate the "macho" attitude some people have on both sides. MA or not, get into a fight, you risk getting hurt. Most smart people I know avoid it.
Futhermore, Black Belt (1st degree) isn't actually that high. There is a misunderstanding that a Black Belt makes you "bad arse". No, it doesn't. It only means you are good enough to being to understand you to use it.
Also, if you don't see the attack coming or you are too drunk to think straight, all the MA training in the world means f*&k all.
Best method of self defense, don't get into fights. Simple.
Please everybody in the world, Stop the Violence!!!!Love Conquers all!!!!
He handled the situation perfectly
Don't mess with normal people!
This article just galvanizes our concepts at Chuntian Academy. The fact is most students and even teachers go around thinking traditional karate, sport or technique specific styles such as Aikido are for the street and the real world.
I learned the hard way too, bringing local gym Karate to the street with a massive sense of "False" security. I was lucky I was only a student and low blackbelt in karate. The only thing I injured was my ego. But I am happy it happened as it opened my eyes 25 years ago and I started training in reality based defense way before it became popular in America the last few years. It's hard to believe people still don't understand the differences. There's a great reality school in Shizuoka, Japan www.chuntianacademy.com
Remember, sparring is a game that is basically safe, and no matter how good you get, it isn't fighting. It will teach you balance, movement, range and openings, but it will not prepare you to face death, adrenaline dumps and brutality.
From my experience of living in a dangerous city in America and working in security and having more than 30 years experience in the real world. I can tell you for a fact, most street fights, including bar fights and even road rage fights I have seen are over in about ten or fifteen seconds, usually the person with the fastest and the most attacks wins.
Forget about your Resume, belt color, trophies, The trophy is your life and the attacker could care less about your belt color. Prepare for REAL LIFE. Don't try to be the "One", you may have lucked out so far. Don't set yourself up for humiliation, or death by blinding yourself and your "students" from the truth. Step out of the DOJO and into the real world in every sense of the word. ( Chuntian Academy International )
Now win for Lee. He takes the guys head off and looks like the typical roid raged professional fighter, a la Iron Mike T. He doesn't over react and gets sucker punched and kicked while he is down and looks weak. He should challenge the guy to a fair fight when all this is over. Let this be a lesson to those who are strong and feel tough, a sucker punch can win the day.
In today's world "fair fight" is an oxymoron. Understand that many people these days have a cocktail of drugs and booze in their veins. It makes them argumentative, aggressive and "Mike Tyson-esque." Avoid people who are "off the planet." Even a casual glance at them can set them off. Leave them with their own demons.
Don't make the fatal mistake of thinking that ANYBODY fights "fair" any more. Those days are over - they have been since the John Wayne era! Expect multiple attackers, weapons, possibly both.
To those offering 100,000¥:
You have about 10,000,000 part-timers willing to take you up on that bet -better prepare yourself.
these martial arts such as karate or aikido are just sports, nothing more. Just like playing golf or running, they are for fun and that's all. At least boxing and judo, for instance, are full force, nothing pulled back, so they are somewhat better
i guess those dog tags came in handy when they had to ID him. Maybe he should keep his dental records in an easily accesible place...
This guy looks so out of shape. Someone needs to expose him as the fraud he is.
I wonder why so many people are commenting on a fight they haven´t seen.
A 42 year old part time store employee has a whole lot of anger and desperation that a content guy just does not have.
mindovermatter, Perhaps all the people you pass in the night are not so foolish that they would like a street fight. Street fighting is for simpletons that also do territorial markings in girls mail slots.
I believe Bobba has hit the nail on the head.
Dear Terence Lee,
You got owned.
And happen to look like a 1990s countryside chinpira.
The news-reading public
I think the guy looks like a low class nutjob, but am unfamiliar with the term "countryside chinpira". Can someone enlighten please.
countryside chinpira (n.)
A chinpira (yakuza lackey) originally from the countryside (with all the fashion connotations that denotes in Japan), aspiring for greater urbanity. Typified by round, slightly puffy face, and dyed orange hair, usually in the form of a bouffant quiff or 'punch perm'. Also marked by occasional beard growth and/or 1990's sunglasses.
This guy looks like a throw bacck from those bad 1980's macho movies - slanted sunglasses, wife beater vest, dog tags and I am sure those massive balloon gym pants underneath. You should never underestimate anyway and I think this guy probably did.
I heard the department store guy saying something about not taking about "fight club"...
Interesting. Nationally knknown tough guy gets his hat handed to him by a regular department store worker guy. What's that say about Japanese "tough guys"?
maybe it's more a case of <if he belts the guy and wins he'll have to pay compensation>. This way he gets some publicity (not good though) but can sue the guy for assault.
You guys are funny in Japan, this would never be news in the US.
Reiner - If I see any of the above that you mentioned getting it from soemone for no apparent reason, yes, I'd step in. However, in this case, Terence Lee asked -- ASKED -- for his come-uppance. In usch a case, no, I'd not intervene...but would help the loser to get to a hopsital...
I dunno, Tiger got beaten by his wife with a three iron and they are still talking about it....what mistress are they up to now?
That's what happens when you are a celebrity!
Are you comparing Tiger Woods to this guy? Some local tough guy gets his @$$ kicked by a shopping clerk, A drunk shopping clerk no doubt. Oh I think they are up to ten; the last was a porno chick.
The obvious question seems to be whether there is any truth behind any of his claims to having been a mercenary or martial arts black belt. Yes, a first dan black belt might easily a fist fight, but would you expect the same of a toughened mercenary?
Sounds to me like he is a total fraud who has built a business around a fiction that no one can really disprove.
This guy is a complete nincompoop. Look at him - real tough guy. He has no real credentials and I had to chuckle upon reading this article, the Germans sum it up succinctly: Schadenfreude.