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© 2020 AFPTrump no fan of Sacha Baron Cohen
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Someone has to show these elitests for what they truly are, depraved self serving narcissistic scum bags. If it takes a comedian to do that don't blame the comic for the behavior of rich power hungry duch bags.
You do know she was in on the gag, right? Apparently cost her her marriage, though.
In the wise old words of the joker 'Why so serious?'. If it's not your kind of humour, don't watch it.
Stop the press! Notoriously thin-skinned, witless right-wing icon doesn’t like to be made fun of!
Well I never
Yeah I’m a huge fan.
Pure comedy genius!
Why would trump like Sacha Cohen? In "Borat 2", Sacha makes fools of trump, Rudy, Pence, trump supporters, and trump jr. in a deleted scene.
The whole idiot brigade is shown to be perverts, bigots, and fools. How much does anyone want to bet that trump tries to sue Sacha?
I mean Ivanka and Jared are already threatening to sue The Lincoln Project.
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump threaten to sue Lincoln Project over Times Square ads
Push them further Sacha. Cut right through their sensibilities and expose their prejudices. Top draw. Rudy is rude and needs talking to by the police. That was a long, “shirt tuck in”. HE is disgusting.
P.S. Listen to what Pence says about C19. THAT didn’t age well.
This place is full of Trump loving right wingers defending the undependable to the end!
Personally, I like Sacha Baron Cohen.
Bob Fosse
I’ve seen the film. Rudy was a perv, no question.
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, can watch free on amazon prime in Japan right now!
Hah! Good luck with that. While they're at it, they might want to sue the writers of Spitting Image:
Fast forward to 9:02 and 19:56. Two brutal sketches.
Those interviewed before by SBC have only themselves to blame, due to their own stupidity, racism or evilness. Like The paedophile politician from Arkansas, the guy who thought showing your backside really deterred terrorists and the rednecks who really did think their town was going to turn into a Mecca for muslim tourists. Ironically, the only person to come out of SBC's tricks unscathed and with his credibility intact was Bernie Sanders.
Yet you keep coming back to look at it. What offends and disgusts you about it?
Cohen’s movies will never be considered high class, but his ability to get people to reveal themselves is brilliant, and anyone fooled by him well deserves the ridicule.
Regarding Giuliani, I think the fairest thing to say is that this is a guy who, while once sharp enough to take on organized crime in New York, just got punked by a fairly obvious fake.
There’s no other way to view this - he comes off as an easily manipulated old man who thinks very highly of himself.
It’s excellent. LOL.
“How much?"
I have a lot of redeeming to do but not here and def not on this subject ;)
Charlie Sommers
@Reckless...Just don't look at it.
I am sure Trump's best friend Putin will give him a permanent residence in Russia, just like he did for Snowden. But then again knowing Putin, he will throw Trump under the bus... Then Sacha Baron Cohen can make another satirical movie about that moment in American history, can't wait!!!
Ali G was da bomb. For all those disgusted by the header picture, check out the pictures of Giuliani doing a stop and frisk of himself in bed and you can imagine the disgust of a large part of the public at the Republican establishment.
Simon Foston
I think Trump managed to avoid looking like too much of a fool after that one - he just came across as taciturn and boring.
Cohen makes these far-right idiots look like the scum and con-men they are....
Rudy shouldn't worry about Cohen, he should worry about Barr....
President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani is under investigation by federal prosecutors over possible campaign finance violations and accusations he failed to register as a foreign agent. Multiple U.S. officials told the outlet that the probe into Giuliani’s financial dealings could also lead to charges of violating bribery or conspiracy laws
Go Rudy!
Awesome job again by Cohen! The fact that he has upset conservatives yet again (they are so dumb and easily fooled and outraged) means the movie is already a huge success!
As for greaseball Giuliani, he is a sick individual. At his age too, dirty, amoral old man.
Desert Tortoise
My wire and I both laughed our butts off at that photo. It's perfect. Too many people with no sense of humor.
Trump calling Sacha a "creep?"
Pot, meet kettle.
Toasted Heretic
SBC is hilarious, even if everyone (well, nearly everyone) is in on the joke these days.
Yes, totally - a bit like Chris Morris and fellow satirists on The Day Today/On The Hour/Brass Eye back in the 90s. But perhaps less subtle.
These days, I like Klepper, Louis Theroux and Andrew Callaghan - the latter just points a mic at the interviewees who proceed to dig holes for themselves without prompting or leading questions.
Give a man enough rope and he’ll hand himself. Cohen is a master at giving people rope. They yang themselves, he doesn’t have to do anything.
Trump could face indictment in NY for tax fraud as early as January
Toasted Heretic
Very odd language to use. You're aware SBC is Jewish?
He's a comedian, he's not "in power". Although he does command a mean mankini!
Indeed. Don't forget, though, that they also gave us rampant clerical abuse, Magdalene laundries and other monstrous goings on.
Well, they did give us Father Ted, pity Linehan went off the boil in recent years.
Cohen is an excellent satirist. And while the right-wing and racists tend to make fairly easy targets of themselves, he also excellently satirised the American left-wing academic in his recent show 'This is America':
In this example, taking on a rap club in fairly hostile circumstances, while still keeping his wits about him and winning the rap battle with a quite unexpected KO.
Rudy needs a lawyer. Trump needs a much better lawyer!
The new Borat movie looks hilarious, have to see it soon especially the Rudy moment.
Yeah Rudy! Do you need to lay down flat on your back on a bed to tuck your shirt in as you claim?! Tell us another one!
Argus Tuft
@concerened citizen
Graham DeShazo
Strangely enough, very few Borat fans are fans of Trump, so there.
Rudy will have plenty of time for “shirt tucking” in gen-pop....
I think people are taking it to seriously about him, it is a satire persona created to mock the system.
Bob Fosse
Nobody stepping up to defend poor Rudy? Just shooting the messenger?
I thought salacious gossip was popular. Oh! Is this one of those media blackout things?
Why does Trump respond in the first place to people he doesn't like?
Yes like when Trump people say that Trump meant something else when Trump said to inject Mr. Clean to treat covid-19, then they over explain their side and can't stop digging Trump's hole. Just like Rudy can't explain this
The conservatives typically go along willingly and reveal their true selves. And typically it is a mean and unpleasant nature that is revealed.
Bob Fosse
How is it non-news if it’s on every news source? Must be a big bubble.
A strange thing just happened. I googled Tony Bobulinski and wow, he was also in exactly the same news sources. Wawaweewa!
Of course.
Most Americans I know struggle to understand his Patois/cockney/Austrian-German and Kazakh anyway.
Sacha is a genius; he is not a Cambridge graduate solely on account of his sexy body.
"Maybe with that picture,"
What's wrong with it?
Yer needs to learn some respek.
Borat designed that Mankini, yer no?
Love this guy. He is soooo good at making these bigoted fools look just like what they are!
Toasted Heretic
Interesting but odd language, again.
Incidentally, those who are against censorship, how do they feel about comments calling for the top picture to be removed?
Captain Obvious
To me, he is similar to what Jordan Klepper ( is doing - taking advantage of bigots' stupidity in any way possible. The main difference between the two is that Borat is a little too crude for my liking. If you find it offensive, just don't watch it.
Veritas don't have unedited footage. They're a disinformation outfit that release doctored videos.
Trump is going to Viral Logo, in Palm Beach county, that has the highest death rate from the virus in Florida
Baron-Cohen is a clever man, and he knows how to show people at their worst.
The fact that Trump continually rails against TV comedians and comedy shows, just highlights how skewed his priorities are.
I think this is a great picture. We see pictures of women dressed in as little every day on poster ads - and here on JT many times - where were your complaints then?
He certainly is the picture of physical health for a man of his age, too.
Thank you for this information - I hadn't realised :)
Toasted Heretic
Would love to see that. Seems I've missed out.
Remember how Jones responded?
They can't get footage of things that don't exist.
No, they're fake because they have a history of deceptively editing footage to try and spread disinformation. Your boy O'Keefe was also caught red handed trying to film someone having sex without their consent.
Sex fiends, liars, and criminals. That's your big media icon.
Doesn't surprise me, though. The same goes for your choice of President.
In other news hot burns and cold makes you shiver. The things that surprize you.
Back to you Dan and Jane.
Ed Rowe
I loved the first movie and it was one of the biggest hits of the year so I guess a lot of people like him....I watched part 2 last night and it was funny. His daughter was great but parts are cringeworthy. He's too well known in the US to be able to pull off the jokes he did in the first movie...
Trump calling anyone a "fake" is kind of funny...but he would know
Though I don't like Trump, I give him credit for calling out Ali G (Cohen) nearly right away, when Ali G tried to sell him on an ice cream glove to protect your hand from melting ice cream. Trump listened for about a minute then said 'good luck with that' and left.
Ricky Kaminski13
Giuliani got punked. He was well into it. You’d think these high profile jokers would at least try and be careful in the age of SNS and tricksters.
Tucking in his shirt, yeah mate. I guess there is little else that he could’ve said. Wasn’t a good look Rudy, not than anyone is that surprised.
Neither are the big boys on the other side of the political fence any more saintly either. Power, money and sex, it’s as old as it gets. For those celebrating this one, check out your boy creepy joe... cringeworthy.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Of course he doesn’t Sacha Baron Cohen is a genius and Trump a narcissistic spoiled rich kid who’s finally on his way out! Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Well the truth hurts, doesn't it? Then again, the whole trump clan and cartel don't know what 'truth' is. Wah!
Brian Wheway
The picture of SBC has put me off my cornflakes this morning.
Bob Fosse
Big-Tech bubble optics narrative cabal!
Yes! One of my favourite parts of the movie.
Keep sucking in that virus, and we'll see you in ICU or you will be number 229,293...
This picture is truly amazing. Gave me the giggles. Wearing a mask is like covering and hiding your genitals. Its like another undergarment but for your mouth. lol
Joe Blow
You obviously didn't watch the video and decided to let the WaPo think for you. Sad.
Unedited project Veritas footage showing real-life problems are censored by the "mainstream" media. Ridiculous Borat films are played up... as long as conservatives are on the receiving end. Go figure.
Yes, that photo of sacha is disturbing even to totally-gay gokai.....
Joe Blow
Not really; remember how they caught Van Jones outside CNN on hidden camera calling the Russian collusion story a "nothingburger"?
They have tons of undercover footage of Big Tech employees admitting how they try to curate news and lopsidedly fact check and algorthimically suppress conservative voices as directed from top down for political reasons. They're also the only ones to get hidden footage of antifa meetings and training.
Just because they're right-leaning doesn't mean they're fake.
Joe Blow
I used to like Cohen's work until his post-Borat slump. Then he recently outed himself as a globalist, pro-censorship dystopian shill and I lost all interest in him.
The non-news about the Borat prank with Guilliani is all over the bubble news, but how many of the bubble media consumers have even heard the name Bobulinski? That news is completely blanked out in the bubble.
Perfect demonstration of political meddling by the "mainstream media".
I agree. But it's difficult when said narcissistic scumbag is a popular comedian - as we learned from Bill Cosby.
Hervé L'Eisa
Seriously, that picture is really offensive and disgusting. How about editing THAT GARBAGE OUT!?
shogun good question! answer , no one with a brain
Concerned Citizen
The left are the modern scribes and pharisees. Back in the 60's it was the church people who were the powerful sneering thugs, now the tables are turned and it's the left who are in power and can get away with snotty behavior like Sacha Baron Cohen. At least the church people gave us orphanages, hospitals, homeless shelters, etc. The left gives us nothing.
these downvotes are clearly false! if they weren't there would be more comments citing reasons for liking this bigoted bonehead
Japanoob you d be wrong there
Is anyone?.
pure comedy genius , thats a good one ! or more like , because you choose a twenty years old preBorat example you obviously realize he isnt a genius.I suppose you can redeem yourself by telling us a few of your other favorite comedy geniuses .for me seinfeld and woody allen
Hervé L'Eisa
Cohen is disgusting. The first Borat was disgusting and should have been arrested for attempting to kidnap Pamela Anderson. He and Howard Stern are both revolting and not funny at all.