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Trump scoffs at 'Parasite' Oscar win


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“Understandable. He can't read."

Too harsh. No doubt he can read. As long as what he's reading praises him and/or attacks those who don't.

Was it good? I don't know."

Once again attacking something he knows nothing about other than it was made by 'others', i.e. those outside his demographic.

“Can we get like ‘Gone with the Wind' back please? ‘Sunset Boulevard,' so many great movies."

'Gone with the Wind': back to the era when racism was the norm. Appealing to the basest in his base.

35 ( +40 / -5 )

The embarrassment of just being American these days is almost unbearable.

49 ( +55 / -6 )

The question you have to ask yourself is who likes this kind of comment.

29 ( +33 / -4 )

How about this. Next January, when tRump leaves office, special prosecutors bring him up on - wait for it - trumped up charges. And not just him but his family and whole circle of lowlifes. When found guilty, their citizenship is revoked, they're deported and can never conduct business in the US again.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

Every time I hear Trump talk, I close my eyes and see a uneducated, moonshine drinking inbred hick from somewhere in late 1920's backwoods Appalachian mountains!

And then I think, even THEY weren't that bad!

20 ( +27 / -7 )

Was the non-existent sex video Trump told his supporters to watch up for a nomination?

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Trump has never watched a movie that wasn't an action movie.

Also, I'm sure he's never watched "Gone with the wind." He can't even follow the dialogue in action movies.

18 ( +23 / -5 )

"Let's get 'Gone With the Wind.' Can we get 'Gone With the Wind' back please? 'Sunset Boulevard?'" he said.

Trump is already playing the role of Norma Desmond with his supporters as Joe Gillis, propping up his delusions.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

What an idiot seriously ...

16 ( +23 / -7 )

I read the plot of "Parasite", but did not see the movie . . . how can one compare this type of movie with "Gone With the Wind" - both are about a different time and place.  Though "Sunset Boulevard" which I have also not seen, but read the summary of - sounds a little more like "Parasite" -- both involved a person's difficulty dealing with their situation - but choose a violent outcome - both are "film noir".  It's up to the Academy not up to us.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Twitler might be able to, but his fans cannot comprehend that the film industry of South Korea has no relation with the government or industrial trade. When grey matter is that sparse, one can only see a country and its people as sharing the same...everything. Anything beyond that is Greek, pops and whistles and gibberish. An IQ test should be a prerequisite to vote, and I would accept some pretty low scores...but not so low they think such a statement has a shred of validity.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Of course tRump would scoff, he can't read the subtitles.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

@As always deDonnie! Doesn't know what he is talking about, living in his little world. C'mon man, accept decisions and become educated!

Heed your own advice. Obviously he knows enough to be POTUS vs well it was your post.

-18 ( +3 / -21 )

@The embarrassment of just being American these days is almost unbearable.

The embarrassment is being able to speak your mind and be credible while not being afraid to being an American. If those who don't like being American, no one is holding a knife or gun to your head and denounce your citizenship. The door swings in both directions.

-28 ( +3 / -31 )

I fully understand Americans being embarrassed about being American these days, as the entire world is looking down on a good portion of their population as a bunch of morons who are destroying their own country.

Putin and China are loving it.

17 ( +23 / -6 )

"Let's get 'Gone With the Wind.' Can we get 'Gone With the Wind' back please? 'Sunset Boulevard?'" he said.

I guess subtitles terrify the man.

Both great films but the GWtW reference, however jokingly made, is a bit of a dog whistle. You can't ignore the racism in that film. Then again, Trump just loves the 1930s.

10 ( +14 / -4 )


Fortunately I remember a time when we used to laugh at these idiots instead of making them president. My faith in America rides entirely upon the hope that we can return to such a time. For now, it's downright humiliating to be represented by the likes of this absolute gutter trash.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Luckily for thicko Trump, when he came down on the escalator like an orange Norma Desmond most of his fans had never seen the movie and recognized his derangement. Now it must seem to many Americans that for three long years they have been living in a loony tunes movie themselves, a madly looping "Groundhog Day" trauma triggered by the creaking electoral college. Mercifully, it'll soon be time to change the reel; Americans deserve to see a better movie of their lives that the world can also enjoy.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

It's all fun (with Trump) until the economy goes down. Then it is Hillary's fault.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

yeah, we know, we got it ... USA - good. Americans - the best. rest of the world - whatever. some people are talking about being embarrassed of being Americans but American ignorance was always there ... Trump just brings it to the surface ...

5 ( +8 / -3 )

He sounds like a true 'murican.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Well he was elected the president of the US and is still supported by over 40% of people there. A lesser percent than supports Brexit in the UK. So much for that lauded and mythical "critical thinking" that is supposedly taught in the US and UK that people comically take pride in. I guess it was make believe all along.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Neon, the U.S. distributor for the subtitled film, shot back on Twitter: “Understandable. He can't read."

I'd give these guys an Oscar for the best tweet of the year.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

The irony of the likes of Trump dissing a movie called "Parasite" is superb.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The posters still don't get it, he is pandering to his base. They love him more for it and it confuses the hell out of the rest of us!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

“Can we get like ‘Gone with the Wind' back please?

I can only imagine how much Trump and all his followers wish that they could live in an era where slavery and racism was acceptable..

Donny should give the film a try though. But then I doubt that he would be able to keep up with what's going on as his brain tries to read the subtitles. And if he could, he'd probably be outraged at the film's message about the huge difference in social classes between the elite and the poor.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I think every country in the world wishes they had a leader that loved their country as much as "Donnie" loves his. 

Do you mean every country in the world wishes they had a leader who was a stooge of a rival nation???

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The embarrassment is being able to speak your mind and be credible while not being afraid to being an American. If those who don't like being American, no one is holding a knife or gun to your head and denounce your citizenship. The door swings in both directions.

No, I think you misunderstood. I took his comment to mean that it is embarrassing to be the citizen of a country led by a moron who is universally viewed as a laughing stock around the world. Because each time he makes a stupid comment it sort of makes the whole country look stupid too. I’d be embarrassed too if I was an American.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Trump knows his target audience and panders to them. He knows that his voters do not like foreign movies, even ones in English. And they certainly will not watch anything with subtitles.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

You must remember that Trump comes from an era where everything was American or made in the USA. I was looking through an old trade publication, and every component, every vendor every advertisement for a soda, a watch, everything was American. It was almost unbelievable. It was like wow, did that America really once exist? Vast factories, manufacturing sectors. What happened?

Now most of those manufacturers have disappeared, replaced by Korean Japanese or Chinese. True, innovation, technology, etc changes, but the landscape has become a shell of what it used to be.

Imagine a US film, winning a SK version of the oscars. Being that like the Chinese and Japanese, are hyper nationalistic, it would never happen.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

What happened?

Trade deals, going for cheaper options, a natural extension of capitalism.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trade deals, going for cheaper options, a natural extension of capitalism.

No its more like Japanese and now Chinese buying lobbyist who cater to their interest. There are actually people in the government now, right now, who are registered as foreign agents who represent Chinese companies.

If your excuse of a "natural extension of capitalism" is true, then we would see the same effect in Japan and China.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Talk abt brain dead & ignorant or does, he see himself as the parasite ???. trumpet does not even know that the reasons why this movie was awarded ???., let me englighten U , trumpet, 1 ). These stories are happening in the world. 2). These situations in this movie reflex real happenings. 3). All people watching in the world can see themselves in these situations. Got it trumpet ???.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

What's the matter man-baby?

A movie stole the news cycle just a little?

This guy can't stand when he doesn't have influence on the news.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Imagine a US film, winning a SK version of the oscars. Being that like the Chinese and Japanese, are hyper nationalistic, it would never happen.

Not sure about Korea, but American films win awards at foreign events all the time. Don’t think Macron gets unhinged like that whenever a US film wins at Cannes.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Me: I'm sick of Trump stuff. I'm gonna go to the entertainment board and see if there's anything fun there, maybe something about Birds of Prey.

This Article: :D


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Yet another WTF moment from the rednecks' president... if it's not American he's not interested.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Some people just can’t take a joke....sheesh!

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

I didnt see anything obnoxious about his comment at all. Im sure its a wonderful film but thats a film for Koreans about a Korean problem, not mine. Many Japanese would agree, even more.

-20 ( +0 / -20 )

Pretty obvious to me that he was just joking, so ... lighten up, people.

I recently read of a recent study which found that conservative Republicans are generally happier and more upbeat than liberal Democrats. In fact the latter group seems to generally be a dour lot.

This story is just further evidence of it. Not to mention further evidence that some people just can't contain their raging illogical hatred of this man.

Again, lighten up, folks.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

There are actually people in the government now, right now, who are registered as foreign agents who represent Chinese companies.

Which government? Which individuals?

Anyway, still looking forward to seeing this film. Been a fan of cinema since I was a wee one, and that goes for all types of movies, independent/studio blockbuster/art house/popcorn/B movie/subtitled/silent and so on.

It's really subjective (and often emotive) to claim that one country's film output is superior to another. Why shouldn't a "foreign" film receive accolades in the US and vice-versa.

Perhaps the PotUS is just annoyed that his creepy cameo in Home Alone 2 was roundly trounced and latterly deleted to make room for the ads. Arf!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Pretty obvious to me that he was just joking, so ... lighten up, people.

Perhaps he was. But there's no doubt that his referencing GWtW pricked up a few ears.

I recently read of a recent study which found that conservative Republicans are generally happier and more upbeat than liberal Democrats. In fact the latter group seems to generally be a dour lot.

Which study? Any links? Are you referring to politicians, comedians or members of the public?

This story is just further evidence of it. Not to mention further evidence that some people just can't contain their raging illogical hatred of this man.

Nothing illogical about speaking out against bigotry and despising bigots.

Again, lighten up, folks.

Fake news.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I didnt see anything obnoxious about his comment at all. Im sure its a wonderful film but thats a film for Koreans about a Korean problem, not mine.

This is among the most smooth-brain comments posted on this board, and that's saying something.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Pretty obvious to me that he was just joking, so ... lighten up, people.

Perhaps he was. But there's no doubt that his referencing GWtW pricked up a few ears.

It’s not very often I defend him, but I doubt he’s even watched that film - too long, detailed and heavy. It’s probably just an old-fashioned blockbuster he’s heard of. I think some can go a bit too far with the ‘dog whistling’.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Toasted Heretic I can link you an article about the study in Danish but I don't know if that'll help you any ;) There are divided opinions over why this is however - some say it's because democrats feel more powerless, others because they feel more responsible to do something about the world's problems.

It's pretty irrelevant anyways. Trump's crowd loves him for saying inane stuff like this. The appearance of a character like him has truly brought out the worst in people, made it acceptable, and I fear for how it will shape us in the future.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


Let's assume this is true (you didn't provide any evidence but whatever) -

I recently read of a recent study which found that conservative Republicans are generally happier and more upbeat than liberal Democrats. In fact the latter group seems to generally be a dour lot.

Being happy is neither a sign of intelligence or an indication of rational behavior. In fact it's usually inversely proportional. Ignorance is bliss, literally.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The appearance of a character like him has truly brought out the worst in people, made it acceptable, and I fear for how it will shape us in the future

Yeah but if your dem loon friends are so happy, why is it that recently they are tearing each other apart? seems the repubs are at least united.

Oh, forgive me, its Trumps fault.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

others because they feel more responsible to do something about the world's problems.

and therein lies the problem....:-)

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

kurisupisuToday  05:19 pm JST

Some people just can’t take a joke....sheesh!

Right. Like Donald Trump, for instance.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

I recently read of a recent study which found that conservative Republicans are generally happier and more upbeat than liberal Democrats. In fact the latter group seems to generally be a dour lot.

My dog is absurdly happy. Must be a Republican.

No wonder he expects other people to pick up his crap after he's made a mess. You always have to clean up after Republicans.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Err doesn't he know many Mexican directors and movie has won the academy award before?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I recently read of a recent study which found that conservative Republicans are generally happier and more upbeat than liberal Democrats. In fact the latter group seems to generally be a dour lot.

Yeah, having the orange idiot in charge is making Democrats a dour lot, just like having Obama in charge used to make Republicans feel down in the dumps. Not hard to see the connection there.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

What a politician will say for a vote. Disgrace.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

This guy can't stand when he doesn't have influence on the news.

Uhhhh, he influences the news cycle everyday.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I am not sure why a foreign film would be considered the best move released during an entire year of Hollywood.

at least when it won I didn’t have to listen to 10 minutes of trump bashing

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

No I determined that on my own at the moment it was announced. No one in the USA had even seen this movie or cared about it.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

It’s an award for the best movie in America it’s not a world award. That’s best foreign film.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

This movie was better then every single movie released by Hollywood and all streaming services in the English language? No it’s not. trump is correct.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

This movie was better then every single movie released by Hollywood and all streaming services in the English language? No it’s not. trump is correct.

Was it better than the latest Jurassic park movie or Star Wars?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Hollywood seemed to think so. So they virtue signaled and awarded it best film.

hollywood should be embarrassed.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

trump is correct

Trump as a film critic? Have you seen the non-existent porn film he asked his followers to watch?

It was terrible.

Im not listening to his recommendations any longer.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Wah hah hah--why no Academy Awards for amazing films by Republican producers like Captain Ron? Steve Bannon, what a star.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump won't get over the 1-inch barrier

It’s an award for the best movie in America it’s not a world award

Any movie released on American soil could qualify for the Oscars. One of the requirements to be eligible for Best Picture is that the movie has to be released in an American theater, specifically at least in LA county. As long as it's released in America, it doesn't matter what language is used. Remember Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" movie is an American movie but in Aramaic language.

In fact, "Parasite" is still being shown in American theaters - it was Top #7 in the US box office just last week Feb 14-16 weekend and already earned over $43 million:


7(11) || Parasite || $5,682,466 || +245% || 2,001 theaters || +941 || $2,840 per theater || $43,370,010 || 19 weeks

So plenty of Americans cared enough about the movie to overcome the 1-inch barrier of subtitles

7 ( +8 / -1 )

What's also scary is how easily "Gone with the Wind" rolled off his tongue without thinking.

GWTW has rightfully been criticized for its outdated and racist portrayal of African Americans back in that time period.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

this guy takes the cake Talk about being small minded this is classic example of white privileged talking out of his behind

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I am not sure why a foreign film would be considered the best move released during an entire year of Hollywood.

Coz it's a really good movie, that was considered better than the stuff 'Hollyweird' puts out. I thought you'd be happy about this?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The embarrassment of just being American these days is almost unbearable.

If you have investments or a 401k I'll be happy to take it from you. :)

It's pep rally, it's a joke, the Prez even uses self-deprecating humor but the left will never get it and that's why they will lose "bigly". lol.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Subtitles are a pretty big ask for our intellectually deficient friends on the other side of the aisle.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Trump is so much in your head that he makes you like a movie that you haven’t seen that you would have to read the whole thing if you even saw it.

if Trump loved this movie you would hate it. It made the same amount of US box office poor to winning that Cats did. Which was the worst movie of the last decade.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Which also has the first Academy award ever presented to an African American.

GWTW has rightfully been criticized for its outdated and racist portrayal of African Americans back in that time perio

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

I go to watch a movie not read a movie.

Subtitles are a pretty big ask for our intellectually deficient friends on the other side of the aisle.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Do you go to the picture book aisle to gaze at the pretty doodles?

Do you ignore the scrawl on a postcard and stare at the photo?

Reading, what a hassle.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Trump is unaware of why an Asian film won the Hollywood Oscar.

American and European films have a very low level of entertainment. It has dropped so low that Asian films have surpassed them, not because the level of these films has risen. It's the low quality of American cinema as well as European cinema.

Don't blame the judges for giving an award to a foreign film. Blame the writers and directors for making bad movies. And demand that they make good scripts so this doesn't happen.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It’s fine to read a book. no one reads a movie, sorry. Trump hate makes you guys take the strangest positions on things.

Reading, what a hassle.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Trump is so much in your head that he makes you like a movie that you haven’t seen

Um, I haven’t seen it therefore I don’t like or dislike it, unlike you who hasn’t seen it and hates it

you would have to read the whole thing if you even saw it. 

I don’t mind. I’m literate.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

It’s fine to read a book. no one reads a movie, sorry. Trump hate makes you guys take the strangest positions on things.

People watch movies with subtitles all the time. Well people who can read and are interested in the world. Trump fanaticism requires you to take his opinion on things regardless of how you would feel about it yourself, were you allowed to do so.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The sycophant temporarily occupying the White House just can’t help opening his trap about any and all subjects.

He got elected once, shame on him. Should he be reelected, shame on We the People of the United States of America (U.S./USA).

6 ( +6 / -0 )


About your "no one reads a movie" - I know it's hard to remember, but a lot of people are from much smaller countries which therefore produces less domestic entertainment and therefore imports a lot with - you guessed it - subtitles! Somehow "reading a movie" isn't an issue for millions of people.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Please never let trump back into Japan.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It’s fine to read a book. no one reads a movie, sorry.

So ya want Japanese moviegoers to watch American movies dubbed in Japanese, rather than in the original English with Japanese subtitles?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

So what if a politician is transparent and speaks what is he, and many people, are truly thinking. Box office hits has been dominated by Hollywood for so long that many think that the Oscar is inherently American award. Does anyone remember when the first foreigner won a sumo tournament? Does anyone remember the reaction of the American public when Toyota entered NASCAR? Plenty of nationalistic comments in the beginning but people in general, will soon get used to it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Parasite was great!

A big s/o and a "Chuka Hamnida" to Bong Kantoku.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hollywood seemed to think so

Should Trump put tariffs on non American movies? Part of the trade war?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

*I go to watch a movie not read a movie.*


It’s fine to read a book. no one reads a movie, sorry.

( laziness + ignorance - what a nice combination ) you do know that there ,s a world out there, right? and that millions of people watch movies with subtitles, and many of them actually enjoy it ...

Joker was my personal favorite but Parasite was also really good. a movie from another country winning Best Picture... it could,ve happened before... it happened this year . and i think the Koreans deserve it ( and more will follow ( not easy though )) . so what,s the big deal . what you gonna do about it .

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The man-child reminds me of Wendy Williams. On her show, she faand her audience claps. She brings up phlegm, they clap. She invents stupid words, they clap. We have the man-child, criticizing China, the Trmpsters clap. He then praises Xi Jinping, they clap!!! He shows his stupidity and lack of education, they clap. He makes fun of the disabled, they clap. Just when exactly is he going to have his Amie Harwick moment, or are the deplorables really that depraved?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Typo. I'll start again. (Where the heck is the edit button?)

The man-child reminds me of Wendy Williams. On her show, she farts and her audience claps. She brings up phlegm, they clap. She invents stupid words, they clap. We have the man-child, criticizing China, the Tr-mpsters clap. He then praises Xi Jinping, they clap!!! He shows his stupidity and lack of education, they clap. He makes fun of the disabled, they clap. Just when exactly is he going to have his Amie Harwick moment, or are the deplorables really that depraved?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"It's pep rally, it's a joke, the Prez even uses self-deprecating humor but the left will never get it"

Heck no, the Right: The so-called "Prez humor was" deprecating S Korea and anything but tRump. If this blogger had failed in deciphering any other self-deprecation, I 'd better open up an over-a-thousand-paged novel and try to get the drift of American humor as sagaciously extolled to "the left."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hey Trump voters! Trump does not allow you to watch any movie that is not originally in English (and It must be American English - but Trump does say it is ok if the bad guy speaks English with a foreign accent). If you don't listen to Trump that makes you a Hillary supporter and Bernie socialist.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Please never let trump back into Japan.


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Billions of people around the world watch American movies with subtitles in their local language

If they can do it

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Among national leaders, that behaviour is the preserve of demagogues, and for the first time, the US has a demagogue for president. He trades in inanities.

You give TRUMP way too much credit, he is definetly NOT a demagogue!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The man who brags about being able to grab women by their privates because he is so rich, is now a film critic? Oy vey.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I wonder if DT top 5 films are Jungle book, Deliverance, Smokey and the bandit, Aladdin, and Dumbo!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Please never let trump back into Japan.

Why? -- Because never any more than let him back into UK or any other nation. Would you want to have your President play a golf pal for a Prime Minister on the link? Just Imagine this golfer also has his 50,000 troops stationed across your land for the past 75 years and never stops jacking up their billeting reimbursement amount.

I have little imagined how explanatory I have to be.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Publicly criticizing a movie he's never seen. This is the President of the United States.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

i have read those that are openly embarrassed by President Trump, and some who have even called Americans stupid, however Americans have that freedom! Stupid is something Americans are not! Embarrassed if you disagree with Trump but anyone who takes exception to what someone thinks...Now that is stupid!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

With a title like Parasite he probably expected a story about alien body snatchers, most likely with some rape of gorgeous women, or at least a bit of pussy grabbing.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The man-child has a habit of picking random subjects and bitching about everything. However, in the case of Parasite, it may be because the movie comes up with some startling home truths, as Jimmy Kimmel explains:


Watch 1:00-1:30

Judging from the photo at 1:30, I guess Maybelline or L'Oreal will be the man-child's next target.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Dear Donald Trump.

I'm Korean-American living in Seoul,Korea and I can see how both nations have their own respective perspectives on the outlook of the world.If the U.S.President said "Parasite" was not good enough movie to win an award for the Oscars then that's fine with me but don't crtiticize me personally or my country Korea please as South Korea is literally bleeding itself to death at this C-virus situation shows signs of greater deterioration.Thank you for your abstinence from criticizing Korea anymore because Korea is one of those countries who needs the vaccine to help combat the C-virus from further spreading out.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

God Bless Korea-USA-Japan-China-Russia-Europe.Amen.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The President is, Pro-American - so yes, it's Natural that he "may" be a bit .... overly protective towards (Northern/Middle/U(?)S ) American Interests...

The Oscars perhaps needs to separate local from Global in order to be greater than they have been at present - there are many Great International films that receive little attention other than at the Cannes Film Festival, so why not lead the way, and have a Separate event for the "Best Global Film of the Year" ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Speed - he may have downloaded it via BitTorrent.... ?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Anyway,... I'm going to go out of my way and watch the Movie for myself... to make up my own mind.

Maybe Trump invested in the Project, and this was the end-result he expected from his comments ? More people watching the movie ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is a list of demagogue behaviour patterns. A demagogue needn't meet them all to be considered a demagogue. Take a look, consider without prejudice which items match Trump's modus operandi, and then consider the 5 to 10 presidents that preceded him. There you have the difference between this president, a demagogue, and former presidents, not demagogues.

Trump ticks off every item on the list, with the sole exception that his "charisma" is very much in the eye of the beholder.

That goes for the last 3 Presidents as well, I am not a fan of TRUMP but clearly your personal opinion is you just don't like one or many of the traits you listed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Pitt used his award acceptance speech to support the impeachment of Trump.

Pitt was bitterly disappointed with his ACQUITTAL like many here on JT, hehe.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

EppeeFeb. 21 01:06 pm JSTWhat an idiot seriously ...

All he does is pop off his chops, which highlights even further that he is UNFIT for office - or even any social setting for that matter.

His impeachment even further proves that. His acquittal by a bunch of butt-kissing fraidy cats does not excuse his crimes, and to paraphrase 'Gone With the Wind': Why does anybody even give a damn what this narcisstic fool even says anyway?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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