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© 2023 AFPUK comedian Russell Brand accused of sexual assault: media
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How is it that suddenly and coincidentally that Channel 4 and the Sunday Times have accused Brand of wrongdoing?
Slightly suspect…
The allegations levelled at Russell Brand are indeed damning and serious.
Rape, oppressive coercion, sexual harassment, exploitation, abuse of power.
Yet again these large media conglomerates allegedly turn a blind eye.
This media investigation, Russell Brand In Plain Sight Dispatches is harrowing, repulsive, nauseating.
BBC and Channel 4 release statements on Russell Brand after he denies rape accusations
So, where is this all going?
The alleged victims will need to officially consider whether to come forward and make a full police statement. That will need courage,
The resolution to face a court and a jury.
Channel 4, The Times, Sunday Times, have reported the allegations, the accusations are from the alleged victims of these serious assaults.
That is important, and pertinent.
Please view C4 Russell Brand In Plain Sight Dispatches, with the aid of a robust VPN,
Russell would of been in prison if these allegations where true but once again the journalist (Paid Propagandist) will get away with slander and defamation.
Russell will become even wealthier after his massive lawsuit.
Unfortunately we have seen this played out time and time again. When the stories are found to be untrue no one is held to any real accountability. The journalist should be jailed for years especially when they make up lies to slander people.
They said, he said...
Old Russell's past may be creeping back to haunt and hurt him with lawsuits. This all comes with the territory (when you're a star, they let you... etc. etc.) - a "license" more honored in the breach when it comes to male cajoling and coercion.
These serious criminal allegations could become a matter matter for a court of law to decide.
Either in UK or US
Until then all are allegations, clearly stated.
In the meantime.......
Russell Brand accused of rape, sexual assaults and abuse | Investigation
These allegations could well destroy Brand reputation completely, they are beyond defamatory.
So will Brand sue?
Brand (unlike Harvey Weinstein) has natural charisma/engaging banter and had no need to force anyone to sleep with him, probably the opposite is more accurate.
Where is the proof?
How is it that these women did not make criminal complaints at the time?
Brand has massive damages coming to him
David Brent
Good. Hope this utter cretin gets what he deserves. Now, how about James Corden, too?
These allegation have been in the public domain barely 24 hours.
Brand has the presumption of innocence to fall back on.
A Met Police spokesperson said: "We are aware of media reporting of a series of allegations of sexual assault. At this time, we have not received any reports in relation to this. If anyone believes they have been the victim of a sexual assault, no matter how long ago it happened, we would encourage them to contact police."
One needs to view the C4 dispatches investigation in its entirety to gauge the creditably of the alleged victims.
One victim Alice when 16 stated.....
"Russell behaved in the behavior's of a groomer. But back then I didn't even know what that looked like. He would try to drive a wedge between me and my parents, taught me to lie to them. I was at my dad's house and it was 11pm at night, Russell texted me saying 'I need to see you. I'm really upset, I need to see you' and I said 'I can't, it's too late".
"He came up with this scenario where my friend was ill. He made me do these roleplay conversations with him, where he would go 'Ok I'm going to be your dad and you be you'. He'd correct me as we went along, and say 'You can't say that cos your Dad is going to say this'. He had a whole script for me."
Whether such behavior constitutes grooming or controlling, abusive and predatory behavior is a matter for a court and jury to decide.
As the article says, the report is the result of a joint investigation by journalists from both. Whether or not you believe the content of it or not, the mere fact that they both published it is not in and of itself at all suspicious.
“mere fact that they both published it is not in and of itself at all suspicious.”
haha yes it is!! Very very suspicious
@David Brent Just because you don't like him doesn't make it true!
He is funny and as well as being a bit of a knob, but it would be stupid to say he’s guilty or not guilty at this point.
Won’t stop the more emotional types getting a bit hysterical and making up their minds on the spot.
Kind of bizarre that people seem to think sexual assaults are reported directly after the assaults. Most are not. Most are never reported. Some take decades - as we saw with the likes of slimy Jimmy Savile, Weinstein, Rolf Harris and even the Johnny Kitagawa paedophile. These men all had enormous power.
Brand is a slimy and sleazy ex-heroin junkie - let's wait and see if any charges eventuate here. In any case, his reputation is now in the sewer.
Leo T
money grab
Just like Weinstein, Epstein, Kelly, Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris, Justin Sane. Slime, all.
Nail them all. It's time to make all slime pay. No sympathy for these devils.
“In any case, his reputation is now in the sewer.”
Some if the commentators on here are pure geniuses! No his reputation isn’t in the sewer! Haha
Was he found guilty? Must have missed that.
Was Jimmy Savile found guilty? Must have been innocent I guess? Women on a "money grab"?
Saw that a Reddit post from 8 months ago predicted something big was coming and that was why Brand had suddenly pivoted into the right wing conspiracy nut realm. Easy to get support from idiots who believe the loud voice over reason and try to frame the narrative in a way that makes him appear the victim.
From viewing C4 dispatches investigation thoroughly, now for a third time.
The manner of reporting, a character assignation of Brand, intertwined with a litany of very serious allegations of sexual misconduct, one can judge Brand quite wrongly of guilt before innocence.
To simplify, some find Russell Brand rather brutal stage show, accusations of misogyny, a tendency to overtly shock, his past promiscuity, as a presumption of guilt.
Viewing the dispatches investigation is the matter in question.
It is honed, relentless in its approach to Brands style of comedy, his propensity to shock, sometimes with crude wild abandonment.
So the viewer is so driven to presume Brand guilty, a lynching before the commercial break, whilst the seriousness of the accusations play second fiddle.
Some would suggest Brand had this coming, what goes around eventually comes around.
The UK justice systems must and should prevent this from taking place, however I suggest the damage has already been done.
When I contend Brand sue, this maybe the only course of action to clear his name.
Why is assuming this is a money grab thinking more clearly?
It sounds like the kind of predictable ‘free-thinking’ from the rightwing North American podcast watchers who offer nothing of use whatsoever.
Interesting idea.
He struck me as too intelligent to go down that rabbit hole even if he was still getting wasted on hard drugs.
Many women choose silence over the shame and ignominy of having to stand up in court and relive the ordeal to face harsh cross examination.
The classic victims brought it upon themselves.
However the route to justice can be brutal and harsh, but necessary to establish the facts/truth, to prevent past miscarriages of justice.
So a halfway house is trial by media, did we witness such an example so skillfully foisted on Russell Brand?
William_BlakeToday 01:22 pm JST
Wild and unfounded speculation at best.
If you bothered to watch the footage of two of the accusers, you would have learned that both of them had slept with Brand willingly before the occurrence of what they claim was abuse.
Brand says he has conclusive evidence to disprove their accusations, so we'll have to wait for the trial.
But yeah, he didn't force them to get into an intimate relationship to start with, they agreed to get close to him. Was he ever a twat after the relationship wore thin, well he probably has been to someone, as the accusers no doubt have been to someone, like everyone has at some point.
Spacey got off in the UK. If the charges are based in the UK has may have a fair trial. If in the US he may as well expect 30 years in prison like a mass murderer.
Leo T
"Why is assuming this is a money grab thinking more clearly?
Because he's rich and famous
Good opportunity to cash in