Japan Today

Unlikely hit 'Sound of Freedom' opens new front in U.S. culture wars

By Frankie TAGGART

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They are the ones being brought too Justice,they just took stupid realize the criminal docket sheets has their names on it

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Liberals have called it a recruiting tool for the far-right that promotes the QAnon conspiracy theory about a cabal of pedophiles from Hollywood and the Democratic Party kidnapping children and harvesting their blood.

Human trafficking is a tragic reality and assisted by the demonization of refugees and migrants by the alt-right.

Who allow most of the business owners who exploit these people to get off scot-free and keep the market demand going.

The devout Catholic, 54, has addressed several QAnon events and promotes the conspiracy theory that child trafficking rings drain their victims' blood for the hormone adrenochrome, believing it to be an elixir that wards off aging.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas had a more realistic take on adrenochrome.

-4 ( +16 / -20 )

America is soooo divided, I find It sad. They seem to need to be in a gang whether left or right. I put it down to a poorly educated populace

Have not seen this film so unable to comment on it.

5 ( +18 / -13 )

"Movies like Cuties that hypersexualize young girls are OK! But movies about the rescue of sex trafficked young girls are not OK!"

That's all we need to know about depraved US elites.

22 ( +36 / -14 )

Anyone who doesn't follow Q and watch this movie, is going to answer to Q.

Watch your backs.

-13 ( +13 / -26 )

The devout Catholic, 54, has addressed several QAnon events and promotes the conspiracy theory that child trafficking rings drain their victims' blood for the hormone adrenochrome, believing it to be an elixir that wards off aging

Gibbering crackpot.

-3 ( +19 / -22 )

Jordan Peterson

Very disappointing to see the Liverpool and England midfielder involved in this unhinged nonsense. Sort him out, Jürgen .

-14 ( +11 / -25 )

"Movies like Cuties that hypersexualize young girls are OK! But movies about the rescue of sex trafficked young girls are not OK!"

That's all we need to know about depraved US elites.

You think that the "US elites" were all watching a minor French film that attacks the ongoing hypersexualisation of girls in today's society?

So do you disagree with the film's core message that sexualising youth is a bad thing? Or do you not know what you are talking about?

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Alfie Noakes

   Jordan Peterson

> Very disappointing to see the Liverpool and England midfielder involved in this unhinged nonsense. Sort him out, Jürgen .

What are you talking about?

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian psychologist, academic, author, social critic and media commentator. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues, often described as conservative and a public intellectual.


0 ( +14 / -14 )

Not seen it, won't see it, but it sounds like "Jesus" Jim et al. are turning the scourge of child-trafficking into a frivolous entertainment, peddling culture-war poison to QAnon(sense)-addled folk who are flocking to cinemas to feed their "inner-trafficker". Adrenochrome schmadrenochrome, it's the sick sex, stupid!

-14 ( +8 / -22 )

Finally, an article about this movie. I can't find it! I've checked all the movie theater websites. I checked all the streaming platforms I have access to. I want to see it!

If anybody knows where we can watch it, please share. Following.

17 ( +25 / -8 )

I'm old enough to remember when society severely punished child predators. Now you have "reputable" organizations like CNN, Washington Post and Rolling Stone magazine attempting to discredit the film as "alt-right nut-crackery", dismissing it as "Q-Anon conspiracy theories" and trying to convince people that there isn't a problem with child trafficking and sexual abuse of minors.

Doing so not only means they're protecting vile predators, it means they are vile predators.

On a side note, thank you to the people behind the film whose past actions have helped saved more than 7,000 children and coordinated sting operations that have led to over 5,500 arrests. Pretty impressive statistics when, according to the Establishment Left, child trafficking "doesn't exist."

21 ( +33 / -12 )

Not seen it, won't see it, but it sounds like "Jesus" Jim et al.

Ladies and gentleman, case in point. Nothing to see here, right comrade?

15 ( +27 / -12 )

Not seen it, won't see it, but it sounds like "Jesus" Jim et al.

Ladies and gentleman, case in point. Nothing to see here, right comrade?

My MO has always been to read movie reviews by reputable critics whose professional judgment has won my trust. Saves you from wasting time and money - you should try it!

-14 ( +8 / -22 )

The film was originally scheduled for release by 20th Century Fox, but that deal was canceled when Disney bought the studio in 2019, paving the way for Angel Studios to step in.

Oh, the irony. You would think that Disney would do whatever it can to help protect children by releasing this film, but instead they decided to take a different political stance like supporting HB 1557 bill, which allows classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3.

19 ( +29 / -10 )

The devout Catholic, 54, has addressed several QAnon events and promotes the conspiracy theory that child trafficking rings drain their victims' blood for the hormone adrenochrome, believing it to be an elixir that wards off aging.

If this conspiracy theory motivates people to stop child trafficking, I'm all for it. If anything, have more out so we can put an end to this horror.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

If this conspiracy theory motivates people to stop child trafficking, I'm all for it.

Heh, it would only be child traffickers on the right then, because the ones on the left wouldn't be a party to it.

So go for it, flesh out all those right-wing trafficking pedos.

-12 ( +11 / -23 )

Once again, Jim Caviezel is doing the Lord's work and the usual suspects are screeching and gnashing their teeth. How you respond to this film is a great test of the state of your spiritual health.

3 ( +18 / -15 )

The film was originally scheduled for release by 20th Century Fox, but that deal was canceled when Disney bought the studio in 2019, paving the way for Angel Studios to step in.

For DISNEY and all the others who tried to keep this movie/actual events from coming to light . Only shows everyone that those people do not care about the health, care , and well-being of children.

Children are only $$$$ to them.

Pretty impressive statistics when, according to the Establishment Left, child trafficking "doesn't exist.

The left is more concerned about slavery 160 years ago than they are about trafficking hundreds of thousands of children into slavery today.

16 ( +25 / -9 )

For DISNEY and all the others who tried to keep this movie/actual events from coming to light . Only shows everyone that those people do not care about the health, care , and well-being of children.

Do you think it's a conspiracy? Does Q know? How do you think they communicate with this conspiracy and hide it so well? Do they send Micky to 'talk' with people?

-12 ( +10 / -22 )

Heh, it would only be child traffickers on the right then, because the ones on the left wouldn't be a party to it.

So go for it, flesh out all those right-wing trafficking pedos.

Do you actually think one's political affiliation matters? Just take a look at what prisoners do to their own gang members when branded as a pedo.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Do you actually think one's political affiliation matters?

Has anyone who wasn't a right-wing extremist ever believed in Q and the conspiracies this movie espouses?

-10 ( +11 / -21 )

There were largely negative reviews from mainstream liberal outlets like Variety, The New York Times and The Guardian, which called it "QAnon-adjacent" or just plain dull.

the attack en masse by these types never grows old.. lol probably the easiest way to spot if something/someone is doing the right thing.

14 ( +22 / -8 )

What has your Lord done to stop child trafficking?

If people who don't believe in the Lord aren't stopping child trafficking, and people do who believe in the Lord are stopping child trafficking, then the Lord is stopping child trafficking.

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

I hear people parroting ‘Hollyweird’

This man is madder than a March hare and stupider than a bog brush.

He makes Tome Cruise seem normal and he’s a Scientologist.

-10 ( +9 / -19 )

I have enjoyed some of the acting by Jim Caviezel. I didn't watch Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" (2004). Today is the first time I learn something about his personal life/views. His views are disturbing.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

The instant this was said:

"for right-wing pundits from Jordan Peterson"

We know the writer's bias and lack of actual facts and research.

Jordan Peterson is not a right wing and was a long time socialist a heavy supporter of the NPD in Canada until it took a turn into the absurd and lost logical thinking.

Jordan is still a socialist, including things like universal healthcare, public schooling, social welfare, etc..

The claims of "Right wing" are because he advocates commonsense, research and facts over "feelings" which has taken over the NDP he once supported and the rest of what were sound policies.

I haven't seen the movie not really interested in it but this demonizing anyone that dares point out facts by the liberals and far fridge left now in power in North America is obvious in this article.

Debate, asking questions, facts that don't fit with the feelings of certain special interest groups are all verboten by the Hollywood and leftist elite.

Hurting someone's feeling on the far left is now a crime and if the can't get you with that they will hunt you down and "cancel" you anyway they can!

13 ( +23 / -10 )

Alfie, you made me spit out my coffee. Surely, you were pulling our legs, or was it really a case of even Homer sometimes nods?

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

I've listened to a lot of Jordan Peterson. He's well spoken, but two things have happened - some of his ideas have been picked up by the far right, and he has responded by moving some of his ideas towards the far-right.

His reputation isn't as deserved as what he's been stuck with, but neither is he absent of controversial opinions that the far-right espouses.

-10 ( +8 / -18 )

Hurting someone's feeling on the far left is now a crime and if the can't get you with that they will hunt you down and "cancel" you anyway they can!

The right invented cancel culture. Try saying Trump lost in 2020, or saying the word gay in Florida. Cancelled! Right-wing wokism is the definition of cancel culture.

-15 ( +9 / -24 )

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas had a more realistic take on adrenochrome.

Really?? A freaking comedy? Starring Johnny Depp??

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Really?? A freaking comedy? Starring Johnny Depp??

I think the point is that adrenochrome isn't a real thing.

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

I haven't seen this film but would like to at some point. But why so much controversy? There's a certain cohort of our society seemingly hellbent on dissing this movie as far-right and religious propaganda.

But child trafficking shouldn't be tossed in as a left vs right issue, it's good vs evil, right vs wrong. Surely nobody in their right mind, regardless of where they stand in the political spectrum, could fail to condemn child traffickers and the scum that use them, so the media people bloviating against the core message in the movie are only doing themselves a massive disservice and fuelling the vitriol directed back against themselves, justified or otherwise.

14 ( +20 / -6 )

I haven't seen this film but would like to at some point. But why so much controversy?

For the same reason woke left movies stir up controversy. Once you start pandering to extremists on one side or the other, you eliminate a good bit of your potential viewership on the other side. Of course, if your goal is to be extremist, that doesn't bother you, cause you're sticking it to [the other side].

-11 ( +8 / -19 )

But child trafficking shouldn't be tossed in as a left vs right issue, it's good vs evil, right vs wrong.

It's not. But, the idea that the democrat elites are running a child trafficking cabal is the right making enemies of the left, painting anyone who doesn't agree as evil, and wrong.

Bit of a controversy, innit.

-10 ( +9 / -19 )

No need to involve deities (who generally get credit only for the good and not the bad done by people, often in the name of their faith) or QAnon conspiracy theories.

Praise be the Q. All things are available through him.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

StrangerlandToday  11:25 am JST

I haven't seen this film but would like to at some point. But why so much controversy?

For the same reason woke left movies stir up controversy. Once you start pandering to extremists on one side or the other, you eliminate a good bit of your potential viewership on the other side. Of course, if your goal is to be extremist, that doesn't bother you, cause you're sticking it to [the other side].

Fair point, and I'll reserve my judgment on how extremist it is or isn't when I see it.

But I think the "left" who are getting hot under the collar about it are shooting themselves in the foot because they're making themselves easy targets by attacking the movie as a conspiracy theory rather than supporting people who are trying to rescue the victims. After all, it is based on a true story. It's easy to paint the vocal media and political critics as running interference for child traffickers. But I'm sure there are countless sensible people who normally vote left who see the core message as a good one and abhor child trafficking and all that goes with it, and might go and see the movie for that reason, ignoring the politicisation surrounding the film and making up their own minds. If anything, the controversy seems to be attracting viewers - an interesting contrast to the the frequent bombing of recent Hollywood efforts that try to push a politically correct message for better or worse.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

His reputation isn't as deserved as what he's been stuck with, but neither is he absent of controversial opinions that the far-right espouses.

Please give us an example!

Do you mean asking for proper studies and peer review before cutting up children based on a theory?

99% of what the far left opposed is his demand for scientific facts they refuse to even talk about!

As a child with ADHD and ASD I was subjected to some crazy treatments based on "Theories" and luckily my parents had the right to refuse and did so with the most serious ones.

Today we'll over 90% of those "treatments" are band or no longer used because surprise surprise they caused more harm than good!

This is something Peterson has spent decades trying to avoid happening to more children.

But the modern left is hellbent on testing on as many children they can their lastest Theory and anything or anyone that gets in their way is "Right wing" "QAnon" regardless of facts.

This movie could be 100% factual but the far left and Hollywood would still oppose it only because it "may" make people think and oh the horror of using logic.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

It's not. But, the idea that the democrat elites are running a child trafficking cabal is the rightmaking enemies of the left, painting anyone who doesn't agree as evil, and wrong.

Bit of a controversy, innit.

Surely the "left" isn't one hulking mass of people who all think alike? Same with the "right." All that sensible lefties have to do is say something like "we don't care about/believe the religious aspect of this film, but steadfastly support the efforts to prevent child trafficking, rescue victims, and hunt down the perpetrators and bring them to some deserved justice," and they'd be able to disarm the criticism directed against them. But not enough are doing it, allowing themselves to get lumped in with the odious media types obsessed about (and probably exaggerating) the religious aspect of it to score political points.

Surely it can't be that hard to do?

3 ( +9 / -6 )

But the modern left is hellbent on testing on as many children they can their lastest Theory and anything or anyone that gets in their way is "Right wing" "QAnon" regardless of facts.

Do you think an outside non-extremist reader would find your post balanced and factual? Do you feel it advanced the conversation?

-6 ( +11 / -17 )

Surely the "left" isn't one hulking mass of people who all think alike?

I don't - I'm a center of leftist, and get told I "own" the statements of the far-left woke all the time. It's ridiculous.

But the extremists who made this movie, that's how they think.

Sorry, am I not supposed to point that out?

-7 ( +11 / -18 )

I suppose it’s good in some ways that there are sectors who will employ conspiracy theorists.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Here is how crazy labeling has gotten.

A clearly centre left commentator on YouTube found himself demonetized and labeled "far right" what was his crime?

2 T-shirts one saying " Don't be stupid stupid" but the other was the real problem "Why Be Informed When Can Use Feelings As Fact"

This last one upset the far left beyond reason.

It is people like this writer that groups anyone he disagrees with as far Right.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

StrangerlandToday  11:53 am JST

Surely the "left" isn't one hulking mass of people who all think alike?

I don't - I'm a center of leftist, and get told I "own" the statements of the far-left woke all the time. It's ridiculous. 

Then you gotta push back and clarify your position. It can be a pain, but a necessary one.

But the extremists who made this movie, that's how they think.

Sorry, am I not supposed to point that out?

By all means, point it out, but it works both ways.

2 ( +9 / -7 )


Today 11:52 am JST

You still didn't answer my request for and example of what you claim

but neither is he absent of controversial opinions that the far-right espouses.

So waiting for these " controversial opinions" you claim ye has!

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Surely the "left" isn't one hulking mass of people who all think alike? Same with the "right." 

Problem is not about left x right, its just this bunch of hipocrites that cant miss a chance of always holding the humanity back, same people who demand everyone to say 2+2=5 or else...normal people have been enabling these lunatics for probably too long.. who'd have imagined it would turn into this madness.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

This last one upset the far left beyond reason.

It is people like this writer that groups anyone he disagrees with as far Right.

Thanks for playing the game.

The whole point of culture warrior content like this is so these dichotomies distract from thinking dialectically and seeing you are being owned by a corporatocracy and instead think it is the Dems, migrants or Hollywood elites are exclusively "evil".

It has become a cause celebre for right-wing pundits from Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro to former President Donald Trump, who is hosting a screening of the film at his New Jersey golf club on Wednesday.

These are the grifters in order of influence who benefit from this. Nuff said.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

StrangerlandToday  12:04 pm JST

Then you gotta push back and clarify your position. It can be a pain, but a necessary one.

I literally just did that. Anything else I just did that you want to try to pretend is your idea?

By all means, point it out, but it works both ways.

Except I answered the question.

Settle down, I was agreeing with you in the main. I have a pretty good idea on where you stand in relation to a lot of things; I was speaking in the general sense and maybe should have made myself clearer.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Fair enough.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

And for what it's worth, I didn't downvote your responses.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

All too weird for me.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

We all agree that the QAnon stuff is basement level idiocy, right?

3 ( +12 / -9 )

These are the grifters

Really, Peterson was just fine and happy teaching and treating patients until he was told " do what we say, act like we tell you to", "or we will fire you and destroy your career "

He did not go looking for anything he just said " no to the pronoun " idiocy which would/ does require every teacher to keep a list of every student's pronoun and being punished if you don't!

Otherwise he would still just beva teacher and therapist.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )


Today 12:28 pm JST

We all agree that the QAnon stuff is basement level idiocy, right?

Yes as do people like Jordan Peterson who has publicly said so on multiple occasions.

Ben Shapiro August 21 200:

QAnon is conspiratorial garbage with no basis in reality.


But look at the article, look at what the MSM and author her tried doing.

He tried associating both Peterson and Shapiro into the QAnon group.

This points to the trash article this is.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian psychologist,

Psychology, sociology, and psychiatry have previously been dismissed by one Canadian poster.

I wonder why the exception this time.

Just looked at his 12 Rules of Life. I'll stick with THE TEN RULES OF IKIGAI.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )


you introduced the topic yourself.

"As a child with ADHD and ASD I was subjected to some crazy treatments based on "Theories" and luckily my parents had the right to refuse and did so with the most serious ones.

> Today we'll over 90% of those "treatments" are band or no longer used because surprise surprise they caused more harm than good!

> This is something Peterson has spent decades trying to avoid happening to more children."

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Many times you have dismissed Psychology, sociology, and psychiatry because of your childhood maltreatment.

> But with the psychologist, Jordan Bernt Peterson, you seem to make an exception.

I dismiss theories as does Peterson who isn't a "sociologist" " psychologist" but am actual Doctor with medical training and relies on facts, proper clinical studies and peer review process.

In psychiatry they do not hand out in tested unapproved medication and his view is simple and logical, if we don't hand out untested drugs then why do we use untested theories as treatments?

It is something called logic, a foreign concept these days and has been a foreign concept to the psychologists and sociologist for decades.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

The devout Catholic, 54, has addressed several QAnon events and promotes the conspiracy theory that child trafficking rings drain their victims' blood for the hormone adrenochrome, believing it to be an elixir that wards off aging.

Does Jim Caviezel really believe that? And the shame of his own church on the subject.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a clinical psychologist.

In 1985, he moved to Montreal to attend McGill University where he earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology under the supervision of Robert O. Pihl in 1991, and remained as a post-doctoral fellow at McGill's Douglas Hospital until June 1993, working with Pihl and Maurice Dongier.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

We all agree that the QAnon stuff is basement level idiocy, right?

Those of us with 2+ brain cells and a single working synapse?

Yes, we agree on that.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Many folks here are confusing a worthy subject and cause (fighting child-trafficking) with the qualities of a good (intelligent) well-crafted movie that "Sound of Freedumb" singularly seems to lack according to expert reviewers who know whereof they write and speak.

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

singularly seems to lack according to expert reviewers who know whereof they write and speak.

You mean like the author of this article that uses Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro as QAnon type but who have both publicly dismissed QAnon as a crazy idea?

This type of supposed "experts".

The author's attempt to associate these to with the fringe QAnon say volumes about his bias and agenda!

Look at other "reviews" by the same " experts" in which the audience gives low score, the movie or TV/ online series are flops but the "experts" reviews are " glowing" with comments like " Brave" etc...

What made these people " experts"?

Well going with the Hollywood elite narrative or else they will also be cancelled or cut from previews and access!

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

until an unheralded thriller about child trafficking upended industry expectations.

glad to see this article here. I hope the movie keeps attracting attention. Boggles me how LBBQ whatever gets so much MSM coverage and this so little

1 ( +10 / -9 )

No, it doesn't. Only the MSM tries to fragment the country, but it's not working.

Basically, if we believe MSM and left politicians, Asian Americans are to stupid to know they are being tricked by right wing white supremacist and conservatives, Muslim Americans and Canadian are also too stupid and are also being tricked by the same groups.

Basically like this author trying to claim the people are all too stupid and only he and the rest of the Hollywood elite, MSM and left politicians know best!

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Have a read of 12 rules

is that 12 Rules of Midfield Domination? Never read it, sorry

Jordan Peterson is not a right winger

You're right, he's a box to box midfielder. Klopp played him out of position for years.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

You're right, he's a box to box midfielder. Klopp played him out of position for years.

Can you translate this from "American" to English!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

There has never been a Jordan Peterson at Liverpool.

Remember to stroke the street cat.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Eh whats this? A sequel to Jesus Christ Superstar with Sorvino as Satan? Wild.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

I don't - I'm a center of leftist, and get told I "own" the statements of the far-left woke all the time. It's ridiculous.

But the extremists who made this movie, that's how they think.

Sorry, am I not supposed to point that out?

You're better off putting down the fork fat boy.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

It's going to be great. Hopefully their will be a musical version.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

There has never been a Jordan Peterson at Liverpool.

I like you Wallace but the internet has lost you today. Jordan Peterson was at Sunderland.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

We’ve had the catchy but very inaccurate’ Go woke, go broke’.

Go Q, go…Anyone good at slogans? I had ‘zoo’ in my head but couldn’t make it work.

Go Q is a scary thought. Flat-Earth, stolen elections, scamdemics, Building 7 etc.

Give me the wokesters over that.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

America is soooo divided, I find It sad. They seem to need to be in a gang whether left or right. I put it down to a poorly educated populace 

I wholeheartedly agree with that.

Have not seen this film so unable to comment on it.

I watched it, definitely a great movie in his home, and I’m glad the story is told, people need to be aware of how serious this issue really is. We definitely need more of this.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

The devout Catholic, 54, has addressed several QAnon events and promotes the conspiracy theory that child trafficking rings drain their victims' blood for the hormone adrenochrome, believing it to be an elixir that wards off aging

Bat feces crazy.

No mainline Catholic would adhere to such an idea.

2 ( +8 / -6 )


I watched it, definitely a great movie in his home, and I’m glad the story is told, people need to be aware of how serious this issue really is. We definitely need more of this.

Did you watch it on Disney Plus?

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Jordan Peterson is not a right winger

You're right, he's a box to box midfielder. Klopp played him out of position for years.

I think you’re mistaken. Isn’t Jordan Peterson the racist fella who hosted the Generation Game?

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

I think you’re mistaken. Isn’t Jordan Peterson the racist fella who hosted the Generation Game?

No. That was Wolfgang Petersen.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Did you watch it on Disney Plus?


-3 ( +5 / -8 )

It's not a culture war. It's fact being intentionally and falsely labled as a conspiracy movie by cultist conspiracy theorists who for some reason cannot get a grip on reality.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

It's not a culture war. It's fact being intentionally and falsely labled as a conspiracy movie by cultist conspiracy theorists who for some reason cannot get a grip on reality.

Its the fever dream of a cult made up of the mentally unstable and the stupid.

It this does not exist.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

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