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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2018.TV show 'Roseanne' abruptly canceled after star's racist tweet sparks furor
By Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey LOS ANGELES©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Definitely a racist comment. No good explanation.
Good riddance, disgusting, racist old grub! Unfortunately now the grub will become an even bigger hero now to Trump supporting, zero-class trash.
Simon Foston
BurakuminDesToday 07:25 am JST
Indeed. I imagine quite soon we'll be reading all about how she's become the latest innocent victim of out-of-control PC insanity.
It was a racist comment, totally inappropriate, but she apologized and I think she needed to be fired for it. There are a lot of people, a lot of liberals that make horrid remarks in the past and as bad as they were, I never asked for them to be fired. Maher, Colbert and who can forget Gifford and the severed head. I'm just not the guy to necessary call for the head (pardon the pun) of someone that makes an outlandish remark. I'm sure she will be picked up by Netflix, she's too much of a $$$$$ to pass up. A person lost is another persons gain.
None of these people ever suggested someone was a sub-human animal simply on the basis of their ethnicity.
...Wait, you're not getting confused about Giuliani again, are you? Yes, he has said some terrible stuff, but as we keep having to remind you, he is not a liberal.
Another day, another career off the rails thanks to Twitter.
She has always been a loose cannon so its no surprise that this has happened.
Strange that Reuters chose to save the public from detrimental harm by ignoring what Roseanne had twitted about George Soros during this same rant.
I can't wait for Donald & Co's reaction.
Remember that Michelle Wolf was called "filthy" by Trump after her performance at the correspondent dinner, and that she got backlash all over the place from Fox News.
Now, let's sit down, relax and enjoy the Double Standard Show.
In Albert Speer's book "Inside the Third Reich", he said that Hitler told him that Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens was a sub-human.
These racist remarks of Rosanne Barr about Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice being ape-like in their features sounds even worse than what Hitler had said.
The cancellation of her show was the right thing to do by ABC.
Toasted Heretic
She has form. It's a shame for the show but there's no excuse for this vile rant. Or her unhinged conspiracy theories.
In other words, it's OK for racists to get a pass if they make enough $$$$$.
Alfie Noakes
Sounds like Barr was speaking to the concerns of many Trump supporters there all right.
Doesn't matter, the left has routinely called the President every name in the book, especially the late night hosts, except for Fallon who seems the smartest of liberal late night hosts.
As in this example Colbert went on a Trump rant which later turned out to be a homophobic rant, no action taken. Again, I never called for the firing, but I still found the remarks to be rude, vile and repugnant. I could go on Behar and that idiot Olbarmann, the King of insults makes Trump looks like a choirboy.
I was never confused to begin with, I'm not a liberal.
Well, Barr is not a conservative.
Toasted Heretic
What has this got to do with the vile racist, Roseanne Barr, though?
There's comedy and pushing the barriers and then there's downright bigotry.
Even Bill O'Reilly has condemned her:
Roseanne Barr’s vicious personal attack on former Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett came out of nowhere and cost Ms. Barr and the entire staff of her program their jobs. @ABC/@Disney could not continue with the show without insulting millions of Americans.
So the highest rated show the network has gets canceled, because of a bad joke made by a comedian on twitter. Like that would have hurt the ratings? ABC is dumb. Bring it to Netflix, see how much higher the ratings will get now. This world is so over PC and paper thin. Just replace the Roseanne character with Dave Chappelle. He never says anything remotely racist........
Trump has been called names based on his behavior, not on the basis of his race or ethnicity. I'm sure you understand that distinction.
Take the trash to the curb where she belongs.
It was just too far over the line, even for a supposed joke. Now we all know that liberal comedians or news commentators have said many things as a "joke" and kept their jobs, but thats not the point right now. Have to be better than them when you are trying to win a culture war.
Alfie Noakes
BurakuminDesToday 07:25 am JST
Indeed. I imagine quite soon we'll be reading all about how she's become the latest innocent victim of out-of-control PC insanity.
So the highest rated show the network has gets canceled, because of a bad joke made by a comedian on twitter. Like that would have hurt the ratings? ABC is dumb. Bring it to Netflix, see how much higher the ratings will get now. This world is so over PC and paper thin. Just replace the Roseanne character with Dave Chappelle. He never says anything remotely racist........
It took all of one hour 29 minutes!
What exactly did she think would happen after saying garbage like that?
Actually that is correct, ABC is very very stupid. They knew all along who Roseanne was and participated in her world for the sake of commerce. ABC should be in the same amount of trouble as Roseanne.
Does this mean Wanda Sykes and others will stop calling Trump an orangutan?
Asking for a confused friend.
You don't know if she is a racist.
So you agree Kathy Griffin, Stephan Colbert, Bill Maher, even Harry Reid and Joe Biden past racist and outrageous acts and statements should be condemned in the strongest terms as well.
As with most liberals, she thought she could get away with it.
No, they will start to run it soon...or ruin it.
Only the right kind of liberal are allowed to make racist statements without worrying about a backlash.
Toasted Heretic
Actually, even the most dull-witted of observers know that she's a racist. She compared a black person to an ape.
I see what you're doing here. Deflecting, as per usual. When those names crop up in future, I'm sure we'll deal with them.
In the meantime, Roseanne Barr - a very confused and hateful person
She is plainly spouting racist comments against Muslim, Black, and Jewish people. She buys into conspiracy theories that have at its core racist propaganda. And because of this she has the support of Trump. Quacks like a duck, probably a duck. It doesn't matter. Her persona is a racist, and her business is persona. She may want to just embrace her fame and persona and maybe get a job at say . . . the WH or Fox News.
It will be hard for another distributor to pick up the show. The producer, a main actor and likely other have decided not to return. Plus, any distributor will immediately be labelled a racist and have to worry about backlash and loss of advertising across the board.
You mean like Comey saying his orange skin and white eyes were unsettling and probably indicated he spent too much time in a tanning bed.
These are personal attacks. Not nice, but as a public personality who happens to be demeaning and even racist to anyone who isn't white and male, and launches personal attacks on a regular basis, he is open game. Orangutan is probably the nicest thing that could be said of Trump.
Simon Foston
gaijinpapaToday 09:02 am JST
Why? It's his own fault if he looks like that.
Roseanne had a new show and somebody watched it? Shocking.
Personal attacks of a human are never ok.
The conservative outrage at liberals over Barr's statements is intense.
While there are laws to deal with offensive and racist language it would be difficult or nigh on impossible to pass laws to make people love one another. Despite the self righteous, sanctimonious vitriol such as "disgusting,racist old grub" not much can be done really to solve this intractable problem. It exists in many countries and is not confined or restricted to any particular racial or ethnic group or nation.
As a big fan of the show, I find this to be disappointing, to put it mildly. It's a shame that she has also dragged people like Sarah Gilbert and others into this mess.I knew something was wrong as soon as she said she supported the man-child.
I think fans of the Cosby Show are in a similar dilemma. Love the show but not the star.
And as for people like Bill 'The Art of the Meal' Maher and Wanda 'Dignified Black People' Sykes using the word orangutan, I don't see other orange-coloured people on the planet. They're mocking one nasty ugly individual, not a whole race. Unless there's an orange race.
In 2013, she called then National Security Advisor Susan Rice a "big man with swinging ape balls".
She deleted that tweet too, so I guess the "joke" didn't work back then too.
Wonder why she would try it again...
Rezident Hump and his minions/fanboys just found a new running mate for 2020
I hate the way America has become.
I don’t think using words like ape, orangutan, orange monkey should ever be used when naming people.
Roseanne should have had more brains. Sad for the people associated with her show.
Why didn’t she make a more sophisticated joke about Valerie Jarret and communism and the Muslim Brotherhood. Lots of ammo there and it could have been as Valerie said “a teaching moment”
Roseanne needs to realize that the Don Rickles era is over.
But there’s a silver lining.
We won’t hear anymore insults about blacks and Trump being called apes or orangutans or orange monkeys .
ps as a conservative, I’m not enraged about attacks on Roseanne. Not only do I think her comments were bad I think she’s incredibly stupid. If I were her Japanese PR man I’d explain that she was drunk and is going to get treatment.
Some people should never use Twitter.,
(and yes, trump should have to show tweets first before hitting send)
on a wider note, I wish I could stop the horrible comments about Michelle Obama you see on the internet too.
But it’s both sides. Cussing and demeaning and insults about physical traits should have no place.
(Unless it was done in the spirit of the late great Don Rickles )
She always was boorish and obnoxious. Her rendition of the Star Spangled Banner got the neo-cons howling for her blood in 1990 but now she's just as demented and racist as they are. Now that ABC has pulled the plug on her crap show for her hateful tweets,m when is America going to pull the plug on Spanky Don's illegal occupation of the Presidency? All his tweets are juvenile and offensive, and yesterday at the Memorial Day celebrations he angered many people - including veterans - with his self-promoting egotistical bragging. His time in the White House needs to be cancelled too.
What an odd comment to make on this story here.
Just read an article about her. She has a long history of these kinds of statements and much worse.
I don't like Boorish people like her and Trump, so I never paid much attention to her.
The question is why did ABC even green light her show in the first place. Sure, she probably made many contractual promises not to make racist statements and maintain some dignity. But, why did ABC trust her. Great, second chances and all that. Money is probably the answer. If she showed up on TV, you had a lot of Trump voters who would be willing to watch.
She's off to obscurity where she can bad mouth the people who gave her a prime time opportunity to only blow it.
You just described half of Hollywood, so why do they get to keep their jobs?
No, you’re not answering my question, so I’m not the one deflecting, so why are these people allowed to do what they do given their racist tirades?
Why wait? Bill Maher used the N-word as did Alec Baldwin and Charlie Sheen, so why the double standard? All I am saying is, the left get so bent out of shape when something like this happens, but when they get racist for a cause they cherish, they will defend it to the very end.
Like most of Hollywood, dazed and confused.
Barr's got form for this kind of thing, it's no secret. A revolting individual.
They were other sets it that way before Comey, try again.
So that’s your excuse? Wow! So if I person calls a woman the B-word what does that make them and is it justified, is it just a personal attack and the woman should get over it? It all depends on how the person perceives the attack.
Ok, so once again, liberals have a different set for conservatives and different standards from their own liberal kin. Well, that’s nice to know and so reassuring.
Bass, why are you so angry? Everyone criticized Barr, even you, We’re all on the same page. No outrage necessary.
I’m not angry, I have money, so no need to be angry, I just don’t like liberal hypocrisy.
Toasted Heretic
I see what you're doing here. Deflecting, as per usual. This is not about "half of Hollywood" today. It's about Barr.
One of your own has been fired. I realise that's a tough break and all, but it happens. She's been rightfully called out on her tirades and will now be finished in the business. Whether she be liberal or conservative, her actions were plain wrong and it's a shame she had to do this because her show used to be unmissable.
Thoughts and prayers to the all the hard right who are in shock and denial at the dismissal.
That's just weird. Your captain has more, doesn't stop him being in a permanent state of vicious rage.
Jonathan Prin
If I call a white person a monkey, is that offensive to monkeys ?
Refering to monkeys is just offensive for any race so I don't understand.
You can hate whatever you like personally and make it know, it is called free speech.
Words and actions are two different things.
Ok that Rosanne is a no brainer (misanthropic) but it seems she has been promoted for years with no trouble, meaning you fire everyone connected to her ? That is really dumb.
Toasted Heretic
You know exactly the context here. (And you have called an immigrant a cockroach on another thread, fully knowing the context of that shameful description, as well.)
There's free speech and there's incitement to hatred.
The show is called Roseanne. It's a shame for the other people involved but she's spoiled it for everyone.
Spoken like a true establishment Republican.
But we are all saying the same thing: Rosanne Barr is trash. Unless you disagree.
What is so difficult with understanding moral equivalence?
Hmm, limited to liberals? Seems that conservatives lose their spine if their people get caught in something disparaging.
Playing dumb or just not playing?
I am no expert in race relations, but as I understand it, power behind a name is a large component of racist actions.
Maybe America should join Starbucks in a diversity training day. Too many people without a clue.
Jonathan Prin
I read the article and that is all. Sorry.
She spurs hatred against many and I don't like it. If she was racist in her actions, I can't imagine she would have been successful nowadays.
Incitement to hatred against Muslims I see yes. Refering to planet of the apes for somebody does not refer to me as racist... That is what I wanted to say.
Especially if you know that in the movie, struggle between monkey races is harsh lol.
Do you think I support that Rosanne ? I don't at all but I think it is about stupidity and being mean on average, not because of reference to monkeys you do associate with black people in your reading because I do it about lack of intelligence. If I can't read the same as you because I lack info, sorry. If so for Roseanne revealing in a tweet at 65, she deserves even worse then.
Toasted Heretic
Remember, Roseanne and supporters; given good manners you will go far, you will live in happiness, too.
Besides, what do you get from a glut of TV? A pain in the neck and an IQ of 3...
Toasted Heretic
Only some Americans.
I'm not defending her and you know it, you will not find a single comment of me supporting what she said, but as always, nice try. LOL
No, just calling out typical liberal hypocrisy, nothing more.
Yes and then we go and spend it or take a trip somewhere. I put $1,000 bet that Barr's show will get picked up by Netflix.
I feel sorry for black people.
How would it make you feel knowing that there are millions of people who think you're more of an ape man than a human being?
Racism is not just hateful but hurtful.
And to think Pres. Trump praises and admires this trashy woman.
Maybe she just wanted to take the show elsewhere.
if you make a living out of getting responses from audiences it’s hard to believe she wasn’t prepared for the fallout.
Never like her since the anthem performance.
That's exactly what my thinking was.
Tough talk. I would take that bet.
Netflix is not dumb or willing to jeopardize their current market position.
Fox wouldn't even have her. Disney is buying Fox's movie and TV entertainment.
That leaves what? NRA TV and half the cast. or some other struggling cable distributor who will not want to be hit.
Besides the current reboot, Viacom is abandoning reruns of the old series, and they hold the license.
Hope you have that cash ready.
Toasted Heretic
Actually, the final season is still in production and the focus is on the brilliant Claire Underwood character. The previous season set it up so fine, you'd swear they had a premonition about Spacey's future.
Very much looking forward to it and a good time to end it.
Too late... They already did by giving the Obamas a multi year deal!
Toasted Heretic
Speaking of flights of fancy, it seems my good friend Roseanne has quit twitter, according to the BBC
The comedian deleted Monday night's post and said she was leaving Twitter, but later posted a flurry of tweets including one that said she was "tired of being attacked & belittled".
My heart goes out to this delicate flower, this butterfly on a wheel who hase been victimised and treated so abhorrently by evil liberals.
Why can't they just accept that bigotry is a good ratings grabber, eh? The fools.
Roseanne claims it was due to her Ambien-tweeting at 2am
This wasn't the first issue ABC has been having with Roseanne - this was just the last straw that broke the camel's back
That's what drove them to actually cancel what's actually making a lot of money for them
If she talks like a racist, I would take a wild guess that she is a racist.
I hope the rest of the cast who stand to lose their jobs sue her to the last of $ 80 million she is reported to have.
Yeah, as most libs would. Russian roulette? Lol
Actually, when it comes to a cash cow like Roseanne, they would and very much so.
Disney bought Star Wars, don’t need to say anymore. Smh.....
Struggling??? ROFL Anyway, back to the real world, we have to see, she just got fired, not even 24 hours ago, too early to tell if she’ll make a comeback or not. Hey, if Olbermann that loon can make a comeback, Barr should be ok.
Toasted Heretic
And let's not forget Don Jnr, re-tweeting the discredited anti-Semitic slurs against Mr Soros. Am sure he has nothing to worry about. Apart from that Russia thing...
House of Cards is not Roseanne. You’re comparing pizza and yogurt.
More indoctrination on the way, time to take a look at my subscription.
But yet, these people THINK they know everything about our laws and political system as if they can vote or that we really care.
Yes, yes, you guys keep saying that,but why now all of a sudden, why not when you guys called Bush a monkey or when Baldwin used the N-word as well as Charlie Sheen, not a word, the same goes for Maher, he was able to keep his show after using racially charged language. So why no outrage then? Ohhh, selective outrage prevails on the liberal side as usual.
As if Trump would allow his son to go to prison. Lol
Maybe not for you.
That’s the people YOU know, not the people I know. I’m not going to shamed or need to be humble when I don’t have to. I worked my butt off and I make NO apologies for it.
Toasted Heretic
But you do care, Mr bass. Otherwise, with all due respect, you wouldn't be taking time off your busy schedule to post here - on a Japanese English language forum in wonderful Japan. You could just bait liberals on any American site but you chose to do it here. Because, deep down, I suspect you are concerned with what other peoples perceptions of the US are.
This has nothing to do with Roseanne Barr's vile comments and more to do with you battling any little perceived slight against your version of America.
And again, with respect, your version is not everyone's. Which is fine, it would make for a boring discussion based forum if everyone agreed all the time.
But don't kid try and kid us (and your good self) that you don't care.
And boasting about money is vulgar. A real gentleman would not display such lack of sophistication.
We still love you, though.
Toasted Heretic
Because of historical context, as you well know. The Bush family and other silver spoon dynasties have never been oppressed.
As for the "N word", it's vile and I can't stand it. Don't care who uses it.
Toasted Heretic
You're goshdarn right, zichi. The Roseannes of this world may have the fame and fortune but I detect a distinct lack of happiness from those dark corners. The sad thing is, that show brought joy to millions the world over. It wasn't about aspirational leanings, it was proper blue collar stories with pathos.
I hope her outbursts haven't sullied the legacy of that show. Even if it dipped badly in the season before the reboot, there was still a lot of love for it.
In real life, her turmoil has gone global. I'd feel a vague pity for her, if she didn't have a history of repeatedly offending people and lashing out.
Yes, money isn't everything. Some of us have gone through and survived bouts of debt, poverty and a lack of basic personal needs. Oddly enough, shows like Roseanne and other classics, kept us going. Maybe RB needs to take some time off, travel, experience real happiness with loved ones.
No, I really don’t.
I’m well aware liberals lack multitasking capabilities, but I’m different.
Liberals have a lot of deep down feelings that turned out to be nothing.
Right back at you.
And neither is the American lefts.
I’m not trying to kid, I just told you how I felt, that has nothing to do with caring, it’s just my personal feelings about the situation and I have the right like you to express them, nothing more. Barr’s show will either be picked up or it won’t, either way, life goes on and while the left selectively get outraged over issues that are only important to them, I’ll always be there to make a comment.
Same here.
Toasted Heretic
So you bait liberals in the US as well? What a rewarding life you lead, Mr bass.
Anyway, must fly. Have a lovely evening and keep caring.
No “Someone hacked my account” claims?
That’s the usual excuse when racism comes through too clearly....
I’m admitting, he wouldn’t stand for it, of course he would be able to pardon him.
I sure do, TH
It tells you nothing about me, but I do say, it tells me a lot about how selective liberals are always when it comes to these issues, give me a break!
For the most part yes, or are there ANY conservative or are there 10 conservative policies you as a liberal would deeply support?
I never thought that, but I understand why the left get so frustrated often, because they have nothing else to fall on, they don’t have sound policies so....
Lots of talk about “liberals” but I think everyone was outraged.
How are you going to watch TV if you get rid of all the Liberal TV providers?
Everyone is outraged, but it would be nice if liberals were consistent in their outrage and less selective.
If a man is orange and we call him orange it is not racist. Like saying a black man is black. So what?
This is a sad day for white trash television. First Randy Quaid went bananas, now Rosanne is off the air.
So why is Bill Maher, Jimmy Kimmel, Joy Behar and Olbermann still on the air? Talk about White Trash TV, why are these people still collecting a check?
Of course you do. It's the conservative go-to argument when one of yours gets caught red-handed. If someone else is exposed tomorrow then you'll talk about liberal hypocrisy tomorrow. If it happens to someone else on Friday, you'll talk about liberal hypocrisy on Friday. I bet if we review past articles where someone on your side gets caught with their pants down, we will see "liberal hypocrisy" posted all over the thread.
It's the standard conservative argument when you can't defend the actions of your team. Pay lip service to the story, then switch the narrative to liberal hypocrisy as fast as possible.
This is American society in a nutshell.
I'm not defending her so much, I'm just calling out the beat down hypocrisy the left love to dish out when it suits their narrative selectively and other times, like with Maher or Sykes, give them a complete pass, when they talk about conservatives, it's ok, Barr does it to VJ, now hold up, we need to get into action.
No, I call them out for being selectively bias.
I've always disagreed with Bill Maher likening Trump to an Orangutan. Those apes have yuuuge hands, it ruins the whole argument. They can also feed themselves.
You mean like Roseanne Barr, a life long liberal who voted for Trump because she didn't like Clinton.
Actually, and just for the record, I believe she said that she was going to vote for herself.
I do admit loving commentators like Olbermann that require a certain level of sophistication and historical knowledge to comprehend, but only in a non political mode. The others not so much. Although I don’t support any of these people or shows getting the ax once do you start down that road there is inevitably a pervasive pattern of political bias.
That Barr said something stupid doesn't surprise me. That the network had the brass to forgo the revenue and cancel the show is amazing. They actually put their money where their mouth was. That's a shock for network TV.
Bill Maher called himself "a house n*****" which not only using the word is racist but also made light of slavery. How did he keep his job?
Roseanne and Spanky Don are 2 of a kind - boorish, pompous, racist, lowest-common-denominator, 'white trash'/trailer trash, obnoxious, and more than a little stupid. Also on a comedic level Roseanne is like a female Adam Sandler - not funny in the least.
Stormcrow, as if Albert Speer is a credible source.
A little known fact (because it is ignored) is that Jesse Owen stated he felt welcomed and acknowledged by Hitler in ways he didnt feel from Roosevelt.
Look it up.
I don't know who she is, but the US guys at the office are saying that Trump will create a cabinet position for her to monitor the media.
Lauren Desouza
Oww! It’s bad to know that TV show 'Roseanne' abruptly canceled after star's racist tweet sparks furor.
Trump is owed NO apology from ANYONE. He should apologize to planet Earth for all the evil he does. He's so narcisstic and always whining and crying when somebody rips at him because HE IS NOT A MAN. He doesn't have what it takes to govern an outhouse, let alone be in office. Everything he says is about 'me me ME'. He is a bully pushing people around but when someone criticizes him he's an absolute crybaby. Pathetic.
‘Roseanne claims it was due to her Ambien-tweeting at 2am’
Ambien evidently causes people to do a LOT of strange things in the middle of the night, like binge-eating, picking fights, and it’s been the cause of some car accidents . It was a bit disengenuous for the drug maker to everybody is looking it up and getting a snootfull of all the real, ugly side effects.
She evidently suffered some pretty serious brain trauma as a teen, and her personality completely changed. She was hit by a car, and the hood ornament went through her skull. Frontal lobe damage (whether through injury or something like vascular dementia) commonly makes people unable to control anger, and unable to understand others’ feelings.
I’ve never watched her, I don’t find bitchy people amusing...but if there is a physical reason for it, why not cut her some slack instead of instantly firing her?
That's me.
Ambien informed that its side effects do not include racism. I loved it. LOL.
Regarding the fact that Trump has also being criticized, note that nobody ever mentioned ethinicity or religion.
Roseanne is just a racist unhappy little person trying to spread hatred.
Roseanne is just trying to pass the buck. Her downfall is her OWN doing. She opened her big yap and out came the crap. She is boorish and bitchy. Never liked her show before and her childish mentality has revealed itself. No surprise to me. Now how about getting rid of that boorish traitor Spanky Don Trump? He's UNFIT for office and his attitude and demeanor are not suitable for political duties and he is not qualified for it. He already has a record of lawsuits and criminal cases anyway so why don't America DUMP HIM?