Japan Today

Head of Johnny's talent agency quits over abuse scandal


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Fujishima's late mother Mary Yasuko Fujishima, Kitagawa's older sister, was cited in the report as a major factor in the long-term concealment of sexual abuse at the firm.

That makes the twist affair all the more twisted

6 ( +8 / -2 )

She's smart for bailing this teenage boys fiddling organization. Ship's sinking.

The media and TV stations should also be ashamed of themselves.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

I wonder what the size of the cheque she signed herself off with was?

And no forced tears? Shame

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

The problem is how they manage to hidel this. Those women helped ? Why are they not in jail ? This is complicity crime and death penalty in Japan. A women who let kids be rape are evil being in all society. What does the police in Japan ? You have made publicité to be the safest country on earth. But now, I imagine a lie.


The recent problem is a probable rape on Kimura Takuya. He is a target for quite some times now. If they were truly in the pedophile system, they couldn’t ignore it. A gay rape on him with rape drug at 50 ? Nobody ask question ? This is rape viking gang. This is an organise crime rape according to my analysis.


Victim of pedophilia often become gay rapist in adulthood. They don’t touch children but getting older, they have sexual disorders. And in old age they are fully insane. For insuring silence, children are often drugged with amnesy drug and hypnotic drugs passing as cocaine or another drug. They gave them viagra. Make them sleep with each other, rape younger member under drugs… this create deep amnesia trauma. They don’t talk because they are trauma mute. Speaking about it literally make them faint and even have cardias arrest. They surfer from strong hidden long term PTSD. And this create long term brain damage.


There is a treatment of course but it was hidden because spy agencies use the same drug for intelligence (l-tryptophane intake must be increase when you have had a trauma) and they don’t want people to understand the strange dreams about military or police asking question were not dreams but memory of forbidden interrogation (at least in USA, this is important people believe this is alien asking question and not CIA or FBI).


And know, pedophile organise criminality have the habit to make « pause » for ten to twenty years while they make major witness suicide, disappeared, have accidents.. and go back in business afterward. To survive, they use mercenaries and worse than them on the international market. From what I have seen in Japan manga, you have worse on your ground today. Johnny needed help to avoid jail and death penalty could have open an international gate invasion of pedo and sex criminality.


Johnny couldn’t be the only abuser, and when women protect the boss, there is somebody else to protect as well. For me, this dismissal is for having protected more than Johnny. At Kimura’s new rape time, this could be something done on purpose if they have protected a full gang of rapist in Johnny. Kitagawa touch the kids. But, he was a public figure. I worry about the one who discover it, who couldn’t be killed, and could have the same access. Whorehouse in France, this was a terrible place. Yes, there was decent consummers but the problem was the consumer who wanted « pervert sadomasochist sex ». Once they have your file and the proof to put you in jail, they own the place and this become an horror show and chamber.


Something more is still here in Johnny or is trying to come back (and not just in Johnny, in California, there was the same things, and it is an extreme right war nazi show today according to my intelligence.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Being that the new guy was a Johnny's idol ... obviously he has been molested too...???!!!!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

This putrid woman should be behind bars.

It beggars belief that she didn't know about what was going on.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

God I hate this. Its utterly irrational and makes everybody confused about some of the most basic things in life.

What does her resignation accomplish? Is she somehow responsible? If she is, how? Its not explained. She is certainly NOT responsible just by being his niece.

If its decided that the whole organization is responsible, how does her resignation fix it? She is just one person. And I am not reading a single thing that makes her representative of what happened at the org. Did she know? Did she help with the cover-ups? Did she approve maybe? I don't know. There is nothing written!

All this is is a nod to scapegoating, which is a stupid and primitve practice that humanity should have abandoned centuries ago.

To make an apology of any kind, you must be responsible. You must admit exactly what you did. You must swear to never do it again. These things are basic. Say sorry? Well any liar or chucklehead can just say sorry. Sorry is nice but without the responsibility, admission of the wrongdoing and oath to never repeat it, "sorry" is far too often just an empty word. Actions like this detract from this, what should be common sense.

And meanwhile, we are not talking about the real issues that need fixed, such as the parents' desire for fame and fortune so deep, they refuse to take sex abuse allegations to the police. And you gotta look at that before blaming the non-relative people who kept silent despite suspicions. When both the victim and the parents side against you, the police are going to look at you as a trouble maker and the company liable to send you packing. Even the public won't side with you until DECADES later when the truth comes out.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

I don't know why this keeps showing up in the news, the accused is dead and should be this case.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

And where are the police and their investigation?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It beggars belief that she didn't know about what was going on

She only became president in 2019!

You think she was invited to watch or something??

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Shut it down and get it over with.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Has anyone noticed the J-Industry has been awfully quieted? Are they scared some kinds of skeletons will fall out?

I am waiting for Kitagawa's defenders, the entertainment industry, or police to state "This is Japan!"

1 ( +11 / -10 )

She only became president in 2019!

You think she was invited to watch or something??

Apologist. Again.

The despicable woman worked in that agency for years. Of course she knew what was going on with her child-rapist uncle.

Shut down the rotten firm.

I have my suspicions about all who are pushing the "move on, he's dead" line.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

It was a foreign reporter, Mobeen Azhar, at the BBC who revealed the enormity of this criminal and his organization. Shame on the Japanese media, police and government to not investigate what appears to now be the worst kept secret in the Japanese entertainment business for 4 decades.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

The despicable woman worked in that agency for years. Of course she knew what was going on with her child-rapist uncle.

I did not know we had a mind reader here. Could you tell me all the other people who also knew?

Shut down the rotten firm.

Because everyone who works there knew?

And is that all you want? Don't you want any jailings...or......(gulp).....worse?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Pedo ship is finally sinking. All the rats are jumping ship

1 ( +3 / -2 )

MarkToday  05:35 pm JST

Shut it down

What, the company? Good idea.

and get it over with.

Right, when everyone who knew and turned a blind eye is called to account.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

same protocol to avoid trial audience...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Although she has officially 'quit,' she may or may not simply continue to be involved behind the scenes.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

tamanegiToday  06:01 pm JST

It was a foreign reporter, Mobeen Azhar, at the BBC who revealed the enormity of this criminal and his organization. Shame on the Japanese media, police and government to not investigate what appears to now be the worst kept secret in the Japanese entertainment business for 4 decades.

Quite right. It's been common knowledge for donkeys years that Johnnys was dodgy and the old man was the worst of them all.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

SpeedToday  04:47 pm JST

The media and TV stations should also be ashamed of themselves.

I think they'll be happy for her to take all the blame that there is to go around, and go on pretending it was never anything to do with them.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Been doing on for 30-40 years the recent president quiting does nothing. There needs to be jail time, fines, and policies put into place to stop this from happening again.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Bizarre explanation for talking down the very positive idea of removing that dirty perverted scumbag’s name from the organization.

Who wants to keep hearing about “Johnny’s entertainment”? Eeww

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This is regrettable. However, we must to move on and no longer discuss this matter. As we can see, it is causing much damage to Japan image in the overseas.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Whatever, shes quit to lessen the pressure on them to pay out monies.

Now that their main focus of attention has been diverted, the company will try to not pay out anything.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This is kind of a joke. She is still representative director, and more importantly the controlling shareholder. Anyone they put in the position of president will still be 100% under her control.

Also, this:

But Higashiyama said there were currently no plans to change the firm's name, arguing that rather than representing the late founder, it "more importantly expresses the energy and pride that talents have cultivated over the years."

Is nuts, the company is literally named for a vicious pedophile. If they can’t even do anything as simple as rectifying that disgrace, there is zero hope for that awful company.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

While agree her resignation does little to solve the problem, but it's impossible to say she had no vested interest to hide the scandal or had no power to improve policies when she was the sole owner of the thing.

Fujishima, who currently holds 100 percent of the company's shares,

3 ( +3 / -0 )

They MUST change the agency's name and purge the filthy paedophile's memory from the Japanese entertainment scene as fully as possible.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The media, broadcast, entrainment, TV you name it, the toxic talento industry. actors, narrators, performers idols are ripe for exploitation, every level, without clear defined boundaries supported by law, enforced by an independent media ombudsman.

Japanese idol group managers employed directly by the agencies are the very definition of how professionalization and corruption can create a poisonous conflict of Interest, the most dangerous form of misconduct infesting Johnny's talent agency from the very top.

Manifested in the depravity associated with child sexual abuse, allowed to permeate pervade unchallenged.

The police authorities, judiciary must step in and decide the next course of action.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

in the televised interview, Julie Fukushima was asked point blank what the value of her shares in this company is worth. That’s the crux of the issue, and possibly why she is still connected with the company. She weaseled out of answering it but depending on how you value the company, it might be an eye watering amount.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Clearly a criminal organization. Shut it down and lock them (the guilty ones) up to do hard time.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Doesn't surprise me at all. I posted that she would resign. What she should have done was when the incident came to light, she should have addressed the issue and showed some compassion for the alleged victims. Instead she came off as a privileged rich niece thinking she was untouchable ignoring the situation thinking it would die and go away. Even though there is change with Higashiyama he is just a puppet a figure head!! Its obvious by what he said "there were currently no plans to change the firm's name, arguing that rather than representing the late founder, it "more importantly expresses the energy and pride that talents have cultivated over the years." In other words he is saying we will still honor the molester and wash away the things he did but not take into consideration the pain of the victims knowing his powerful name is still out there. Nothing will change the victims will get paid and the niece will still be in control off record.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Johnny Kitagawa power status within the highest echelons of the media industry, hid a serial sexual predator able to leverage that power over decades grooming and abusing at will.

Kitagawa skillfully cultivated relationships to entice, promise careers, fame fortune glory to the starry-eyed, only to snare abuse and intimidate victim after victim evading justice.

Julie Keiko Fujishima considerable share interest and wealth could be seized, however this must follow a judicial process.

Johnny Kitagawa, the manipulator became untouchable aided by institutional/cultural protection that empowered him to abuse his status with impunity all in plain sight.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


It was a foreign reporter, Mobeen Azhar, at the BBC who revealed the enormity of this criminal and his organization. Shame on the Japanese media, police and government to not investigate what appears to now be the worst kept secret in the Japanese entertainment business for 4 decades.

Although yes it's good the BBC did investigate this it's a shame they (BBC) had their own coverup with Jimmy Saville.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Makes me wonder if Johnny recruited and cultivated these individuals based on talent alone or for his own fetish? Where they really Johnny's Boys or Johnny's Toys?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Is that it?

hardcore crime gang just walkin around like todays just tuesday again?

No Cuffs, no crime charges, no state pen?

No cops cus why?

Ill tell you. SO called ex prosecuter is not real!!

Thats why.

So no news here.

Just Free stuff.

Totally unserious.

Free Fake bows to cameras. Free meet greet the new "boss". Free no questions no jailtime for old boss?

And wanna know what else is free?

Free Cheap crocodile tears. Penalty Free keep 100% shares…

Next time even I hear peep about "Whatabout carlos" Im pointing to "Whatabout"

this monster of the year show.

When the guiness world record guys gets more in week than all the Judges, media, investigators and prosecuters in Japan in 40 years…

its beyond bows and sorrys.

Big big big mammoth whale time problems.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It absolutely and utterly amazes that people give negative votes on those criticizing this organization.


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

One of the alleged victims proposed a plan that entailed dissolving Johnny’s, transferring their talents to other agencies and paying them early retirement and severance pay from the sale of Johnny’s assets and the sale of corporate stock, -of which Julie Keiko Fujishima is the 100% holder. Then transfer the rights to royalties and residuals of Johnny’s to the individual performers.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Every one in that sordid business knew it was happening...........and still does......yet they chose to do nothing. It would seem the all corporate entertainment bodies around the world are still doing it. Why?...because no one really cares, and the millions they make when a star is born. I bet if you asked all the worlds biggest stars if they were ever assaulted, they would say yes.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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