Popular veteran singer Akiko Wada gave her opinion this week on former Morning Musume singer Mari Yaguchi's illicit affair, saying that the 30-year-old singer should apologize to her fans.
The scandal became public in May when Josei Seven reported that Yaguchi’s husband, actor Masaya Nakamura, 27, had come home one day in February and found Yaguchi in bed with Kenzo Umeda, a 25-year-old model.
Nakamura and Yaguchi have been living separately since then and their divorce was finalized on May 30.
Yaguchi made a vague apology during an appearance on a TV variety show on May 23 but has dropped out of sight since, claiming that she is suffering from acute gastroenteritis. Meanwhile, Umeda deleted his Twitter account, as well as his personal blog.
At a rehearsal for a 45th anniversary concert on Wednesday, Wada was asked by reporters if she had any advice for Yaguchi. "First, she needs to issue an apology for causing trouble," Wada said. "Just sending a fax saying 'I'm sorry' is not enough, either. Furthermore, if she has really been sick all this time, then that is a bigger cause for worry."
The tabloids have been reporting that Yaguchi and Umeda are still seeing each other. "The timing is bad," said Wada. "If she wishes to return to showbiz, she needs to have a cooling off period. Her management will decide that, not her, so she can't run around doing as she wishes and expect to resume her career. It is not as if she broke any laws but she has ignored the rules of showbiz."
© Japan Today
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Wada should keep quiet about other people's lives...this kind of scandal where celebrities opine about each other is the worst kind of scoop they could come up with
Graham DeShazo
Here, Here, JoiceRojo! We don't know the circumstances of this affair (BTW, all affairs are "illicit", so adding the word is superfilous).
Ms. Wada should apologize over looking like Osama Bin Laden without the beard....THAT'S something to say "I'm sorry about...."
Or perhaps she should have a nice cup of "none of your business". Only person she should be offering an apology is her husband.
Geoff Gillespie
Couldn't agree more. Who cares what she thinks, anyway?
Its her life to lead as she wishes. You should mind your own business.
And really I thought the rules of showbiz were to be as sensational and scandalous as possible. Doing think like talking about how terrible someone is is that did something that is none of your business just so you can be interviewed and attract attention to yourself.
"The tabloids have been reporting that Yaguchi and Umeda are still seeing each other. “The timing is bad,” said Wada. “If she wishes to return to showbiz, she needs to have a cooling off period. Her management will decide that, not her, so she can’t run around doing as she wishes and expect to resume her career. "
She is an adult, and she certainly can run around doing whatever she wishes... leave her alone ...
My word, isn't she important!
Or rather, she thinks she, and "showbiz", are... Good way to get herself some press attention anyway.
You have a personal life and professional life. You really should not mix the two and I wish you all the luck in your life. For a professional commenting on someone's personal life is poor taste.
Wada, your opinion counts for zero. Interesting she didn't call for the male model to apologize.
Never liked this Akiko WAda and her stupid singing commercials. She should go play pachinko and mind her own business. Also I dont need a fake apology from Yaguchi where she will cry and be so sorry for what she did.
She is the same one who complained about Lady Gaga not donating enough money to Japan after donating over $5 million. Akiko Wada is becoming an old bat.
Dennis Bauer
Weeee tanaoshiii! :p (pachinko commercial)
Yawn....anyway, who cares, NONE of anyone's business. That people are making a huge stink of this shows how childish and how the media in Japan is really desperate for some serious propaganda tabloids and ratings. I will bet you that in all honesty most Japanese probably don't care either. If it were AKB48 maybe they'd pay attention...maybe. I have a question for Wada, if Yaguchi doesn't apologize, then what? Will you have a sissy fit? The economy and social issues are the topics that these people should be talking about, issues that affect people and their daily life. Sadly, this issue is not one of them. Yaguchi doesn't owe us Jack. She owes her husband and her family, not us, give the woman her privacy. The only thing this is doing is doing her more mental damage than good.
I really would wish Wada would concentrate on more serious issues (like actually helping her Zainichi Korean community) than be part of the gossip team. Failing that, just stick to Maruhan and hair restoration commercials.
As for Yaguchi, as one poster said before, she (and her lover) should be apologizing to the husband. They don't owe me or any other member of the public any apology - we don't give a d*mn.
Why is the affair "illicit"??????
Wada always strikes me as a bully. She probably treats her juniors (at her age, damn near everyone) like crap.
That's Standard Operating Procedure here in the celebrity world!
Wada, like other Yakuza, is a stickler for protocol.
A friend of mine was the lead guitarist in her support band. He was given a new song at a rehearsal. The guitar part was rather difficult, so he had his head down practicing his solo. Wada Akiko came in, and, as she passed, each band member stood up, bowed deeply and said, "Ohayo gozaimasu." My friend the guitarist was concentrating so hard that he was hardly aware of anything else and just nodded and grunted something incomprehensible.
She immediately turned round, pointed a finger at him and yelled, "Ano guitar. Kubi!" (That guitarist! He's fired!)
This gave the band leader quite a problem, as he had to find a substitute immediately.
But it goes to illustrate her character and the character of "showbiz" in Japan.
It's Yakuza run, like the music scene was in England pre-Beatles.
Which is why, most Japanese music is, in technical terms, crap!
Moderator: Please repost with references to Yaguchi.
She was asked a question and gave her opinion.
Nobody on this thred is minding their own business, so why should she?
Gee am I glad I decided back in my early days here NOT to become a Tarento LOL!!!
Wada should keep her comments to herself, especially when like so many they completely ignore the dude involved in all this, typical fools all round
"rules of showbiz" hahahah LOL!!!
Yeah, because NOBODY famous ever has affairs!
Listen to your seniors, you actresses & actors!
DudeDeuce:She is the same one who complained about Lady Gaga not donating enough money to Japan after donating over $5 million. Akiko Wada is becoming an old bat. - Becoming? She has been one for quite some time. Ms. Yaguchi need not apologize to any fan for a bad personal decision.
the wada lady should apologize and retire permanently for voicing her poor retrograde opinion. any statistics on how many people cheat their sex-partner? apologize when caught? if not caught, life goes on merrily? i say, live and let live...
Yaguchi is a grown woman who care if she cheated. there's a reason why couples cheat. life goes on. lol i feel sorry for celebs
I wholeheartedly agree that Yaguchi needs to issue an apology -- TO HER HUSBAND! There's been no word that she has; just the kind of half-hearted apology she murmured to fans. However, I DON'T agree with this 'rules of showbiz' bull. Yaguchi was simply caught red-handed; this kind of thing happens ALL the time.
blah blah blah I find both of them boring and annoying especially Mari Yaguchi. I don't have to be flipping through channels anymore seeing Mari's face on every show going "mouuu iyadaaaa!" let her do as she pleases and pay for the consequence in the end. I agree with everybody else on Wada minding her own business and Yaguchi needing to apologize to her husband not her fans. Her husband was wronged in this not the fans.
Readers, please do not use this thread to insult Wada. It is impolite, lowers the level of discussion and is irrelevant. Your comments should focus on Yaguchi and what Wada said about her.
This is one thing I hate about entertainment reports. WTF... they have been living separately and have filled a divorce. Let them do what they wanted to do and not sensationalized the issues. Even how famous they are in show biz, they still have their own private life and needs. Who cares who she/he sleep with. This type of entertainment news really sucks.
She - ms Wanda - needs to stop sticking her nose in other's lives. What gives her the right to "give advice?"
Simon Foston
The article says Akiko Wada was asked for her opinion by reporters? They're clearly just as responsible for peddling this kind of stupid non-story as Wada herself.
The only person she needs to apologise to is her husband. If she fancies a bit on the side so be it - no-one elses business.
Cant stand her. She always looks so embarrassing when she is trying to push her way to the front of any tv event, kohaku,etc. Hey look at me...well, mind your own as others have said; you cant control everything.
Apologize? It's her life. She's already been exposed so what's the big deal?
Knox Harrington
I love how the serfs aka "celebs" in Japan cannot do squat without their "agencies" telling them how high to jump. Just follows dogma here of doing as you're told all through life...
Yaguchi is reasonably hot. Good for her she got her rocks off. No need to apologize to fans. Maube hubbybwants an apology but that' their business.
Haha, who sends faxes 2013?! Oh, I forgot, all of Japan.
Well, I don't think she owes me an apology, Ms. Wada.
Let her sleep with who she likes.
If she feels the urge to apologize to her husband or her boyfriend, I think she should feel free to go right ahead and do it, but if she had her reasons, it's really up to her whether she does or not.
In the end, not my business, nor yours, Ms. Wada.
Open Minded
Who cares!
Wada was asked her opinion on someone in the show business. She gave it. People on this sublime forum are invited to give their opinions. So? Freedom of speech. You deny Wada her judgement? Will she grant you yours?
well...finding your wife naked on the bed with another man is bad, but to have their platonic sex on your own bed, in your own room, in your own house is worse. And maybe Wada has been asked because she is a senior and gave her opinion on the matter. Is her opinion valid? Well yes. But whatever floats your boat.
But bizarrely it still does, or at least the sentiment that she expresses. Few on tis site, including me, can really get our heads around this. In our view it does not matter - it is personal. But in Japan, it does, the "personal" does not exist in quite the same way.
If a prominent American actress was clearly caught cheating no one would think an "apology" would make the slightest difference. The scandal would hit all the magazines, newspapers and internet and she would be shunned by the movie industry for a long time. Japan is different of course. The request for an Apology by Wada is interesting. I think Wada wants the Apology not so much to be directed at the Public but also directed at the people in the TV and Movie industry in Japan. Yaguchi screwed up... she tainted the industry overall.... at least that is how they see it. The industry is a group a family and Yaguchi hurt them. They want an apology.... if Yaguchi does not apologize the industry overall will black list her and no matter how much the public wants her.... she will not get the press or air time.
@Joiceroyo obviously you don't see whats going on here. Wada Akiko had alot of pull in the entertainment industry. Of course you wouldn't know that. She is basically saying if you applologize I got your back on protecting your career from being terminated.
This kind of critique comes with the territory of the celebrities spotlight. It is the price of fame to fall under the scrutiny of public opinion. And this may not be top-shelf news in the big scheme, but it is a social faux pas that people care about. It should not affect the merits of her talent and is only relevant to opinions regarding her personal character.
Regardless if she was asked a question, Wada should keep quiet about other people's lives. Wada needs to get a life.
She strikes me as a bully. Why do Japanese still allow her to behave that way, no clue to me.
I had to listen to the Japanese nonsense while I stayed in Japan. Japanese people are often too critical and judgemental to OTHERS. Judge NOT, or you will be judged. Respect others and leave them alone if they are not causing troubles to you. Too many things are far more important in life than this trivial.
Good for you Wada, you have the right to give your opinion, and I appreciate it. As for the people who say in America this would be no big deal, yes, and that is one of the main problems with my country! I would suggest that America is a very poor example to follow and copy, so Japan, please keep doing your own thing!
Kimokekahuna Hawaii
that is nasty to bring another man to your home and do it in the same bed you sleep with your mate... and she is classless then to send an apology by fax.. and who are celebrities to comment public on someones personal life.. I guess they must have clean life ... if she wants to keep seeing her boy toy then get a divorce and move on so everyone can be happy. Who is next.. the press and the people want to know.. because their own sex lives are wanting.
I too find suspicious she is taking that care of somebody else's ..fans.
Yogi ZunaJun. 15, 2013 - 01:59AM JST
In USA, people like this are TROUBLEMAKERS. Too many heart aches caused by mother-in-laws, neighbors and friends who cannot keep their mouths shut for trivials. Very inmatured and usually their life itself is in a mess. Grow up and shut up!!
Very typical Japanese. Kouhai-Senpai thing.. Age hierarchy in work. In my opinion Mari don't have to do nothing, we will never understand the full scale of her marriage problem. And Wada... I would never listen to your advice anyway. Who are you to judge somebody else fans needs. It makes you feel important doesn't it?
Send a fax? Who does that anymore? Tweet.
A good advice that person is thinking of may drive to the wall someone occasionally. Especially celebrities should be careful for your voice. You should know your voice is influencial.
Wada Akiko needs to shut up. She should know herself how rude it is to wade into such a private matter publicly, especially when it has nothing to do with you.
Why should she have to apologise to anyone, least of all her husband? If she was cheating on him, then obviously the marriage wasn't going that great to begin with. And what the rumours of him being physically abusive? If they're true, then she can cheat on him all day long as far as I'm concerned.
@ryukyustriker I think your comment was pointed in this direction too??
Interesting point of view... it makes sense since you put in this way, like a Sempai-kouhai thing... but what I don't like is that when you open the door to celebrities giving opinions about other celebrities "issues" it becomes bad for the show business, In my country at the beginning, the show-biz critics could give their opinion and it was appreciated, but then the journalists started to ask prominent celebrities (with a long trajectory, etc) about their opinions then there were the "celebrity of the moment" you know the one that was famous because one major big hit or he/she was "trendy" the it resorted to ask ANY celebrity/talent for their opinions, that's when show-biz articles started to decay in my country. I just want to Japan NOT to fall in that, because since everyone is entitled to their own opinions, everyone would want to opine..
It is very important not to slip in blaming remarks as Wada has done. Even if Yaguchi apologize now, it will likely dilute the effectiveness of the apology if not incur further hurt and misunderstanding requiring further apologies yet. Our society seems to have moved toward “quick–fix” apologies. Often apologies are just words strung together to sound like “I’m sorry”, but with no impact or behavioral component. And regarless if she agree to apologize now, the apologies have lost some of their power.
Cortes Elijah
She should apologize. Imagine what her young fans would think? By not apologizing she is basically saying it is okay to ho behind your spouse's back and root in "HIS" bed.
I was disgusted by these low act. Anyone who thinks it is not so bad, wait until it happens to you.
Cortes ElijahJun. 18, 2013 - 08:01AM JST She should apologize. Imagine what her young fans would think?
What for? She should be entitled to her own privacy like everybody else. Nobody should tell her what to do. There is no apology needed. Why is Wada getting involved in other people's business? Maybe because she's not getting any? I really don't care what Yaguchi does in her private life, whether she likes missionary position or not.
Cortes Elijah
What for? She should be entitled to her own privacy like everybody else. Nobody should tell her what to do. There is no apology needed. Why is Wada getting involved in other people's business? Maybe because she's not getting any? I really don't care what Yaguchi does in her private life, whether she likes missionary position or not.
--------------- Quote
Well it is not really private life when it is all over the news is it now. Come on mate you missed my point. Missionary? Not sure where you got that idea from.
Young fans need to realize cheating is not cool. Want to sleep around? Divorce!
Well, I think Wada should apologize to her non-fans about her ridiculous opinionating about other people`s private lives. How about that?
It seems like some commentors don't appreciate Wada's responses but majority of Japanese fans do care what senior members in Show business have to say, unlike other countries... in Japan people who have seniority (senpais) hold enormous influence and authority over their business or industry and that is why one of media asked for her opinion. What wada have said is all true and believe to be a good constructive advise if this person wants to return to show-biz one day.
tokyodoumo...People in Japan always worry about what others feel. This is why Japan is known as country with two faces. Many Japanese apologize and they don't know what they are apologizing for. I rather see her honest with her actions. It's up to Ms. Yaguchi. It's her life and she has her own reasons. Respect her boundaries. Low life Wada should just stay out of it. Would you want people like Wada to be your neighbor that has nothing but negative gossips to spread? No thanks.
My two cents is this, it all entertainment, she was acting at home and singing at home, the only problem is the real director did direct the scene she just got caught with an extra extra!!!!!
why in their house ? hmm she is not clever really. head shakes.