Japan Today

What happens to Japanese porn stars after they retire?

By Philip Kendall

The Japanese AV (adult video) industry, whose revenue comprised more than 20% of worldwide sales according to a 2006 survey, continues to grow every year. And with that growth comes an increasing number of young women who aspire to work in the industry.

But with so many girls taking a shot at being AV stars and entering into this seemingly glamorous but equally shady profession, how do they go about their daily lives unnoticed? And what becomes of AV stars who leave the industry?

In an interview with Atsuhiko Nakamura, author of books such as “The Nameless Women” and interviewer of literally hundreds of AV actresses, Shuplay News uncovered some startling facts about the sex industry in Japan, in particular the life of the women who become involved in making adult movies.

“Many girls enter the AV industry each year, but not necessarily all for the same reasons,” Nakamura comments. “Some do it entirely for the money, while others are just comfortable with the idea of having sex in front of people and see it as any easy job. It just works for them.”

The Japanese AV industry reportedly sees an astounding 6,000 newcomers each year. But surely the risk of being seen on a video would be enough to dissuade any self-respecting young woman from doing such a thing?

“With the huge number of girls working in the industry, cases of AV actresses being recognised while going about their daily lives are quite rare,” says Nakamura, adding “there are plenty of cases of former AV girls who are now happily married and enjoying normal lives.”

In many cases, girls do a short spell making XXX videos, and then, perhaps having earned enough to support themselves financially, or simply deciding that they have had enough, choose to leave and pursue a more orthodox lifestyle. After all, few people actively working in the porn industry are seen out shopping with their kids or taking part in PTA meetings without those around them raising a few eyebrows.

But it is here that many retired AV models hit a wall, says Nakamura, describing what he calls the “AV-no” (literally Adult Video brain”); the “AV Mindset” that many girls find themselves unable to shake off.

“A lot of girls find themselves unable to return to regular jobs after working as an AV model,” explains Nakamura. “They have worked in an often lucrative business, some for many years, so to go back to a standard job for a much smaller salary is not easy. Around two thirds of retired AV models end up in the sex industry, working in hostess bars or even working as prostitutes in ‘soap-land’ bath houses.”

It would seem that, of those thousands of girls initially seeking an easy, well-paid life as a porn-star, literally thousands of them become trapped in the sex industry afterwards.

The “AV Mindset” that Nakamura speaks of has two distinct sides to it; while there are some retired AV models who lack the skills required to work in regular jobs, and who find themselves in the strange position of feeling more comfortable in environments like hostess bars, there are also women who, despite wanting to stop making sex tapes, are unwilling to return to an everyday lifestyle and lose all the trappings and relative glamour that came from their wealthy AV lifestyle.

Nakamura compares this way of thinking to writers who, at the peak of their game being paid hundreds of dollars for articles, suddenly have the rug pulled out from under them and are forced to work for just $20 or $30 per piece.

“Some writers refuse to do it out of pride or shock. Some, on the other hand, simply can’t afford to go back to that and look for more lucrative work elsewhere.”

Just over two years ago, former AKB48 idol Rina Nakanishi was reported to have become an AV model after her sudden departure from the popular group. While some suggested that, with such a huge existing fan-base, she would see incredible success, others - perhaps more reasonably - argued that, once the novelty of seeing a former pop star perform sexual acts had worn off, Nakanishi would be left out in the cold, disgraced and jobless.

The Japanese sex industry may well be one of the biggest in the world, but it’s clearly very dangerous ground to play in.

Stay in school, boys and girls.

Source: Shuplay News

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Oh boy, I have been waiting for this to hit JT forever. Let the comments roll. Basically it is the supply and demand and the easy money... My guess is most of these girls and boys come from broken homes. Mind you we also have 25% of the magazine rack devoted to this racket in every conbini. This will always be a part of their culture and perhaps the population would go up if you had less guys wan.....g - you get the picture. The guys in their porn look like every dude on the street....lol.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

the answer to the headline... nothing. Japanese tend to close chapters of their own book.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

btw, what did happen to former AKB48 Rika Nakanishi, a.k.a. Rico Yamaguchi?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Yes, they're a minority, but I'll bet that some popular girls are able to find willing husbands or at least become a mistress for a wealthy guy. Considering the number of worshipers out there, this wouldn't seem too difficult to accomplish.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"It would seem that, of those thousands of girls initially seeking an easy, well-paid life as a porn-star, literally thousands of them become trapped in the sex industry afterwards."

Which is yet another reason why most people wouldn't want their daughters to start in the first place.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

“there are plenty of cases of former AV girls who are now happily married and enjoying normal lives.”

I can't believe anyone would want to marry some slut who has had all kinds of guys bits in them and/or covered in man-milk. It's gross even to think of.

-11 ( +17 / -28 )

I think a greater concern is STDs. Doesn't every AV star end up with herpes?

1 ( +9 / -8 )

The article doesn't mention it but another option for AV stars is to simply never stop.

Jyuku-jyo (mature woman) movies are a bigger and bigger part of JAV these days and some jyuku-stars are very popular and have long running careers.

They are fantastic looking women IMHO.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

It's not just in Japan, here in America and around the world there has been a rise in girls and even older women entering the adult business. Some as porn stars, escorts, strippers, even more as webcam models. I'm sure their are a lot of dudes out there that don't even know that their girlfriends or wives is or used to be in the porn business!

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Any healthy women will have a history of sexual relationships. What's wrong with that?

I'd willingly marry an ex-AV star... imagine the skills she could bring to the marriage!

You seem to be looking for a vestal virgin as a wife. Good luck with that.

14 ( +24 / -10 )

The world's oldest profession never dies, going stronger than ever

5 ( +8 / -3 )


Any healthy women will have a history of sexual relationships. What's wrong with that? I'd willingly marry an ex-AV star... imagine the skills she could bring to the marriage! You seem to be looking for a vestal virgin as a wife. Good luck with that.

No, I'm not looking for a vestal virgin for a wife, and I know most women have a history of sexual relationships. What I find gross is that these women got paid to have sex with strangers, on film, and probably did some nasty stuff. Some guys are fine with that, great; I'm not. I'm no prude either for the record. I guess it's a matter of taste. And I don't want any girl I'm seeing to taste like 50 guys.

-12 ( +11 / -23 )

Doctor's sometime's prescribe porn for erectile dysfunction, so maybe there is a need. I always choose modern medicine over old wives tell's. I believe in doctor's recommendation's and trust their opinnion. But the lifestyle change has got to be dramatic, but some people change, some people never change, Maybe make medical film's? before calling it quit's...work as a hostess or escort....?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

that many girls find themselves unable to shake off.

literally thousands of them become trapped in the sex industry afterwards.

who find themselves in the strange position of feeling more comfortable in environments like hostess bars

The language here is compelling. It paints women as passive dupes who "happen" to fall into some victimizing lifestyle. The writing gives no agency to the women and uses turns of phrase like "self-respecting women" and the "trappings" of the lifestyle.

Also, by omitting male AV stars from the equation, but implying them as the puppet masters, the writer is adding to the perceived victimization of women. He compensates for it weakly with a halfway inclusionary "stay in school, girls and boys" but really he just means "girls".

Why do we constantly imbue women with this quality of purity? And why are we so puritanical that we judge women based on getting paid to have sex? Nobody thinks men are victims when they get paid to have sex, so why with "innocent doe-eyed wobbly fawns"? Most women like sex, and I'm pretty sure that the more leeway society gives them to get paid to have sex, the more they'll do it, despite increasing equality in the workplace and better status in society.

And probie:

if you can still taste the fifty guys, then she has bigger problems than her sexual past.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

I think it's awesome that the Japanese don't have the same sexual hang-ups as the country that I grew up in has. However, as the writer points out, any girl thinking to enter the industry should be aware of the risks that come with such work, and of course there are some. But if mentally prepared for it, then go for it! If it's that popular a job to do, then perhaps schools should educate the girls more on the industry. job hunting tutorials.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

it will keep going as long as people around still love enjoying it........

0 ( +1 / -1 )

you got one life and you'll die eventually and its their life. people are allowed to do whatever they want n i have no problem with that and i respect em.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Pornography degrades and harms our society by spreading immoral values and because it destroys virtue. It harms our basic respect for other human being, degrades women and undermines family values. At times, it can lead to criminal acts that are harmful to other people. Ideas of disrespect and immorality are then brought into other realms, such as the family unit and the workplace and eventually corrodes our entire system. Generally it is hard to find redeeming qualities in pornography when taken to extreme and reduces the beauty of the human body to merely one aspect of life. It has often partnered with pseudo-violence or even utilize symbols of childhood to excite the real disturbed people out there. All in all it does add to the degradation of society again creating a bad image for women. But people will continue to buy porn as reality instead of fantasy. But for most people there is nothing like the real thing because you can share the experience with another person and also let your partner know your needs and what turns you on. So sorry guys but you can't take the porn star out to dinner.

-14 ( +6 / -20 )

Soapland or Kabakura

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Shuplay News uncovered some startling facts

So where are these "startling facts"? Not in the story. There isn't a single example in the article of a post-retirement AV star and what she is doing now. It's just filled with vague generalizations.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Sola Aoi for Ambassador in China (^_^)/

7 ( +10 / -3 )

It's funny how being an AV is considered a career choice in Japan, when in actual fact, it is just smutting themselves for money and usually, it is done under the cohersion of even smuttier deviated little men.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

One of the worst "articles" I have ever read. Asks what happens to porn stars after they retire but then doesnt tell us what happens to them. Oh wait some of them work in sex clubs, some of them work in bars, but some of them get married and settle into normal life and some of them dont. Yeah ok then......that happens to anybody, not just ex-porn stars.

The one example they gave by name, they didnt even tell us what has happened to her. She could have seen incredible success or she could be disgraced and jobless. So which one actually happened????? Author couldnt be bothered to do ANY research whatsoever? If there are 6000 newcomers per year, that means there are people out there you can talk to, right?

12 ( +12 / -0 )

I'd do porn if they paid middle ages overweight white guys what they did young girls.

Hell yea.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I remember being at a Show Pub (I was invited by a friend cough-cough) and floor manager brought over an AV or former AV girl for a chat. She was cute, but I thought that this is where many end up as the money earned becomes like a drug and some cannot stay away.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Novenachama...Hope we never meet and it is sad you have such conservative, Puritamistic ideas. Really what is the big deal here with girls doing porn....it is THEIR life and not mine. They have the right to make their own choice. And Probie...they are not sluts and it is sad you think so....you must be a real winner too....please stay away from me!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Remember that Japan has never been Christianized, so there is not the strong moral stigma there is in the west. Sex is just something fun and natural. Ultra famous Ai Iijima could retire from AV and go mainstream, and producers loved it because of all the guys who would follow her post-AV career. She was a regular on lots of prime time TV shows. Several others have done the same, including that soft porn director (forgot his name) who is now a cinema comentator on NHK (public TV). Last year there was an ad in a gay mag for a foreigner 60 or above, to star in gay porn (it is called fuke-sen - people who like gandpas, I don't understant it either). This seems to be a lifetime career. Japan is different.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

I have an ex-AV star who brings her kid to the Eikaiwa I work at.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Ok at the risk of offending the bible thumpers , what gives you or anyone else the right to judge? Porn like prostitution will never go away, so someone has to do it. If you don't like it don't watch. People have to make money. I don't agree with people being forced to do porn but those who choose to do it know what they are doing. They are like everyone else, they have families and friends who love them. Don't push your idea of values onto others. I would take a porn actress to dinner or a movie. Who gets to decide who is a slut and who is not? Crawl back into your cave and take your scarlet letters with you. ... If there are any porn actresses reading this.... yoroshiku: )

7 ( +14 / -7 )

corner-of-my-eyeOct. 09, 2012 - 10:40AM JST

I think it's awesome that the Japanese don't have the same sexual hang-ups as the country that I grew up in has.

Did you grow up in Saudi Arabia or in Pakistan?

I can't think of any many other countries with more sexual hang ups than Japan. Of course you're welcome to your dreams of Japanica eroticus from shores afar, but don't confuse them with reality of Japan.

Japanese men have an incredible amount of hang ups concerning sex and women. A deep loathing and fear of a real woman and woman being mother or prostitute, with no shades of gray, are just a few that can be named.

Japanese porn with its emphasis on violence and child like female participants, squealing non-stop for 45 minutes is the celluloid realization of them.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Dennis 711...what give YOU the right to judge?

-7 ( +3 / -10 )


AI Iijima?

There is just as much stigma as in the west. Do you think guys take a girl to see their parents and introduce them as the one who starred in last years hit porn film?. Do you think the parents say "Oh, that's lovely dear - I saw that one. Jolly golly good we're Buddhists"

"Last year there was an ad in a gay mag for a foreigner 60 ...."

And? Because of that you think Japan is different? lol Firstly, this may surprise you but there is only a small percentage of people who buy "gay mags", and an even smaller percentage of people who could honestly say "My ojiichan is a gay porn actor".

Gaijin get really mixed up ideas about Japan.

Japanese on the other hand think that western countries have no moral stigmas because they don't even have mosaics.

btw, I'm not saying their work is evil, just that gaijin are incredibly naive to think there is no stigma in normal Japanese society for women or men who have done porn.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Probie, you don't want any girl you're seeing to taste like 50 guys? Is that the voice of experience? I mean...you know what 50 guys TASTE like? What kind of movies were you in? Broke-Bake Mountain Goalie?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

I am GM for a company that owns some 60+ clubs, and we pay ex-AV (and future AV girls) much higher than their inexperienced, non-performing counterparts; they earn more revenue. They know what men like...and they are not squimish about providing it. Even old ones are very skilled at what pleases a man.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Yasukuni is absolutely right, though...well said. But many people in Japan don't care about their parent's stigmas. Like America...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I have some experience in the industry, and there are as many possible things that happen to girls after they retire as you can imagine. Paulinusa is correct that a certain number end up as "kept women" and often live in a paid for luxury apartment on their few million yen a month stipend in exchange for being available at a moment's notice. But this is rare - you're talking about someone on the level of a Mirai or Natsuki Iijima. Many others go back to soapland-type work. In many cases it pays better and they can establish a list of regular clients. There are some who manage to break away entirely and attempt a "normal" life. Many of the "gyaru" types end up back cycling through pink salons, hostess clubs and part-time retail. There just isn't a cookie-cutter answer to what happens when girls leave the industry.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"I would take a porn actress to dinner or a movie."

Wow, what a guy!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Reminds me of the character from Clerks who finds out that although his girlfriend has only slept with two guys, she's given oral to 36 others. Not what you want to hear. Probably best not to ask these days.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

They're just aren't that many boys or girls who'll be proud to show their friends and future partners and their own kids the movies that their mothers made.

Some of you really think that Japan is different in that respect?

Anyway, hate to burst your fantasized views of the world, but you might also be surprised to know that not many people who are porn stars/prostitutes who encourage their kids to follow in their footsteps either.

But like I said, not saying it's bad, evil or wrong - just that some of you have picked up some weird ideas. Maybe you thought the mother/daughter combo in the latest porn you watched was a true story?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Lots of prejudice here. Don't forget that these girls are just like you and me: humans with plusses and minusses. I wonder how many of us haven't put a show in bed that would make some adult videos look like cartoons in comparison. Only that there wasn't a camera around.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Can't speak for Japanese ex-AV types except that if they had any significant time in the industry, it's doubtful they could marry most types of salarymen. If they were recognized at any point, that salaryman would probably see his chances of promotion decline due to major embarrassment factor for himself and his company or division.

As for Western AV types who leave the porn industry, besides rampant STDs many of them have serious drug and/or alcohol addiction issues. That's the part of the lifestyle that can be very difficult to kick. Tragic stories abound here in the LA area regarding the porn lifestyle, including AIDs scandals every year. It's not glamorous in the least for most women who are in that industry for more than a year...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Im no prude, but I think people should take off the rose tinted glasses. AV work is hardly easy money for the women - or men - that it employs. The porn industry objectifies women, and men for that matter, and ruins lives.

I watched celebrity rehab, a porn actress called Marie Carey, seemed honestly to have no self esteem at all, was a chronic alcoholic, wanted out of the business, but was left returning to it to try and pay her bills, and thus going back to the drink and the self esteem problems. From what I have read she is just one in a long line of train wreck ex adult video stars. I would never call them sluts, and its not a question of morality for me, just it is not a physically healthy or mentally and emotionally healthy job for many of the people drawn into it, and once in, getting out is not easy.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The only part of this article that was important.

Stay in school, boys and girls.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

But with so many girls taking a shot


2 ( +2 / -0 )

I have no opinion on the people who take part, they're people with feelings and opinions. As long as they manage the logistics and don't hurt anyone, imcluding rhemselves, who's to say they're better or worse than you or I?

What really surprises me is that Japan represents so much (20%, really?) of the global market. Most guys I meet are perfectly capable of handling their daily lives. So I presume there's a significant number people who never see the light of day at all, spending their days consuming other people's share while w@?#ing themselves into a coma. Can't be good for them, can it?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

[these women] probably did some nasty stuff.... I'm no prude either for the record.

Sure. You're no prude at all... riiiiight

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Have been a while since I watched those J AV, do they still have the moving pixels ? As long as the girls are not forced into the industry, then it's their expression of free will.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Ideas of disrespect and immorality are then brought into other realms...and eventually corrodes our entire system

Slow down there reverend. I dont know who this "our" is when you refer to your perceived "system" but please dont lump me in with your drivel.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

[these women] probably did some nasty stuff.... I'm no prude either for the record.

Sure. You're no prude at all... riiiiight

No I'm not. Just because I wouldn't want to date a woman who had been covered in semen or had 6 penis' in her at the same time, means I'm a prude? I though it made me normal...

9 ( +12 / -3 )

@yasukuni I'm terribly flattered that my English is good enough that you think I'm a gaijin. Thank you! You made my day! And I still stand by what I said.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@oberst Learn your way around and you can get the ones without pixels easily enough. But I'm not giving any hints.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What happens to Japanese porn stars after they retire?

Who cares!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Get a great education girls, then when you get a good corporate position you can turn on the charm to the right people. You can be competent and still deliver the goods. But in the end, people will only do what they are programmed to do.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Any talk of Japanese pron stars is bound to get the boys of JT tapping away on their keyboards.....

7 ( +9 / -2 )

lol. good one.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

ProbieOct. 09, 2012 - 09:30AM JST

[I can't believe anyone would want to marry some slut who has had all kinds of guys bits in them and/or covered in man-milk. It's gross even to think of.]

Those porn stars females is just making for a living. But they did not cheat like a married woman cheated their own man. Please respect those poor woman in the sex trade.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@probie, if you think so than that is all that matters right? Others will judge you by your words. That you describe it all as "nasty stuff" absolutely makes you a prude. Just sayin.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I can't believe anyone would want to marry some slut who has had all kinds of guys bits in them and/or covered in man-milk. It's gross even to think of.

Ah, Probie. The irony is that I know 2 such girls who married men with exactly the same attitude as you. One figured it out, but they're still married. Another got married to a guy who knew, had a kid, and divorced a couple years later for unrelated reasons (a friendly divorce though). Another is still trying to hustle off old boyfriends.

As far as I can see, their post-career trajectory is not all that different from bar hostesses. Some see the writing on the wall and make a new life. Others try to hang on to the old life well past their sell-by date. Most keep it secret from the general public (makes it easier at PTA meetings), and some keep it secret from their husbands.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

cadmium31680Oct. 09, 2012 - 09:56AM JST

[I think a greater concern is STDs. Doesn't every AV star end up with herpes?]

Yes but probadly perhaps not all. Even a decent married woman who cheat will transmit Aids to her loving unaware loving hushband.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

These ladies need to go abroad when they retire and hope nobody has seen their work, if they want to find a man honestly that is. Plenty of guys would go for former porn stars, but the sole reason would be that they want to reenact the porn scenes, not be with the actual person, per se.

That said, I hope these women can find what they are looking for after the fact.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


You're English is great. You don't sound at all like a normal Japanese person who was brought up in Japan in normal society who also knows western countries judging by your post. Unless you mix in totally strange circles.

And i stand by what I said too.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I say good luck to them. They are providing a service that is hugely popular in Japan, and most of them retire young - some even as young as their teens. Japanese have a massive appetite for porn - as the article states Japan comprises 1/5th of all worldwide sales! At least the majority of Japanese girl porn actresses don't seem to be injecting their salaries up their arms - some of them - shock horror - actually do enjoy sex a lot. I for one don't judge them or look down on them at all.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

"Japanese have a massive appetite for porn - as the article states Japan comprises 1/5th of all worldwide sales!"

This simply doesn't jive with "Japan has a strong moral system" over on the 9 reasons to love Japan thread.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What happens when they retired? Well, if you just said they retired, there should be no implication of coming back because they could risk annuity deductions. (that happens in the civil service). So, I suppose they do it for free because they no longer need to do it for money.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

20% of the worldwide sales and employing 6,000 new girls each year. Nuf said.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I would have absolutely no problem whatsoever bringing a retired AV actress home.

Just as long as the wife was out.

Incidentally, this is not, predictably, a uniquely Japanese issue. Take a look at the formerly " most beautiful woman in porn" Chasey Lain if you want to see something truly heartbreaking.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Unfortunately, this article only concentrates on women in AV and says nothing about the men. What happens to them? Recently the BBC reported about both the men and women in the porn industry. It pointed out that financially the male actors get a far worse deal than the women. Since pornography is mostly male-oriented the women tend to do better in side jobs that spin off from their roles as so-called porn stars. These can range from selling products online to prostitution. The men have fewer options.

The BBC pointed out that in the capital of the porn industry, Los Angeles, porn "stars" are paid comparatively little--something like $150 per scene. Also the industry is in trouble, according to the report, because of the apparent glut of free porn on the market.

Facts about the matters cited by the BBC that are relevant to Japan would have made this article considerably better.

It is easy to moralize about the actors in AV. It would be far better to inquire how they are treated as workers in an industry in which lifetime employment is far from guaranteed.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@Ivan.. she's a train wreck now.. and no idea what she did to her face. crack cocaine?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"Japanese AV... more than 20% of worldwide sales"


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ok at the risk of offending the bible thumpers , what gives you or anyone else the right to judge? Porn like prostitution will never go away, so someone has to do it. If you don't like it don't watch. People have to make money. I don't agree with people being forced to do porn but those who choose to do it know what they are doing. They are like everyone else, they have families and friends who love them. Don't push your idea of values onto others. I would take a porn actress to dinner or a movie. Who gets to decide who is a slut and who is not? Crawl back into your cave and take your scarlet letters with you. ... If there are any porn actresses reading this.... yoroshiku: )

Dennis you do realize that you just destroyed your own point by doing exactly what your condemning in the above statement.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Probie Any healthy women will have a history of sexual relationships. What's wrong with that? I'd willingly marry an ex-AV star... imagine the skills she could bring to the marriage! You seem to be looking for a vestal virgin as a wife. Good luck with that.

Perhaps you meant to say, "Any healthy woman", or was it "Many healthy women"?

Your philosophy may find nothing wrong with that, but your criteria are not a universal defining standard. There are still women who treasure their virginity and offer it only to the one they will enter into a lasting relationship with. The fun of the AV star's skills will wear off very quickly and leave you wondering if it wouldn't have been better if the skills had been developed by you and the partner yourselves, instead of uncountable uncouth previous partners.

I'd say good luck with finding happiness and fulfillment in a bond with an ex AV 'star'.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

they find rich dudes to help them pay off their debts -the debts that got them into the industry in the first place - Don't think av without remembering gang involvement

1 ( +1 / -0 )

2/3rds is still a big chunk of the majority of AV models that end up staying in the sex industry though. In my opinion the main reason I would not want to date/marry a former AV idol is the mentality they have to subject themselves to such a situation in the first place, and the type of personality and standards they leave with if they're fortunate.

The only reason I'd chose to marry a former AV model, is because she'd have to have an amazing personality, no STDs, no kids, and a fresh outlook on life in spite of her past.

If anyone remembers Dr.Dre's "You can't make a ho a housewife." I think you might get the gist of it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Generally speaking. Pornography is western view. Most actresses are Chinese or Korean bar girls. Undeniably, Japanese women are too shy and pure for this behavior type. Are farting videos pornography? The reason asked is that is where the problem (misunderstanding) resides.

I laughed my butt off on this. Sarcasm(?) or did this article tear down you mental image of Japanese women all running around as geisha's or mikos with pure souls beyond compare?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I do know that many porn stars prefer "love sex" over "money sex" though... The question is how many can keep up the "love sex" without getting into the "money sex" mode when they just aren't feeling the emotional connection anymore?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Become a TV talentless tarento?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"What happens to Japanese porn stars after they retire?"

Who cares.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Bring back Anna Ohura!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

BINGO !!! this news might create a landslide death or minimized the AV industry in Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Nothing wrong with an AV actor extending his/her career. They just have to make a decision at some point whether to continue going "under the knife" to hide the effects of aging. At some point they need to transition to something else... maybe behind the camera instead of in front of it?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think that this article is weak in posting a concluding remark. First, it claims that many girls that choose to have a career as an AV earn a lot of money, (something similar said in the other article about 6000 girls each year entering the AV industry), and that after they leave this career many of them stay in related businesses but it doesn't offer hard figures (statistics) about that. So, for the first part, there are the following inferences:

AV industry pays well, it gives young girls a rich lifestyle 6000 girls each year enter this industry After you retire, if you want to conserve your expensive lifestyle you have a shot in a related business. Ok. It's a position. What bugs me is that for the second part, it postulates another idea: These girls are so accostumed to being rich in an "easy" way, you get "trapped" in the sex industry world. At the end it's bad to choose being an AV actress because you cannot get married, or you will never be "honorable" again. A girl like Rina Nakanishi is dumb because she boosted her AV career by being a former AKB48 and at the ende she will be forgotten and jobless.

I cannot make heads or tails off this article.

BTW, As a personal opinion, I've seen Rina Nakanishi and she doesn't have that much talent to be an AV actress, so it is very likely that she will end up jobless or forgotten

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I pity this girl Rina Nakanishi . Lured by the convincing of power of this AV industries talent scouts sweet talks about riches. Rina Nakanishi has made it in show biz as a singer and an idol for young girls and earned good if not big. She probably believed she will earned better being in AV movies, Naaahhhh Rina Nakanishi . You are a fool and have been fooled. The producers and directors of this AV company ypu signed in have earned and will be earning more than you imagine. You could have stayed as a retired singer of the AKB group and still be known for your singing talent as your career. Than being known as an ex AKB singer turned porno selling her body..

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You know, I respect people for who they are. I do not have to like the industry they are in. No way I'd give my daughter the thumbs up to let random, strangers romp in them just to get cash or attention. Even if she were an adult. My opinion, that lifestyle is sad and nasty. How does one feel clean and pure after years of letting their body being a playground? I suppose they cope and just survive by telling themselves it is okay. Or they turn to alcohol and drugs to feel better.

Personally I feel for the sex industry women. Sex feels great, the money is the best out there but being used over and over again? Therapy is needed to get over that. Just because there is a demand for it doesn't mean It needs to be supplied to.

Men, look at your dear daughters and sisters and ask yourself is it okay that men with lusty intentions even look their way. You'd break them off in a heartbeat if they even got close to them. Done justify the industry just because a good amount of money could be made. Self worth vs broken human being. Think about it.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Interesting how there was an article on JT a few weeks ago about this and many of the make posters where saying there was nothing wrong with the job, the girls are okay, they do it for fun... While a few of us other posters made comments about issues with STDs, drugs, it not being a lasting job... And now this article. Oh shock. Porn stars don't have it easy....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

btw, I'm not being sexist. The average girl isn't going to introduce her future husband to her parents as an ex-porn actor very lightly either. Even though they aren't Christians with all these moral hangups..

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"I'd willingly marry an ex-AV star... imagine the skills she could bring to the marriage!"

lol And guess what. You'll probably find that in the end....she's a woman with feelings and a heart and a mind. So, if you fight over the kids, or don't treat her right, or come home late too many times or she's just tired or a million other things that unfortunately for men influence the female libido, you probably won't have every night being like one of her movies. And then what do you do? "Hey you did it with four guys in "Sachiko does Kyoto" and you let them ....." What about me?

It's no wonder men have so much trouble in marriage. Most of us are clueless....

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Now, that's a question I never considered before. Who would even think of this question???

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"Now, that's a question I never considered before. Who would even think of this question???"

Porn actresses?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

They are sought after by most men (and in some cases, women) until your sons/daughter/brothers/sisters decided they want to be married to them. Then the shit hits the fan. How irony.

But yeah, I think this article is not in depth. I would like to read a first person experience in this. Maybe an interview or two or three with former AV actor/actresses or people who married to them. As much as Nakamura words could be included, his observations only a third person view

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The #69 guest comment in this article should be given a free porn movie

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

How about this question that's been bothering and would like some answers????What happens when your daughter or son enters that AV world whatever you wanna call it? How do parents react? I just happened to read about this porn star Maria Ozawa, and my golly gee, she's young , can even speak a little english and attractive..I can't seem to fathom why she chose to be a porn star????? What a waste and a shame she must've brought to her family...no wonder she said in one of her interviews that she and her mom don't actually get along..I would disown her if she was my daughter..sorry, there are so many jobs out there..I will give her all the advice, and who knows maybe she's sick, and so I will get her treated, mental or physically, whatever her sickness may be related to her libido...or whatever.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

@Marilita Fabie-Fujisawa, just a suggestion, but don't disown a daughter just because she decides to work in the sex industry. Nothing says you have to support her in it, but when she is old enough you have to understand she is her own human being and a seperate individual who can make her own decisions. Best advice to give a daughter like that is to let them know you do love them, but not what they do for a living, and that you will not help them when their life choices give them the consequences that arise from their decisions. Of course do try to help them when they're trying to do something positive with their life, but step back and observe when they choose to do something that is mentally and usally physically harmful to themselves.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I have a name of someone av actress name on my wrist,im live at islamic country..

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

marilita, that's a pretty hard question for people to answer if they haven't experienced it yet. Esp for single people who can say all sorts of things about how great they'll be at marriage and parenting.

But for what it's worth, no matter what my kids did i couldn't disown them.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I remember an ex-porn star, Kuriki something-or-other (hairy arm pits), many years ago who had a very successful career on the TV variety show circuit. Claimed to have bedded mroe than 10,000 men during her porn career.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Kuroki Kaoru, that's her name.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Which is yet another reason why most people wouldn't want their daughters to start in the first place.

At the end of the day, it's the daughters choice, there's a number of porn stars who entered young and enjoy their job.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

At the end of the day, it's the daughters choice, there's a number of porn stars who entered young and enjoy their job.

Agreed that its the daughters choice, but you forget this article mentions that when they want to LEAVE and find something else to do for a living they find themselves in a rather hard up situation that leads them back to the sex industry (Soaplands, bar hostess, etc...). I don't think someone enjoys their job so much when they want to leave it for something they feel is better for them emotionally. Your comment shows you're only thinking in the way that most men think when porn is something they want to see.

After all the US tv programs that some active and inactive porn stars go on to describe their life on the other side of the camera, every single one of them had a point where they just didn't like what they did, and even had to sedate themelves to cope with the "situations". Those that stayed only kept going because the pay was good or they felt they couldn't choose something else to do.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Pornography degrades and harms our society by spreading immoral values and because it destroys virtue. It harms our basic respect for other human being, degrades women and undermines family values. At times, it can lead to criminal acts that are harmful to other people. Ideas of disrespect and immorality are then brought into other realms, such as the family unit and the workplace and eventually corrodes our entire system. Generally it is hard to find redeeming qualities in pornography when taken to extreme and reduces the beauty of the human body to merely one aspect of life. It has often partnered with pseudo-violence or even utilize symbols of childhood to excite the real disturbed people out there. All in all it does add to the degradation of society again creating a bad image for women. But people will continue to buy porn as reality instead of fantasy. But for most people there is nothing like the real thing because you can share the experience with another person and also let your partner know your needs and what turns you on. So sorry guys but you can't take the porn star out to dinner.

Stay on topic - this is about what happens to porn stars after they retire, not your personal opinion about pornography.

(the mods have obviously clocked off for the weekend so thought I better help out).

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Agreed that its the daughters choice, but you forget this article mentions that when they want to LEAVE and find something else to do for a living they find themselves in a rather hard up situation that leads them back to the sex industry (Soaplands, bar hostess, etc...). I don't think someone enjoys their job so much when they want to leave it for something they feel is better for them emotionally. Your comment shows you're only thinking in the way that most men think when porn is something they want to see.

I know but I was referring to the one's who don't want to leave the profession and enjoy it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

6,000 a year? How can I date one of these ex porn stars. Sounds like a business opportunity. A dating service for guys that want to date, even marry, a former porn girl.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

the comments above are getting important here because it shows how are we thinking about this industry? according to the above comments for some sex is part of love, for some it is a business, for some it is a game which provides pleasure.

Here is also a contradiction, an ex-AV star will never allow his/her life partner to have sex with another person, if they do they keep such thing hide from each other.

in all societies of the world, self respect is an integral part of a healthy human being what happen to the self respect during the career of an AV star, does it get damage?

how many of the AV star are forced by the circumstances to be in the industry and how many are here because they like it and why they like? it is another question.

what does this kind of industry serve to the humanity? what is the overall impact on the human society?does it creates or reduces the crimes? does it creates or reduces human stress?what is the role of this industry while maintaining the existence of the human being/human societies?

i would like your kind comments on the above questions.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Well technically porn is just "acting"... since prostitution is banned in most countries... So getting rid of porn would be very difficult.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

So many great comments. Porn stars will never see retirement as a clear option. Most if any will occassionally do part-time porn if they retire, but never ever retire fully. Those that have chosen to retire completely often struggle with depression and anxiety and an overall disconnect with society. They rarely have anything in common with women who lead ordinary lives.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Just the wording is demeaning enough! "Girls", "models"...total nonsense. These are WOMEN...with functioning body parts. They are not girls. Models have their clothes on.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

 what happen to the self respect during the career of an AV star, does it get damage? Interesting question. Why is sex and self respect linked, and is it linked in Japan? Doing manual labour, such as removals or construction does not usually damage self respect. Holding a plough, a brick, or a traffic warden's baton does not usually damage self respect but holding a sex organ, especially in ones own, can damage self respect enormously. Why is this? Do Japanese people feel the same way?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Going to school and getting an education with a diploma does Not guarantee a successful career especially in the current economic conditions today in the world, though it may help.

Sometimes LUCK plays a big role in one's success.

I wouldn't mind marrying a former AV actress. Too not consider marrying one because of their past shows one's ignorance. It was her life and her choice. If you want to truly love someone, then you'll have to accept them and their past as it's all or nothing, just like how she will accept you and your past!

Don't be a darn hypocrite!

Good luck to all the women who enters the AV world and hopefully they'll do well after they retire from it. Also, good luck to the lucky guys who marries them. They'll need to be open-minded and patient with them.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Sola Aoi for Ambassador in China (^_^)/

And vice versa.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

or what you think about Sakura Kiryu who is a former porn actress and allowed to participate for miss Ryū ga Gotoku 5 , Yakuza 5. Im suprised no problem to participate.. only in Japan this..

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

They are also human beings like us, but in our culture they may have ostracized. But time went on, perhaps eventually they will be accepted in society. We can not judge them for granted. We have to look at them properly people like us.

Judi Bola | Agen Bola | Bola Online

1 ( +1 / -0 )

(pardon my english) i respect the girls who choose this kind of profession but the fact of marrying an ex-AV performer ?? how can you endure of thinking ur wife has masturbated by ur neighbors or friends maybe your brothers, dont you have any disgrace or jealousy or whatsoever? and take this for example walking in a park and have seen by were happens to be a fan of ur wife and talks negative about you and ur wife, and ur kids be bullyed in school for having a pornstar mother?? i dont know in other country but here in the phils. its very very a concern .. the world is getting wierder everyday ..

1 ( +2 / -1 )

That is the reason I draw and paint some of these women, to show them and others their own beauty outside the adult video industry in Japan.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This comment section is hilarious, so let me get this straight.. Virgins are a "stigma" and yet being a prostitute (just having a lot of sex) is also a "stigma"? What the hell do you EXACTLY want us to do!? Have sex or not?

There's nothing wrong with being a Virgin and there's nothing wrong with having sex for money either!

I would GLADLY marry an AV actress over a chick who had 4-5 relationships, because all that sex she had in the past had 0% emotional attachment. So I'd be like her actual first lover for real.. plus an AV won't manipulate me with sex like normal gold digging Women.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I know that this is going to seem crass and vulgar but since they don't have the same moral hangups as the US or europe it is literally apples and oranges.

This is the land of hostess houses, bath houses and pink palaces(blowjob bars). Not saying that they are happy but there isn't the same social stigma as here in the USA.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

We had a Nisei relative work in the prostitute industry in New York for ten years, then she took her money, moved to Germany, married and settled down. Not making any judgments, just saying what happened.

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This article didn't answer the question it poses at all, yet it's not a tough question to answer. There are at least a couple famous examples of porn stars who went on to pretty good careers and marriages, if not in Japan, in other Asian countries, Sora Aoi and Maria Ozawa come to mind. Still this industry freaks me out and a question I really want to ask is how do Japanese women feel about the clearly misogynistic themes of the videos? There are so many simulated rape films that involve office ladies, often playing the supposed "boss" who get bullied and coerced into sick sexual relations with their co-workers or even subordinates (a little nose thumbing to gender equality in the workplace and breaking the glass ceiling no doubt). There's actually a studio called Attackers that seems to make these kind of videos exclusively. I've watched a couple of them and they have this disturbing atmosphere like a Takeshi Miike movie. Yet the women who star in them, like Saeko Matsushita are breathtakingly beautiful, but treated like absolute garbage. There's one Saeko Matsushita film where she is kept in a cage and only let out to either have sex with creepy men or walked to the toilet on her hands and knees led by a leash. Funny thing is, before Saeko Matsushita entered the AV business, she was a flight attendant, which is a dream gig for a lot of Japanese girls, so you can't say she was a lost undergraduate student who didn't have any options before she entered the industry, which is the common stereotype and the one that this article seems to want to want to cling to. So much strange stuff out there that this article doesn't even scratch the surface of...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I'm sure the author was just "Asking for a friend."

But to be serious, we definitely need to see more porn stars after their prime years in regular jobs.

And where might we apply for these jobs?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


yes tf there is lmao av actresses are literally looked down upon in japanese society. And most men dont want to marry them

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well, that article told me...absolutely nothing, but it is food for though if you follow the industry.

At least we have a few (high profile) recent examples: 'Anri Okita' retired a few years ago, married rich, had a child and is creating music. 'kaho Shibuya' seems to be thriving, even writing a book about her experience, aimed at potential actors.

I doubt this is the norm.

Legendary 'Hitomi Tanaka' retired in 2022, so it'll be fascinating to see what path life takes her. Hopefully it'll be a positive one.

I don't live in Japan, but I can't imagine there wouldn't a huge stigma attached to being a former JAV actress. There's no way around the fact that it's basically prostitution, regardless of how/why she entered the business.

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