Established in 1934, the British Council operates in more than 100 countries and territories to spread and strengthen Britain’s influence through the development of cultural relations. In addition, it seeks to build trust and international opportunities, support growth and prosperity, as well as provide excellent value for the UK.
The Japan branch of the council is involved in three strategic lines of business, namely, the arts, the English language, as well as education and society.
Research by Chatham House placed the English language, education and culture—the key areas of work of the British Council—as the top three factors in supporting the UK’s overseas reputation. The fact that the UK was recently ranked number one in the world in terms of soft power by Monocle magazine suggests that these assets really matter.
As Jeff Streeter, the Japan director of the British Council, told BCCJ ACUMEN: “Arts, language and education matter in building trust around the world, and trust is worth money. Economic dividends flow through trust, and countries that trust each other, trade more with each other, creating more wealth for everybody.
“The reputation of the UK will attract more people to study and do business there”, Streeter explained.
The British Council in Japan is concentrating on its work in English education to build the UK’s reputation and hopes the country will be seen as the top English-language source of expertise.
Compared with most other non-English speaking developed countries, Japan struggles in terms of English-language levels, as is demonstrated by its performance in international tests. Streeter believes that one of the reasons for this is inadequate testing.
“This makes people believe that, having passed an English test they have achieved a good level of the language. However, the majority are grammar tests and are not internationally benchmarked”, he said.
“Unfortunately, this is what people have bought into and is an unreliable and inefficient standard”.
The council is working on improving testing through promoting UK tests, including their co-owned International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and Aptis tests—a new global English assessment service. In addition, they work with Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and link their testing methods to international structures such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Language.
In addition, they are concentrating on looking at language study not as an academic discipline but, instead, as a means of communication.
“This is closely related to internationalisation, because the drive to internationalise is often accompanied by a desire for an improved standard of English”, he added.
The British Council is active in other aspects of internationalisation and works with universities to train students and administrators in English. Through training programs and seminars, it helps to build effective links and forge stronger partnerships with the UK.
The council believes that thinking globally and having an understanding of international cultures is important, particularly for younger people. Results of employer surveys in the UK and Japan tend to agree.
“Research in the UK commissioned by ICM [Research Ltd] in 2011 found that 79% of employers considered knowledge and awareness of the wider world as important, compared with 74% who looked at degree subjects, while 68% looked at A-level results.
“The UK is very attractive to the Japanese, partly because they see affinities between Japanese and UK culture. The way that UK universities teach is very much geared to building the sort of skills that Japanese students are looking for when they go overseas. These skills—communication, teamwork and problem solving—are transferable to almost all professions”.
However, the British Council faces particular challenges in English teaching here. Japan favours certain examinations, such as TOEIC, meaning that most people recognise only one option.
“Getting people to see that there are other options is difficult”, he added.
To this end, the British Council has been working with MEXT and language professionals in a bid to inform them of available options. However, Streeter believes it will take years before there is a fully pluralistic market within English examinations here.
Among its other activities, the British Council Japan has a very successful partnership with the Eiken Foundation of Japan—a non-profit foundation set up in Japan in 1963—that administers the EIKEN tests and works with the council on the IELTS examination.
Furthermore, the RENKEI partnership, involving 12 universities from the UK and Japan, will enable institutions of higher education in both countries to engage more fully with their respective economies and societies—at the same time strengthening links with industries.
Over their 60 years in Japan, the British Council has played a large part in developing the UK–Japan relationship. “The links between higher education institutions have increased enormously and the overall relationship in the area of the arts is much more established”.
Streeter hopes the British Council can make an important contribution to a generational change in English language proficiency. “Improved language proficiency would have a transformative effect on peoples’ lives. That’s why we believe in it in an international context.
“Japan has so much to offer the world—culturally, politically and in the area of diplomacy—in terms of its values that could be hugely beneficial to the global community”.
© Japan Today
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Good luck to you.
Oh please God no.. IELTS is good but Eiken is even worse that TOEIC. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would take one look at the test and think WTF.
Lets hope they decide to open all the branches throughout Japan that they closed down all of a sudden when exchange rates altered.
I have no idea about the quality of their tests, but the situation in Japan is awful. The whole orientation towards tests is a problem itself, and while a better test would be ... better, I really think more needs to be done in terms of living language work. (Using genuine texts for one. In the US, after four or five years of foreign language study in high school, we read plays and short stories in Spanish, newspapers, real essays about culture. In Jpn the texts are boxed trash language about pc and the environment with no real application/ relevance to a human emotion or the students' life or ex perience. Just grammar). Will better tests solve that problem?
Lowly, I have no idea why someone gave you a thumbs down in the first place but I agree completely. It's hard enough figuring out what the hell you're supposed to do to answer the question on tests in Japan, before you even begin to worry about the subject matter in hand.
Good luck indeed.
Since most Japanese will never talk with other foreigners in English, there is no need for them to be able to do so. Being able to read and write English is enough for Japanese living in Japan. The current grammar-centric study is not so bad because grammar is the most helpful for non-native to become able to read and write the language.
IELTS is a good test, but there are not so many differences from TOEFLiBT and EIKEN. Only few will take IELTS, instead of wildly-accepted TOEIC and TOEFL. Probably, they should show why IELTS is superior to TOEFL.
IELTs is the top English test globally. I make all of my serious students sit IELTs.
“The UK is very attractive to the Japanese, partly because they see affinities between Japanese and UK culture. The way that UK universities teach is very much geared to building the sort of skills that Japanese students are looking for when they go overseas. These skills—communication, teamwork and problem solving—are transferable to almost all professions”.
It'd be nice if they used "These Skills," instead of hanging on to the status quo, or be afraid of having the nail head pounded down.
well, that's one opinion, certainly. Any country that is mostly one culture/ language and big enough that its neighbors are far away and not immediately felt could make such a claim. Certainly when I was growing up in the USA, that was the case and language ability of US kids was famously sub-par, born out in truth when I went to Europe and saw how things work there. And really, has that been the cause of ppl's unemployment?
But the fact is, especially for an island nation, formerly closed, and totally non-immigrant country, the ability to think in a foreign language, however limitedly, is a great boon. Why? Well for one, Simple problems of lack of imagination about how foreigners do their do or why or how they think their thinks could be avoided this way. And the grammar translation method will NOT get them there. Sure analytical study of grammar can be a good stepping stone toward language acquisition, my own experience bears that out. But it is not a path to fluency. It is one necessary exercise. No more no less. But uni entrance and jobs being solely (and very competitively) decided based on these standardized tests, and that's all anyone studies for. And it all goes out the window w/in 6 mos of stopping studying. Forgotten.
yes, and that goes for the native teacher as well as the jpns learner. Sometimes i see a problem and think wtf.