Japan Today

Can music help plants grow? Study suggests sound boosts fungus

By Bénédicte REY

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Strangely enough, I find that listening to rap makes my athlete's foot much worse, whereas enka seems to calm it down. Of course, that may be due to the fact that Japanese fungus may react more favourably to Japanese music. Hopefully the boffins will investigate this phenomenon in an international context.

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It may seem ridiculous, but if the results are confirmed I wonder if they could have some relevance to other varieties of fungus that are less beneficial, like those causing Athlete's foot for example.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yes. Local growers of tomatoes play classical music to them. Produces a better crop.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It seems to me that Nature is noisy generally, with the wind, rain, birdsong etc.

Maybe they've got the study the wrong way around. Should they not be finding slower growth in fungus exposed to triggerless dead silence, which must be unnatural.

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