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Carbon pollution from high flying rich in private jets soars


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So how many of you want these high profile assassination targets to fly on the planes you fly on?

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A private Challenger 300 might burn up 245 gallons of fuel per/person on a transatlantic flight, while a Boeing 747 might burn up 75 gallons of fuel per/person on the same transatlantic flight. So, the Boeing burns up a lot less fuel per/person on a long distance flight than does a typical private jet.

Since eliminating all travel is not practical, I guess we should look at ways to minimize the carbon footprint of travel.

It is a bit ironic that Musk, who has done so much to popularize solar photovoltaic energy and electric vehicles, travels so much by private jet.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

UN, EU and other government delegates who preach about the klimate kalamity but jump on a private plane or in 1st class at someone else's expense at the first opportunity 

No, that just means we have very bad politicians who should be kicked out of office.

They are not kicked out of office because the people such politicians work for also own the media, who refuse to hold politicians to account. This is because the people who own the media and control politicians are very fond of politicians they can control, not the politicians the public deserves as its representatives.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Tax the rich... they can afford a plane they can afford to be taxed 50 % of their income

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

“It’s a grim joke that the billionaire class is flying private jets to the annual climate conferences, and the United Nations should crack down on this hypocritical practice,” said Jean Su, energy justice director for the Center for Biological Diversity.

Researchers also examined more than 1,200 flights by celebrity actors, singers and directors, but Gossling declined to give the public figures’ names.

Many private flights aren't even for business “nor are they necessary,” Gossling said. “They are very often lifestyle related.”

It's not just the billionaire and celebrity hypocrites, but UN, EU and other government delegates who preach about the klimate kalamity but jump on a private plane or in 1st class at someone else's expense at the first opportunity while telling us to stay home and suck upon the net-zero Kool Ade.

So it's safe to say the so-called climate emergency is vastly exaggerated.

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