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Russia warns of severe environmental damage as oil from damaged tankers washes up on beaches


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And how about the environmental impact of invading a country? Haven't seen any stats on that, for Ukraine or Gaza. But the rest of us are apparently risking life on Earth using carrier bags.

quote: Some Russian media critical of the Kremlin.

There is some? Stay away from the windows, folks.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Just like with the Houthis: act like children and you are going to get covered in filth.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

And whose ships were it that were not properly maintained, causing the damage? Yo, Vlad. Who spilled the thousands of tons of oil?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

This is really a minor incident being media weaponized to fling stuff at Russia.

Shows you how much of a mauling Kyiv is taking when they have to invoke the environment to claim some sort of weak coffee, moral attack on Russia. Really telling

For example, anyone who seriously cares about the environment knows the US military is by very, very far the biggest, dirtiest global polluter on earth.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

JJEToday 11:42 am JST

This is really a minor incident being media weaponized to fling stuff at Russia.

Doesn't sound like a minor incident when Russia itself is saying it's a major incident.

Russian officials warned of severe environmental damage

Authorities in Russia’s southern Krasnodar region last week announced a region-wide emergency

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the oil spill an “ecological disaster.”

Others called for international specialists to be sent in, citing the scale of the spill and the likely extent of the impact.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Putin looking for handouts he can use in his war on Ukraine, and for an International presence at places effected to stop Ukraine fighting back there.

Sorry Vlad, this is all on you, you made the mess, now clean it up and stop complaining. Whats that? You cant redirect funds going into the war to contain the oil spill? Then ignore it as you do the plight of Ukrainians and your own people thanks to your drive to expand your empire. World history will not be kind to you, and your legacy of death will last for eons.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

No oil spill on the high seas is desirable.

But it's also important not lose one's sense of proportion.

Notice the article doesn't mention the tonnage of oil, which is believed to be 3,700 tonnes.

But contrast, the infamous Exxon Valdez was something shy of 40,000 t.

The biggest oil spill in history - Deepwater Horizon - was a whopping 700k t (with many considering that a deeply conservative estimate).

Put that in perspective. Like a drop in the bucket by comparison.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

JJEToday 02:10 pm JST

The biggest oil spill in history - Deepwater Horizon - was a whopping 700k t (with many considering that a deeply conservative estimate).


Not even the third largest, but that wouldn't fulfill your whataboutism.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Oh, so you are also saying this very minor oil spill wouldn't even be remotely near that list - of the top 15. So, assuming that list was extended from that number, it would definitely be a three-digit figure bare minimum.

Almost amazing how this is even deemed newsworthy. Makes one wonder why that is... hmm

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Russia issued the oil spill warning. Russia made it newsworthy.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

More oil was spilled in the earths waters in WWII than everything before or after combined. In comparison this is small scale and a local concern. Best if it had not happened, to be sure, but it has. Now its up to Russia to clean up its mess.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Better ground all Russian ships for a while. It seems they're unsafe. :)

1 ( +3 / -2 )

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