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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Severe drought has returned to Amazon earlier than expected
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The "drought" of the Amazon Basin is a manifestation of the climate crisis.
Gene Hennigh
The food shortage is the most concerning thing. If it happens here it will happen elsewhere and that's a little frightening. Sure hope it doesn't become really frightening across the planet.
Destin Skye
This is why coffee prices have been through the roof over the last 2-3 years. Bean farms in South America have been getting ravaged by climate change so much that one of them, a 4th generation farm, is attempting an eco-solution by growing the coffee beans in shaded areas with forest canopies and even switching some fields to a more drought-resistant crop of coffee bean which is less desired but one which guarantees a larger harvest to offset the Arabica losses that are much more environmentally sensitive. Vietnam has also been suffering as well, and they are one of Asia's biggest coffee exporters.