Invitation for event supported by the Harvard Club of Japan: Child abduction to and within Japan: Movie screening of “From the Shadows” and seminar
DATE: April 9, 2012 13:00 – 17:00 and 18:00 – 21:00
Please join us Monday April 9 at the Tokyo Foundation to watch a private screening of the documentary movie “From the Shadows,” (work in progress), and attend a seminar about child abduction to and within Japan. Filmmaker David Hearn and left-behind parent John Gomez will present the issue from their perspectives. Simultaneous interpretation for discussions but not movie.
PLACE: The Nippon Foundation Bldg, 3F, Tokyo Foundation, 1-2-2 Akasaka ADMISSION: 4,000 yen for movie (6:30 p.m.) 4,000 yen for seminar (3 p.m.) 8,000 yen in total 50% discount for students REGISTRATION: Please register by e-mail to address below. e-mail: This event is sponsored by the Tokyo Foundation.
Child abduction to and within Japan has become one of the most important social topics in Japan today. Its priority has now been raised to one of the five top-level bilateral issues between the U.S. and Japan. At the U.N. General Assembly meeting on Sept 21, 2011, President Barack Obama asked Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to proceed with joining the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and resolve existing cases. This occurred as the result of a worldwide human rights movement. On Jan 6 this year, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell stated while visiting Japan that more progress is needed.
On April 9, 2012, a symposium on the issue of child abduction to/within Japan will be held at the Tokyo Foundation. 1:00 – 3:00 pm reception and networking 3:00 – 5:00 pm panel discussion seminar 5:00 – 6:00 pm networking and dinner 6:30 – 9:00 pm movie screening and discussion, (Please arrive between 6:00 – 6:30 pm)
“From the Shadows” is a documentary film about child abduction to/within Japan that focuses on the efforts of five left-behind parents to see their abducted children. Two are mothers; one is Japanese. Two others are the sole-surviving parent, yet they have no access to their child. In November 2011, by invitation from U.S. Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey, the directors screened “From The Shadows” on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, and the film has appeared on CNN, ABC News and the Today Show. This will be a private screening and fundraiser in the evening with open discussion about the film to follow. Please note that the current version is mostly in English without Japanese subtitles. Filmmaker David Hearn will answer questions. The website and trailer are at:
A panel discussion and Q&A session about various aspects of the child abduction issue in Japan from legal, psychological, diplomatic, and political perspectives will be held in the afternoon. Parliamentary Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kazuyuki Hamada will deliver the welcoming address. The purpose of the seminar is to improve understanding and facilitate discussion about this human rights issue amongst interested citizens and government officials of several countries. One aim is to consider constructive solutions for reuniting left-behind parents with their children. John Gomez is a member of the Harvard College Class of 1983. He has been working on the issue in both the US and Japan with left-behind parents and government officials from several countries around the world.
Video greeting: Facebook event:
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Now is a bad time to upload anything like this on YouTube. The world's confidence was rocked by the Kony 2012 scam. Had better wait till things cool down.
if this is a genuine documentary to inform put it up on youtube.
Will there be a showing in Osaka?