Celebrate The America’s this year in The Heart of Tokyo-
At Cinco De Mayo!
Tokyo party people know that some of the best international festivals and food can be found in Yoyogi Park in the shibuya ward near to the broadcasting hub at NHK. Through various festivals all year long- Thai, Brazil, Jamaica – you can taste the world. And now in 2013 a new high profile festival joins the schedules.
On May 3rd and 4th a new annual matsuri will be born. Cinco De Mayo A Celebration of the Americas will be held during the popular golden week holidays. The festival is the brainchild of Steven Kim, long term resident in the big city. We had a chance to speak with him about this new “can’t miss” festival that is a must for foodies, tequila aficionados, Latin music lovers, and those just looking for a new way to have fun this spring.
Steven, founder of the festival, is a Korean American from Atlanta, Georgia who came to Japan in 1989. He’s done various things over his 23 plus years here, but intends for this new annual event to become his main project and legacy.
During one of his many adventures since coming here, Steven was a brand manager for Sol, a famous beer from Mexico, which he believed would be a great sponsor for a big celebration. However unlike the popular St. Patrick's Day, there was no Cinco de Mayo celebration in Japan. When Steven left his job at Sol, he thought it would be a great idea to do the event on his own.
To spice up the idea of this particular party- Steven decided to expand the original Cinco de Mayo holiday, which was, celebrated in Mexico and the USA every 5th of May. The Tokyo version of Cinco de Mayo will include all of the Americas, from Canada to Chile, from Peru, to Mexico, Brazil, and Cuba. There has been no major festival in Japan to showcase the cuisines, drinks and cultures of these dynamic countries. This event will be a great place to start. Great people, great food and amazing music.
In addition to the many interesting dishes that people can try, there will be representation from the US military, including a brass band from Navy's Seventh Fleet, and a traditional Mexican dance group from an elementary school on the US base in Yokosuka. Many people here have heard only negative things about the US military, but they are also crucial to Japan's security in the region and were a huge help in the aftermath of 3.11 with their rescue, and outreach projects called Tomodachi
. Hopefully, this event will bring many different people together and expand understanding and interest between Japan and the Americas.
I asked Steven what he was looking forward to try at his own new festival from the 25+ vendors and chefs taking part, his answer, “Everything that the Americas has to offer.”
The sponsors of the Cinco De Mayo Matsuri include ProMexico, the trade arm of the Mexican Embassy, and the US Embassy who are providing logistical support. Main sponsor Jose Cuervo will bring tequila fueled fun and entertainment and Air Canada, the official airline of the event and will have a booth to showcase the rich cultures and traditions of the north. There are so many other people and organizations that are making this event possible - all for the mutual goal of increasing awareness between Japan and the Americas and having a great time together. Come and meet and try them all! Ole!
Cinco de Mayo Japan official website
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