Japan Today

Fundraiser auction to be held for New Zealand flood victims

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New Zealand, particularly the east coast of the North Island, suffered terrible devastation from Cyclone Gabrielle earlier this year. To help raise some much-needed financial support, a group of New Zealanders based in Japan are organizing a charity auction event to be held at the Tokyo American Club on April 27. One hundred percent of profits from the event will go to the Gisborne-based registered charity, SuperGrans Tairawhiti Trust​, which has been providing grass roots support for those displaced.

The event will include a Kiwi-style buffet and free-flowing drinks. There is an amazing door prize of two pairs of return tickets to New Zealand provided by Air New Zealand Japan.

Register here for an enjoyable evening of food and drinks.

Even if you cannot make it in person, check out the online fundraising auction. There are dozens of fabulous prizes provided by friends of New Zealand from Japan and Aotearoa, including wine, signed rugby jerseys, hotel stays, and the opportunity to bid on a private dinner in Tokyo for you and your mates with former All Blacks coach Steve Hansen.

Some items will only be available for live bidding. But worry not. Many items are also open for bidding through the auction website, so even people who aren’t attending can still participate.

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Checked out the auction site, there are some awesome items up for grabs! The actual event has some pretty impressive items as well!. Hope you have a successful evening for this worthwhile cause.

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