Japan Today

Blooming hard: Taiwan's persimmon growers struggle

By Akio Wang and I-Hwa Cheng

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ive always wondered how there could be much money in farming these as they seem to be ubiquitous, growing semi wild in most parts of Japan....

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Ive always wondered how there could be much money in farming these as they seem to be ubiquitous, growing semi wild in most parts of Japan...

Yes, I see the trees and their fruits everywhere. I feel like picking them myself (although I've never done so). Just seems a waste. I wish the dried and juicy ones were a bit cheaper.

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I have stopped at abondoned trees and harvested the fruits, and also stopped at houses with a tree full and asked if they are going to eat them. Many people say, no, go ahead and take all you want. I have some shibugaki (the sour type until they turn really soft) that are ripening in my kitchen right now. Persimmon are great fruits, full of antioxidants.

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