Japan Today
Image: PR Times

Burger King releases 100% plant-based Version 2 Whopper in Japan

By grape Japan

It's easy to look back at the past few years and see Burger King Japan's slew of Tokyo Teriyaki Tower Super One Pound Beef Burgersmonstrous Ugly Burger series, and all-you-can-eat one pound burger challenges and think of it as a carnivore's paradise, but they've recently turned out some vegetarian-friendly releases as well.

With some sustainable beef goals and accommodation of different diets in mind, Burger King recently released a Plant-Based Whopper that has become a mainstay of the menu.

Now Burger King Japan has announced that they're giving their Plant-Based Whopper a bunless twist with the release of the 100% plant-based Version 2 Whopper.


The Version 2 Whopper removes buns from the equation for not only a reduction in carbs, but what Burger King says is a more direct appreciation of the taste of 100% vegetable v2 patty grilled over an open flame. The vegetable and soybean patty is sandwiched between fresh lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickles with ketchup and mustard.

Burger King's Version 2 Whopper will be available for a limited time until Sept 2at locations across Japan, priced at 690 yen a la carte and 990 yen in a set.

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© grape Japan

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Not available on Uber Eats. They have a single "patty" plant based burger but no option to order without those puke pickles either.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The endgame here is to create imitation meat that is completely indistinguishable from the real deal and nutritionally sound

People wanting their cake and eating it too.

How about just eating something other than meat? People who are trying to get to the goal through shortcuts, which is silly.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

While ignoring the other issues that come from these fake meats. 

The environmental impacts of plant-based meat vs. conventional beef have been thoroughly analyzed and it's clear that plant-based has a reduced impact across a large variety of impact metrics ranging from GHG emissions to water use. Google for related LCAs.

As for health, I agree that a lot of the plant-based meat options likely are not ideal with their processed oil contents. Personally, I'd stick to a stuff from the local farmer's market and the occasional grass-fed steak. Still, it's nice to have as an option if you find yourself at a Burger King-like place with your friends, imo.

The endgame here is to create imitation meat that is completely indistinguishable from the real deal and nutritionally sound, so we no longer need to create needless suffering for large amounts of animals. Even if the current options aren't perfect, the progress we're making is promising and these plant-based whoppers are a step in the right direction.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Have a bowl of oatmeal every morning and you will be amazed at how your cholesterol will drop. It is cheap to buy here in Japan.

Thanks, adding oats to egg whites for my daily omelette for now . I do a heavy workout most mornings, so only oatmeal leaves me feeling hungry.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The impossible whopper in the states are pretty darn close to beef. Ill choose those just because it feels like its not as heavy. Pretty sure these are not targeted at the vegan hardcore but maybe for moral choices. The idea of vegans wanting to eat something that taste like meat still escapes me. Sadly, ive only been too a couple vegan restaurants where the food was so good i didnt miss meat.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

 Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all adopted a live-and-let-live policy

...meaning you're going to let the cows, pigs, chickens and lambs (not to mention the fish, prawns, lobsters, crabs etc), live?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

By choosing this plant-based burger, you're choosing not to.contribute to that suffering.

While ignoring the other issues that come from these fake meats. One is that the ingredients are sourced from all over the world. They have to be gathered in a location to be assembled, then shipped again. Then they are often shipped thousands of kilometers again. Not good for the environment.

And this is on top of the fact that this fake meat is not particularly healthy for you. Lots of processed ingredients, high in sodium and saturated fats: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/impossible-and-beyond-how-healthy-are-these-meatless-burgers-2019081517448

If you want to save cows, this "meat" will do so, but it won't save the planet, nor will it be great for your health. If you really want to save cows and be healthy, give up on this imitation meat, and just eat healthy. I don't understand people who decide they want to give up meat, then spend all their time trying to imitate it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The meatless aspect of this creation bothers me not in the least, but a sandwich without bread is an abomination.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Cows are sentient beings. Growing them in the conditions where they end up in a whopper for Burger King creates incomprehensible suffering on a planetary scale. By choosing this plant-based burger, you're choosing not to.contribute to that suffering. Tastes pretty good too.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It's interesting, isn't it, that meat-based restaurants are open-minded, welcoming and friendly to vegetarians, whereas vegetarian restaurants refuse to make a similar gesture of tolerance and respect to meat eaters. Why do vegetarians (to say nothing of vegans!) so often have to be so absolutist and arrogant? Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all adopted a live-and-let-live policy and all restaurants offered a broad range of food for all tastes?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

ulyssesToday  03:03 pm JST

Who in hi s/her right mind would demand this product????

A person in his right mind!

Last annual had cholesterol levels on the high so am off red meat for good.

Have a bowl of oatmeal every morning and you will be amazed at how your cholesterol will drop. It is cheap to buy here in Japan.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The descrption does not match the picture, which is not of a patty sandwiched between the various veggies, but of the veggies sandwiched betwen two patties. Looks like a way to get your fingers really greasy...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I had an impossible burger in LA 2 years ago. Not bad at all.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Wish they would sell the Impossible burger whopper. I wanted to try that in the States but can’t get there. Supposedly you can’t tell the difference between that and beef due to plant heme

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Who in hi s/her right mind would demand this product????

A person in his right mind!

Last annual had cholesterol levels on the high so am off red meat for good.

5 ( +6 / -1 )


Who in hi s/her right mind would demand this product???? Isn' t beef good enough ????

Excuse me but some people don't want meat or anything else injected with hormones or antibiotics. But be my guest.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The meatless burger is not bad but missing that, je ne sais quoi?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Wow, it’s really possible to make it so nice and colorful? If I see that daily, it’s only brown and immediately flushed away. lol

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Who in hi s/her right mind would demand this product???? Isn' t beef good enough ????

what a pity!!!!!

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

paddletimeToday  07:17 am JST

sorry but real meat or I don't eat :)

I'm broken hearted. You will be missed...

5 ( +6 / -1 )


Agreed. I liked the original one with the bun, although at the end of the day, it's still junk food.


Great. No meat or I don't eat ;-p

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Good on them diversity is key to survive every body should have their choices represented.

I just hope they cook it on a separate grill I wouldn't want my real meat patty contaminated with bits of fake meat.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Sure do wish Burger King would come to Iwate.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Looks more healthy . . . .

1 ( +5 / -4 )

sorry but real meat or I don't eat :)

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

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