For the past year or so, Burger King has been upsizing some of their limited-release burgers in a BIG way. So far, they’ve given us the Maximum Super One-Pound Beef Burger, the Extreme One Pound Beef Burger, the Tokyo Teriyaki Tower Super One Pound Beef Burger, and the Strong Magma Super One Pound Beef Burger, but now there’s a new one-pounder coming to stores around Japan.
▼ Say hello to the King Yeti.

This new burger contains a whole lot of ingredients, listed top-to-bottom as follows:
- Toasted sesame bun
- Freshly sliced onion
- Mild Caesar sauce
- Pickles
- Two slices of Gouda Cheese
- Two flame-grilled 100-percent beef patties
- Mild Caesar sauce
- Two slices of Gouda Cheese
- Two flame-grilled 100-percent beef patties
- Two slices of Gouda Cheese
- A bun to soak up the beef juices

With four beef patties and six slices of cheese, this is like eating at least two solid burgers in one sitting. Working your way through a feast like this is no mean feat, which is why those who purchase the whopper of a Whopper will receive a free sticker to commemorate their burger achievement.

Considering its hefty size, Burger King is offering customers the option to order a “half cut”, which means the burger will be served to you sliced down the middle in two for ease of eating.
The “King Yeti Super One Pound Beef Burger”, as it’s officially known, is priced at 1,750 yen and will be on sale for a limited time from 18 February to 3 March, with sales starting at 2 p.m. each day.
Seeing as the burger beast doesn’t have “guilty” in its name like Burger King’s other burgers, we can only assume that this is a burger we won’t have to feel guilty about…although we’ll have to live with the knowledge that we’ve murdered a Yeti instead.
Source, images: PR Times
Read more stories from SoraNews24.
-- Burger King unleashes the Tokyo Teriyaki Tower in Japan
-- Burger King adds Clown Fries and craft buns soaked in butter to menu in Japan
-- Burger King releases new Plant-Based Whopper in Japan
© SoraNews24
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I'm interested.
Yes for me.
Locks good but I haven't had one, yeti.
No actual Yeti are used in this burger.
As elusive as it’s namesake, it’s only seen in Japan “for a limited time”.
Looks quite tasty. Good marketing. “The Himalaya” would also be a good name. Surprised “yeti” is not another ‘national cultural treasure temporarily “on loan” from Japan’s neighbors.
Aly Rustom
but the price...
Of course, those so concerned can -1 (or -2) all the want of their cheese, IF they feel it’s necessary. Wait! BK is offering to help them continue to enjoy life! (Always in due in moderation, of course; )
Take half home to enjoy later, (Recommend putting the meat under the broiler for about a minute before eating. Returns that fresh grilled taste.)
I’ll treat Aly!
Don’t worry about the price! Treat a friend to lunch! It’s all part of Tokyo Living: “Be welcoming to everyone regardless of their individual tastes & origins!”
Express sister
It's not wafer-thin.
Not gonna get this. I was burned (and not in a good way) by their one pound spicy burger two years ago.
The meal deal should come with a booster shot, because once you eat this you will have underlying health conditions
“Burned”? @ExpressSister 10:11am? - By BK’s prices, quality, the ‘spicy’ taste or, ‘the next day’ consequences ?
Perhaps next time, a simple In-N-Out burger will pass mustard ? Correction: “pass muster”prionking
Well that's disappointing :-(
Will still give it a go.
That's basically four burgers stacked on top of each other. Waaaay too much food for me. Pass.
Aly Rustom
I’ll treat Aly!
You're on brother!
wish there were more people with your kindness and warmth!
Aly Rustom
LOVE BK with a passion!
Express sister
Just the sheer amount of meat. Messed me up a bit, it was too much - and I wasn't nuts about the spices they used. It was too vinegary.
Ordinarily I like BK. Not an everyday thing, but once in a while, it's good. I prefer it to, say, Five Guys, in terms of price vs quality.
Can I get in on the treat you're giving Aly?
BK not bad but for that price a non-fast-food burger is much better.
Lets see, do I have enough Docomo points for a new heart......
Surprisingly low in calories.
David Brent
After burning 1000 calories at the gym in the morning, this will be my lunch!
Well said @DavidBrent 4:59pm. You deserve it. Perhaps those that choose a continuous, sedentary lifestyle don’t deserve a ‘cheat day’ once a week.
I live down the street from a BK. I'll have to do some intermittent fasting before I indulge in a Yeti.
I wonder where Burger King sources bovine flesh from to assuage our desire for blood and meat?
Japan is one of the largest beef importing countries in the world, sourcing inexpensive meat from Australia and North America. Burger King is known as Hungry Jack’s down under.
If you eat it every single day then yes, but the vast majority don't, so indulge every now and then, I definitely will.
Well stated @bass4funk 10:37pm. Some just don’t understand how moderation should work:
Have you tried the BK Japan’s Texas Double Whopper ? Probably doesn’t compare to great USDA grain-fed beef.
Maybe tomorrow. Here in Fukuoka we only have 2 BK locations.
Just ordered one, arriving Tuesday.
Correction to 10:59pm: typed “…grass-fed…” but posted “grain” upon pressing POST.
“Tuesday”?! - Is it coming by Amazon!
Well done @bass4funk 11:02pm. Please post a review. Someone had some previous difficulties with their “Spicy” burger.
Will try on Monday.
This missus is working in Edo that day and is bringing one back in her pocket.
She’s sounds lovely @ClippetyClop 11:18pm:
“This missus is working in Edo that day and is bringing one back in her pocket.”-
“Thank you” @Jeans and T-shirt 10:29am for providing that link to the thread earlier today with your recommendations. Good to see positive things still coming from livestrong. As an avid cyclist, most stats could be just a bunch of numbers, unless coming from a verifiable source. It was a good read and feel better about plans to enjoy this limited offer from Burger King.
Looking forward to your review.
Not really, the amount however is. The US is by far not the only country that likes its junk food, but the US takes the lead when it comes to the amount of food we eat, we have massive portions, unlike any other country.
CDC again?
Again, it depends. People in California are a lot healthier and in better shape than someone from Mississippi
Got any figures from the UK @zichi? I'm guessing we aren't too far behind.
Might be abominable, yeti could be delicious. Only one way to find out!
Meat is the fossil fuel of the obese. Burger King clearly didn't get the eat-less-meat-and-save-the-planet memo. Ethical investors take note.
I guess one solution to a future Japan having half as many people is for each of them to weigh twice as much.
Once again American binary thinking. They both are mate. Processed food contributes to obesity. The same amount of calories from processed foods and natural foods will result in higher levels of obesity from the processed foods. It's not a one or the other situation. Eating large portions of nutritionally deficient processed foods can only lead to being a fatass.
Anyone who cares about their health shouldn't eat fast food more than once every month or two.
No, that's ridiculous. Meat is the fuel of muscles. Processed foods are the fuel of the obese. Quality meats are healthy and nutritious for you. I've lived a life of athletics, and a life of meat eating, and there isn't a human being on this planet who would describe me as obese.
Well now you're talking a different issue. This isn't the same as health. And here I would agree - factory farming of meat is damaging our planet, and most people could handle dropping their meat intake.
Now, having that cleared up, we do have an obesity problem but we are NOT the ONLY ones that have an obesity problem.
You are the funniest person, trying to tell me what I already know about my own home state, bless you. LOL
You are 100% correct.
American junk chains working hard to get the Japanese population to be as unhealthy as their home constituents. Enjoy the gunk.... I prefer to eat food.
Drama, drama, drama..
Ba dum tss !!..
Looks good. But the Caesar sauce ruins it for me. It reminds me of the time I first ate a Baconator from Wendy's. It was so dang good, I ended up eating two of them. Can't really do that anymore as simply inhaling food puts weight on me these days.
Obesity & being overweight are not just due to overeating but there may be other underlying factors, possibly attributable to one’s heredity, glandular issues and thyroid problems.
Always best to have adequate health screenings at least twice a year as we age.
Then, as @Strangerland 1:33am recommends:
Message received @GBR48 1:31am (but it still ‘processed food’)
Aug 11, 2021:
So what? Let them if that’s what they want. Especially if they taste good.
Ok and?
So what? You have more Europeans die of smoking.
I don’t worry if Europeans want to smoke and and if people want to smoke, let them. I hate it, but they have that right and if people want to eat burgers all day, let them.
Not sure if ‘plant based’ are still available in Feb 2022 @Lamily 10:28am as BK “made limited numbers”.
Dec 13, 2020:
“*Priced at 590 yen for the burger and 890 yen for a set with medium-sized fries and a drink, the new menu offering is only being made in limited numbers, so once stocks are gone, they’ll disappear from the menus to*o.” -In addition to routinely checking keep health indicators like blood pressure, BMI, etc its also always best to check their current menus, links and statistical numbers on your own as some information on the internet is sometimes fabricated to sell products or sway the public towards specific agendas/
Ok and? Well, the soda really hits the spot! Especially 7-Up.
Guns have nothing to do with food or tobacco
And Europeans brought it to Europe and love it and still smoke it a lot.
And still more people in Europe die over Americans. Anyway, a good burger is always good. Made me hungry. Had some great burgers in Korea last week (Koreans make some of the tastiest burgers in Asia)?and I will go to BK and get this one.
Burger King has a fruitless menu. Also fruitless to argue @bass4funk when some still don’t understand the concept of moderation, limiting portions and confining their focus to the issue at hand rather than conflating things with too many off-tangent ideas & unhealthy choices. Keep it simple and enjoy the taste.
They should call it 'The Bathroom Destroyer'.
Looks like a veritable Feast o' Doom. Don't get me wrong; back in my teenage years (mid-late 70s) I could have polished this off. But next month I turn 60, and well....I wanna turn 61 :)
I'd like to see what the actual burger looks like, not their advertisment pic.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
100% beef ?
If you believe that then your truly gullible.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
This burger will give you big feet
Carl N Jpn Gcjp
I want one
Tom San
That's one ugly burger, but I'd give it a try. Once, that is.
Funny. Well played, @Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne 12:01pm:
“This burger will give you big feet.” -From gout ? ; )