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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.California restaurant's comeback shows how outdated, false Asian stereotype of dog-eating persists
By TERRY TANG FRESNO, Calif©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Another person playing the victim. Asians are the highest income earners in the US and do the best in education. Too many people with sob stories these days rather than facing things and showing strength. He’s a man as well, needs to have a thicker skin.
Gene Hennigh
So some places eat dog? So what. And it is not just Asia, either. Some European and African countries do. And, by the way, why not eat dogs? Cows, chickens, pigs, deer, lambs, wild boar, pheasants, rabbits, squirrels, and other animals are eaten. Are dogs special? By the way, the Sioux (and other American Indians) cooked dogs for special guests. So in America dogs were eaten. I even had horse meat (raw) when I was in Japan. Are horses exempt, too?
Get with it. Cultures other than yours have different practices . Their cultures aren't like ours. What is wrong with that?
As long as countries like South Korea are seen to be selling dogs as food western people will still tar all Asians with the same brush. Friends still ask me if Japanese people eat dogs, even though I don't think it's been part of the Japanese diet. Every country and ethnicity suffers from stereotyping... being a Scot people automatically assume I bleed whiskey and get into fights all the time for a laugh. Difference is, we embrace the stereotype and make fun of it.
Americans are loud, obsessed with money and guns. Mexicans are lazy. Germans have no sense of humour. Goes on and on. None of them are true, but they persist because it's easier to believe the stories than to actually look a little deeper.
So the lie was that his restaurant served dog, not that Asians in some countries do eat dog?
It happens maybe in the countryside but not so in the more effluent educated areas of USA.
I live in the San Francisco BayArea and even though I know that in some places Koreans still eat dog meat, I do eat at Korean restaurants and other Asian restaurants. Less bias and eating is more from taste. I enjoy Asian food.
Intentionally spreading fake news, aka lies, and for what? Just for fun? The person who started and spread the lie should be punished.
This story illustrates the worst that humans are capable of; purposefully and needlessly hurting someone solely because they are a little different.
The article reads as if there was no precedent of Asians eating dog and the stereotype was made up out of whole cloth. Yes, harassment in this restaurant's case but the idea is not an unfounded concept, and a good article would call that out.