Now you can drink your candy and eat it, too! In just a few days, everyone’s favorite Japanese candy, Hi-Chew, will be available as a (probably) delicious drink!
Japanese confectionery company Morinaga has started selling “Hi-Chew Drink Mikan” in stores across Japan (except for Okinawa, sorry). The drink contains 5 percent fruit juice and is said to be a mix of mikan (Japanese mandarin orange) and milk, giving rise to a creamy beverage reminiscent of Hi-Chew candy.
What’s more, the Hi-Chew drink is emblazoned with the same logo and design style as the namesake candy, making for easy recognition. But act fast, Hi-Chew Drink Mikan will only be on sale until the end of January. Hi-Chew fanatics, you’ve been warned!
Source: NetLab
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This should be called "No-Chew".
It's not Chuhai?
I'd rather drink Chuhai than Hi-Chew.