Japan Today
Image: PR Times

Rice made out of soybeans is coming

By SoraNews24

Soybeans never cease to amaze with their versatility, resulting in such wonders as soy milk, soy meat, tofu, miso, and even natto for those who enjoy punishing themselves. With its high protein content it’s also a great supplement for those who forego meat in their diet.

As the final product can vary greatly, soy seems fearless in its attempt to replicate other existing foods, and now it’s ready to really take on a big dog of Asian cuisine. Major Japanese bean-monger Fujicco has announced the development of a rice substitute made from soybeans which they call “daizu rice” which literally means “soy rice” in English.

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The similarities with real rice only go about as far as appearances though. Fujicco designed it to have a subtle sweetness in the neighborhood of rice, but with the general flavor of soybeans. Also, while rice is high in carbs and low in protein, soy is quite the opposite.

This is the point that has made this development very popular with the weight-conscious in preliminary market research. However, to see more about how this soy rice goes over with the general public, Fujicco launched a crowdfunding campaign on Jan 26, offering a sneak-taste of daizu rice. It looks like it went over quite well too, because only about a day after launching, they handily smashed their stated goal of 500,000 yen. Those who pledged will receive a set of five frozen dishes containing daizu rice, which include the following:

▼ Phat kaphrao

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▼ Tom yam

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It’s a good idea since people might not know what to do with this never-before-seen product in terms of serving. After sampling the pre-made dishes, they can then try to invent their own daizu rice masterpiece.

For those of us who weren’t lucky enough to get in on the crowdfunding ground floor, daizu rice looks like it will get a wider release a little later this year, as Fujicco’s newest brand Beanus. This name is the natural result of combining “beans” and “us,” or in other words: Bean + us = Beanus.

Source: PR Times, Campfire, Beanus, Netlab

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© SoraNews24

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What's the point? Is this phony rice somehow healthier than genuine rice?

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brian nicholls:

At a time when vast swathes of forest are being destroyed around the world to grow soy beans, the last thing the planet needs is more soy products

You should have waited for coskuri's comment before embarrassing yourself.

The amount of soya and water needed to produce a pound of beef far outweighs that needed to produce a pound of soya for direct human consumption.

And if you also want to talk about forests, guess what else causes the destruction of forests? Hint: moo.

Agriculture 101 for you.

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Talk about strange.

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when vast swathes of forest are being destroyed around the world to grow soy beans,

At least of 85% of the world production of soy, and 100% of the type grown in the destroyed forests is used to feed cattle in order to produce meat, dairy, to feed poultry for meat and eggs and even feed farmed fish. The soy used to make tofu and this product, it is usually a rotation crop for growing rice, other grains for human consumption, etc. But I guess you are eating a plant-based diet that avoids soy.

It’s not rice.

It's risoni pasta. Yes, pasta is more processed than brown rice. But it does not get the mercury concentration issue.

It's not the first version made of legume. I like the red lentil ones.

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Another cool site yesterday showed soybeans being made out of foreign imported rice. Really looked real. Impressive what humans can do

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It’s not rice. It’s also a processed food, unlike rice.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

At a time when vast swathes of forest are being destroyed around the world to grow soy beans, the last thing the planet needs is more soy products

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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