Japan Today

The importance of food presentation in Japan

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By Anisa Kazemi

When it comes to food presentation, the Japanese are experts. From super kawaii (cute) character bento boxes to luxurious ¥30,000 sushi courses, it’s safe to say people place great importance on looks.

However, I don’t know about you but the word isogashi (busy) fittingly describes my life in Japan. So when it comes to food presentation, naturally my first response is: “ain’t nobody got time for that!” followed by a sour face.

But as it turns out, allocating a small portion of our precious time to presenting food in an attractive way comes with surprising benefits.


It helps with mindful eating

When it comes to mindful eating, seeing our food is really important. A simple exercise involves deeply looking at an object, in this case, the food in front of us, and working backwards to its “origin” – taking into account the various factors or ingredients that have allowed it to be exactly what it is in that precise moment. Looking at a beautiful and creatively presented dish is much easier than visually dissecting a sloppy plate.

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Yeah but the way of eating is even more important which i learned from watching every episodes of 'Kodoku no Gurume' (Solidarity Gourmet)

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