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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Abortion laws spark profound changes in other medical care
So pressure your legislators to do their jobs. Abortion should never have been to SCOTUS to decide upon in the first place. In this, at least, they have made a sensible decision. Respect that both sides of the debate have equal validity; debate the issues, pass laws.
Desert Tortoise
My wife gave birth at age 46. She is 54 and still has her period. Speak of what you know please.
These are some of the reasons migrants try to escape from third world countries. Move out of coathanger states before you or your family become a victim of this. If you are a medical practitioner, get out too - move somewhere where you can practice medicine without being hounded by lawyers, activists and religious zealots. Loyal Republican state citizens can remain and manage their own treatment with over the counter painkillers and prayer.
Obviously you don't know much about fertility, you should try to check the informations before speaking about it. There are postmenopausal women before reaching 30 years old, there are women who give birth after 40, I gave birth to my daughter at 36 years old and there was no issue whatsoever. Recently two close friends gave birth at 40 and both babies and mums were perfectly fine.
These incidents are all but unexpected, professionals working in reproductive health and obstetrics have been very vocal about the repercussions from the change long before it was made.
So think the men having sex with other men that constitute the biggest part of the sexual transmission of monkeypox would abstain from sex now because they would get worried about making their partners pregnant without possibility of abortion?
Before it overturned Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court never allowed states to ban abortion before the point when a fetus can survive outside the womb — roughly 24 weeks.
The people of each of the 50 states now have the power to push through legislation that fits their beliefs.
WobotToday 08:35 am JST
This is a good point, as statistically the abortion rate is the highest among the unmarried women sector, so this factor of decreasing casual sex will lead to fewer pregnancies, and fewer cases as those described in the article.
This shows a misunderstanding of the likely outcome of a decrease in women becoming pregnant.
How would a supposed decrease in women becoming pregnant would affect the sexual relationship of men with other men? Do you think many of these people believe they are getting women pregnant by doing it? Probably none of them do.
So everyone who isn’t pregnant but has trouble getting adequate care can thank the religious zealots for whom living according to their beliefs isn’t good enough. You have to live to their standards too.
For you men (and it’s always men) who belittle the lose of rights by saying “it’s just sent back to the states to decide”, I would encourage you to wear protective gear when man-splaning that to women.
“See darling, you haven’t really ‘lost’ any rights per say. It’s just been sent back to the states.”
BTW, post the video of that to YouTube because I could use a laugh.
the elephant in the room,
13 states now have laws that ban abortion even if its rape or incest.
A ten year old girl who was raped also had to travel interstate to get an aboortion, because her sstates bans it.
republican's were going crazy screaming that it was all a lie, only to be made to look like morons when the guy who committed the rape turned himself in. Girls mother also on record reporting the rape to police. 100% Fact. The republicans were so desperate they even went so far to say that the girl had isnt really an abortion!!?? LOL
So what type of SICK mofos would forces a 10yr old girl to carry that fetus to full term, highly likely to kill the girl. Christian taliban is alive and well in the US
Not by politicians or judges who have no medical training.
no its been made by the Christian Taliban, because they think everybody in the US should live by their rules.
Get this even Mexico a country with 70% of the population is Christian, their supreme court said in 2021 that punishing women in Mexcio for having an abortion is unconstitutional
she chose sterilization at age 36 rather than risk getting pregnant by another rapist.
This is a deeply ignorant comment that really should be kept to oneself. You've not the slightest clue as to the variability of fertility among women of various ages.
Restricting access to abortion to reduce instances of casual sex is as misguided as it is offensive. "Ill cut off access to abortion! That'll teach to to keep your legs closed!" Ok church lady.
I do.
Naw, it's a public forum, we can all say what we like.
Try being more sexually responsible.
Naw, it's a public forum, we can all say what we like.
actually no it a company site they can choose who can and cannot post on their site and remove anything they see fit. you insult or bully somebody on a Japanese website, the j government can prosecute you if its severe enough, recent laws passed in the diet give them that power
1st amendment doesnt mean squat outside the US, Even in the US private companies can
dictate who can and cant post on their sites, they dictate who can or cant enter their businesses.
Try being more sexually responsible.
abortion is about women health also, 13 states ban all type of abortions even for rape and incest, I suppose you support that also, how about that 10yr old girl that was raped, illegal for her to get an abortion in her state, republican got nothing to say about that
The issues listed in the article would not be a problem if SCOTUS had not created a “constitutional right” out of thin air back in 1973.
Yes, there wouldn't be a problem if women hadn't been given rights 50 years ago. Got it. Women definitely shouldn't have the right to make determinations about their own body, right?
That bizarre hypothetical, completely unrelated to the article or other comments, can best be answered by the person posing it.